September Stars

Haha blob what r u like?

Think in gonna give the health visitor a ring...or could it just be down to him feeling rotten? ...James was always very happy smiley babbly and contented but really since he was poorly that week he hasnt really done any of that and either sleeps or moans bless him, he is teething at the moment too thou so who knows what is wrong! I just worry he is aneamic or something!? Or am i just being neurotic? X
LBBif you are worried hun then yes I would ring the health visitor, it's what they are there for!

Lilia is having a really grumpy few days too, she's moaning a lot, i think her teeth are really hurting her, she has a red lump on her bottom gum but it's not in the middle it's like where the fangs are? Everything seems to hurt her and she's gone from being a contented happy smiley babe who amuses herself to a clingy baby who can't be satisfied with anything for more than a few mins! It's so hard to do anything, bless her!
Hi girls

Lbb if you're worried defo give hv a call, even if it is nothing its worth putting your mind at rest.

Im starting to think the grumpy thing might be a phase, Holly was like that from before Christmas to just recently, wouldn't play on her own, really grouchy, etc. thankfully we seem to be coming out the other side a bit now and I've got my happy baby back! She even slept better last night, no thrashing and crying and she slept til 815!

i finished my baby but i am not happy with it at all, its been a few years since i sculpted a baby and it shows... i dont know if i will send it now..

I think i may wait and try and find the time to sculpt another, maybe i should just make 3 girl bundle babies instead..??!
Paige has always been a grotty baby, was late smiling and so far never giggled... she never gets excited over anything... It used to worry me but now i have come to terms she just isnt a bonny baby, she has been even more grotty recently due to having a cold. Always been jealous of you guys with happy babies..
maybe it is just a phase then, think Il see what hv thinks too x
Aww kara i think that is fab but if you are not happy then a 3 girl bundle sounds lovely x x
Boony, so sorry to hear about your Grandma :hugs: I guess your cousins are just wanting some attention? It's not nice at all. So is your new arrival due in September again?!

Emz, that sounds awful. What a bunch of horrible people! We love Ford Focus' in this house! My dh has a 2001 5 door and it's lovely. I sold my estate when I found out I was pregnant as it was just sitting there doing nothing and had a lot of mileage.

BTP, I'm loving your new Avatar! What a cutie.

Louise, I'm also thinking of cutting my hair. My sister-in-law has arranged a hair cut for me as a present with her friend. Apparently she's good at working out what suits people so I think I'm just going to let her get on with it. I'll make sure I do a before and after shot for you all!

MrsJ.. any pics?! It sounds lovely! I would quite like to colour my hair but just never have. I guess it's due to the time it takes and the cost.

Asher.. glad the big meet went well! I would have done the same with Harry! Sam is looking gorgeous by the way.

Jelly, thanks so much! A lot of his clothes are gifts or second hand from his cousins. Otherwise he's got some bits from M&S and Sainsburys. Is there anything in particular you like? I've just attempted to put Harry in 6-9 mths and he's not far off. Sainsburys comes up quite small so he fits their 6-9 mth pretty much.

Becs.. big :hugs: How are you feeling now? x

Gotta run.. Harry's waking...
OMG Kara it's amazing!! How can you not be happy with it, you crazy lady!!

LBB, Harry went through a miserable phase when he was teething so it could be that? A few days after they popped through he was back to his old self. Maybe give the HV a call though just in case?

Kara, personally I think it's absolutely gorgeous hun, I'm sure she would love it! I know I would!

Argh went for sunday lunch on camp, and came home to find an answerphone message from wayne :( Utter pants because I know for the next few weeks phonecalls will be few and far between as it is, I'm so annoyed with myself for not being here! Worse still he also called my mobile and I didn't hear it :(
Kara that's amazing! Why are you not happy with it??

Lbb defo speak to your hv to put your mind at rest. I dunno, all this worrying will send us silly! On a completely random note, whenever I put Lbb in my phone, for some reason my phone predicts I'm trying to say obviously and changes it!! Lol

Awww girls ive juse been reading our first posts in September stars first tri thread from when we were like 6 weeks pregnant! I was really scared as had been cramping and been for an early scan and had hcg blood tests but they made me wait over the weekend to find out the results. Funny to read all those scared and excited posts back now with my little 'ricicle' in front of me! Made me feel all emotional! I'll never forget how I felt at that 6 week scan seeing that little heart beating away :cloud9: x
Thanks guys....grant reckon i should send it too, she will only go in the bin or sit around in a cupboard somewhere... Im just not happy with it but so far there isnt one fairy i would say i was happy with..

Louise- It must be so upsetting, most of us take it for granted we can speak to our other halfs when we want. hope he can call back soon x

emzy- i almost lost paige and bled with major cramping for 3 weeks, to be honest it doesnt feel like a year at all, its gone so quickly but it felt like it was dragging at the time..
Ladyk, like you said to me, the fact you were thinking of Amy when you were making her makes me think it was always destined to be hers. Again, I think it's beautiful.

Emzy, wow, that seems like a lifetime ago now! I was also terrified, almost to the point of making me feel sick (and it wasn't the ms at that stage!). I had bad cramps and went to the emergency dr at the hospital! Plus we had an early scan. We held each others' hands as we walked towards the building saying that if it was bad news we still had each other. Then we saw his little heart beating away!! It was bliss.

He usually goes down well in the evenings but is crying away upstairs. Think I'm going to give in in a minute and try and settle him again with the boob. I just can't do this whole crying it out thing.
:hi: ladies

For those who have asked and haven't seen it yet, I've posted a picture of my new "do" on Facebook.

F&C - I'm the opposite, I've been colouring my hair since I was 15. I've had it just about every colour apart from Black. As I've got older it's got darker - my natural colour was dark blonde but now naturally I'm pretty much the colour it is now. Part of the reason I've had it done is because as I've been going naturally darker the blonde has been increasingly hard to maintain. I loved being blonde but think that being darker is a little more sophisticated and suits my age and the person I am now. It is true that blondes have more fun though and definitely get noticed more. Not always for the right reasons though I guess. Cost wise - I paid £100 (it was my Christmas money) yesterday and given the extent of the overhaul required I'm happy with that. I had full colour, cut and blow dry and was only there for 2 hours. It was quite scary as he literally held my hair in a pony tail and lopped it off at the back before the colourist started - just like they do on the Makeover programmes.

LBB, Louise & Emzy - I've got a grumpy baby too and it's very unlike her. Given it sounds like we are all experiencing it must be their age. Scarlett is cutting her canine's first - Mum says this is called "cutting them on the cross" and makes them particularly grumpy as they are the worst ones.

Lady K - I think the baby looks lovely - you are a very talented lady

Scarlett just had a major meltdown - full on screaming fit for about 15mins. Despite having given her some Calpol her teeth were still hurting and she was hungry but screaming if I put her near the boob. In the end I stripped off, cuddled her skin to skin and talked to her softly. After about 3 mins she calmed down and fed for 10 mins before literally falling into a sleep coma. It's so upsetting, she did it yesterday too. I don't know why she is letting herself get so overtired and in such a state - bless her. I've also stopped weaning, I think I might have jumped the gun and that her increased appetite was purely due to a growth spurt. The last two days she has only been taking one boob a feed and sleeping the same. I'm trusting my gut instinct because I think that if she's not taking both boobs at every feed, she doesn't need anything else yet. I'm just going to play it by ear on a day by day basis.

My eyes are so sore - I desperately need new glasses but have been putting it off as my lenses are so expensive. I'm going to have to give in and have an eye test this week I think because I'm getting daily headaches because of it.

Awww Louise gutted you missed it :cry:

Kara I agree its pretty amazing looking to me :thumbup:

Well today we went for a walk and half way around Robin decided to go and help out catching the chickens so I took Tabs and Rosalie back :rofl: I was about to DIE!!

Eeek yea I remember i'd been bleeding pretty much from the day we found out :nope: was a scary time!!


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Yes I think so - I'm Louise John on Facebook picture of me with DH on Wedding day on my profile x
Just checked and we are not - so I've sent you a friend request :)
Blob, wow that's a workout! I must say i had a sneaky look through your wedding photos on FB yesterday and you are a stunner mrs!

Lilia is sparko, at last, wow I was ready for her going to bed tonight!! I think there's definately some movement going on in her little gums, I'm literally not getting any time to myself! Sorry if TMI (although you've heard worse) but every time I go for a pee, as soon as I sit down she's whinging/crying!! However, touch wood, despite the last two bad days, she is still sleeping fine at far!! In fact last night she was in bed at 7pm!! That's a first! She couldn't keep her eyes open though!
Kara, thats amazing, you are so tallented!!

Louise, what a bummer, hope he calls soon x

Mrs J, love the hair!!

LBB, deffo give the hv a call or the dr, poor little man x

Blob, fab workout!!!

Erm forgotten what else!!

Had a lovely day shopping with Ian and Hope, got some nice bits from John Lewis, had some lunch out, came home and took Murphy for a nice walk!!
MrsJ - I just requested you aswell. I "think" I have added all us regular posters now !! If I havent please tell me so I can add you. xx

And Kara - its beautiful - I think Amy will love it. x

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