September Stars

Ahh GG how sweet, I know it probably gets frustrating at times but the fact that you got the kitten it's own bouncer is adorable xx

We were about to buy two kittens after the wedding but then found out I was pregnant so we changed our minds. Our first pet together was a goldfish, we adored him and spoke to him every night etc we may get another one at some point. I grew up with pets and miss not having something now.
I know! Do you live in Ipswich? Becs isn't tooooo far, we should do the mini meet up we keep talking about!

Yep but right at the start of it. Do you know where Tescos is as you 1st enter Ipswich (Theres a massive roundabout?) I live about 2 minutes from there.
Yeah we should do a meet up. Maybe when the weather turns a tiny bit nicer but would be good. xx
Thanks everyone - I guess its just a stage we need to work through. I think the weather has massively not helped either but I feel *slightly* less guilty knowing I am not the only one. x
Awww GG thats kinda cute :lol:

Louise have you thought about getting a sling?? If I had another I would send you mine to try out?

Kara I didnt ha ha!! I was carrying Rosalie when Robin buggered off to work so he put Tabs on my back before he left :dohh:

Well I'm SHATTERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rosalie was a little moo last night, she woke up at 12 and then she fed and played until 5 am and then I get woken by 'mummy poo mummy poo' from Tabs getting louder and louder :cry:
I pretty much gave up with Rosalie and I swaddled her gave her a dummy turned the hall light off and wedged her in (at her legs) so she couldnt roll over...she fell asleep in seconds :dohh:
Good Morning!

Ladyk, she is lovely, and like fishy said you were thinking of Amy at the time so that thought has gone into her, so she will love her, what is she made from? She looks so beautiful:thumbup: Clever lady:hugs:

We have no pets, well 1 hamster, I say i know i would end up looking after anything and i couldn't deal with dog walking, and I know i sound like a right one, but i grew up with lots of animals around me, i used to go to school with a hot drooling dog on my lap because my sister wouldnt have him near her, and i used to be the one that walked him, and we always had to check the butter for cat licks in it and so it kind of put me off animals! My mil doesnt help when you go in her house the first smell is dog the second litter tray:sick:
If i go to a friends with animals and i see a cat i will be like 'oh wow you have a cat, i never saw any evidence of a cat!!'

Can't remember much else, think i am on most peoples facebook, knowing who's who can be a bit of a challenge sometimes, if like me your name is not even suggested in your name here, I am Clare Milligan, my pic is me and with Rosie telling me a joke! It was the pink breast feeding logo:thumbup:

Right off now to pre fill in my food journal, i like to know what i am having to eat!:haha:

Bye for now, waves to all, sorry to forget anything important, no sleep last night, 3+ feeds, and one i tried to get away with just one boob but she wasn't having any of it, had me back up as soon as i put her down, Come on Mummy, I am not daft, i can count to 2! :haha:

Morning girls

Sorry for the selfish moany post but I just want to :cry:

I just feel like everything with Holly is a battle at the moment. After an unsettled week in general she had a pretty good weekend and started to sleep at bit better and stopped crying and thrashing in her sleep. She had generally been quite grumpy for a couple of weeks as well but she seemed much better this weekend, until yesterday evening. All day yesterday she fought her sleep for her naps and when it came to bedtime she didn't want to be picked up, rocked, put down, sang to, nothing she just cried and screamed and thrashed around. Every time I picked her up she kicked her legs and thrashed around and scratched me and hit me in the face and every time I put her down she cried as she spat her dummy out. I ended up getting really upset and left her crying in her cot and came downstairs and burst into tears. Matt went up and managed to get her to sleep in 10 minutes and left her asleep on our bed. Think it was about midnight when she fell asleep. Of course the fact that he managed to get her to sleep after me trying for ages made me feel even worse and I ended up having a mega meltdown, broke down in tears and started telling Matt I was a crap Mum and that Holly obviously hates me, somehow me and Matt ended up rowing and I ended up going to bed. Holly then thrashed around and cried every hour again before waking me up at 7 and I virtually had no sleep. I just feel like I want to cry :cry: She has gone from being such a good girl to being clingy, grumpy and every time she has a nap or at bedtime she screams and fights for hours. Then to top it all off she's gone from sleeping 10-12 hours at night, to sleeping about 7 and of those she cries every hour and thrashes around. It's exhausting. I can't even put her down to play on her playmat during the day, as now she's learned to roll over, she rolls straight onto her belly and then cries, so I put her back onto her back and she does it again.

Sorry for the moan girls, it sounds really silly now I've written it down, I just needed to get it out!

Hope you're all well xx
oh emzy big hugs hun, definitely something in the water they are all at it! I think she would have gone to sleep then no matter who was with her hun she probably just wore herself out and flaked out at that point! James has been very sleepy in the day and didnt in to sleep until 2am then was awake every hour! Grrr!

Phoned hv and she was in a meeting so left a message but the hv i spoke to was ever so nice and i explained everything and she said it sounded like its a virus that doing the rounds and is really dragging out! My concern is mainly that i dont want him to waste away :cry: x
Aww Emzy :hugs: It wasn't you! It's so easy to feel like they're pushing you away, but the chances are she had already tired herself out before Matt went up. Also I do think that sometimes if you're dealing with something like that you naturally get a bit stressed out and they sense it, chances are matt went up calm as he had not had to deal with it up till then. If you had gone back up after you had calmed down a bit she would probably have settled just as well for you! it is hard though, Lilia is fighting her naps a bit but touch wood she has just gone off, I hope it's for a decent amount of time because I think that might be part of her problem at the moment!

Advice needed ladies... after two really grumpy clingy days, Lilia was constipated and then had diarrhea (sp?) yesterday, today she had a poo and it was green - seriously green! It's always got a green tint to it to be honest, I put it down to the fact she's on SMA, but today it was really green... what would you suggest I do? Do I put it down to the fact she has obviously had a bit of an upset tummy and it might be the remnants of that, or should I call health visitor?
LBB hugs for you too hun! :hugs: you've had such a lot to deal with with James being poorly, he won't waste away though hun, you know what's it's like if you feel really poorly, you just don't feel like eating and it takes a while for your appetite to come back doesn't it.. he'll be fine hopefully sooner rather than later!
thanks Louise! Green poo usually is a sign they have tummy ache so probably is from her diarrhoea hun x
I thought so, will see how she is for the rest of today, just seen on the nhs website that it can be a sign of gastroenteritis but she has seemed to be grumpy rather than in pain so I'll see how it goes!
Sweetheart don't beat yourself up over how your little munchkin is with you, she loves you to bits and knows what a fab Mummy she has.
They do get grumpy, it can be from teething, change in needs like getting hungry, tummy ache, too tired, anything really!
She prob just settled to dh as he was a change of face and she knows he couldn't do whatever she wanted because she knows even at her age that everything comes from the Mummy person!
Teeth are usually the problem, they can sit under the gums for ages before they show!
Sophie used to scratch out at me, and never settled with me, she just seemed to do nothing but cry for me, I used to make her comfy under her mat or something and leave her while i went off and did something else, she had her moments of being totally lovely, and i am sure Holly is just feeling grumpy for something and taking it out on you, as we all do take it out on who we love because we know we can get away with it, so does she!
Don't take her behaviour to heart, i expect she was just over tired, and disturbed by sore gums or something, and she wants sleep as much as you so will just get grumpier with little sleep, it is a bit of a never ending spiral, perhaps try and sleep with her during a nap or 2 if she will settle today:hugs:

Louise, as long as she is not crying out, or looking like she in in discomfort above normal rumbly tummy, and the poo is not like constantly flowing, and she is having plenty of fluid either her usual milk or cooled boiled water, or some baby juice, that is all you can do.
If she is upset with it, in pain, and not taking fluids then call for advice, but if none of those things apply, and you are ok with it then just see how long it carry's on for, anything over a few days the doctor or hv should be told, they may suggest something.
Although the colour represents something it is more how she is in herself :hugs:

Lbb hi, hope lo feels better soon, these bugs seem to be really hanging about:hugs::hugs:
Thank you girls, I'm feeling a lot better this afternoon. Just a major mummy meltdown I think!! You're all right, I shouldn't take it personally at all, she's only a baby and it's nothing to do with what I am doing, but it's hard not to when she's been so unsettled with me but then fine with Matt! Mind you, it's been the other way around before now so I should know better. I guess it's just hard as she's been so unsettled since before Christmas and I just want her to settle down into the nice little routine she had before then as she was such a happy little baby then. I'm sure she will soon enough. She's still fussing about on her bottles too, but a bit less now she's having a bit more solid food to eat so I guess the HV may have been right! Anyway I had a nap myself when she did this afternoon and felt a lot better after that.

We've decided to try Holly in her own room tonight, we seem to disturb her so easily at the moment and she thrashes around in her sleep so much that I don't get any sleep even though she doesn't actually need me. I'm sure the only reason she woke at 7 this morning was because Matt's alarm went off. It never used to bother her but she seems to be sleeping so lightly these days! So I have moved the cot into her room and moved it all around and made it all nice for her and we are going to take the plunge tonight. I'm fully prepared to be up in the night but I'm hopeful that it will help her to sleep better. Wish me luck!!

I decided that after yesterday, we needed to spend some nice time together so I took her to the park and she had her first go on the swings (inspired by genies girl's photo on facebook yesterday!!) and she loved it! She didn't look so sure at first and it was a bit cold, but she seemed to enjoy it in the end!



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Louise I agree with BTP, I'd just keep an eye on it. If it gets worse then take her to the docs, but if she doesn't seem in pain, etc then I'd just keep an eye on it. When Holly had a bad tummy, the gp said to keep an eye on her mouth. If it's nice and wet then she's not dehydrated so no need to worry. He said if it is, then give cooled boiled water xx
Jan2011Rosie ans Sophie 013.jpg
Rosie seems to have chosen her two little fingers on her right hand to suck now, she was undecided between thumb and fingers but this seems to be the most common sight!
Just thought I would share, I get proud Mummy moments about everything:rofl:
Still no HCG results!!!! :growlmad:

I'm not happy...they told me that they would be there friday...wasn't there...told me they'd be here today...nothing still!!!!

And the job centre has mucked up my claim and i've ben left with no money for nearly a month!!!

So i'm very unhappy!!!!

Kimi had her first taste of solids this weekend...some mash, carrots and swede and she really enjoyed it!!! The OH has noticed a change in the poo :haha: so it seems to be okay!!!

Emzy - Holly does love you...big hugs!!! Sometimes a change of face is all it needs!!!

Louise and LBB - Hugs to the poorly babies :hugs:

Kara - That is sooo beautiful :) I think Amy would love it!!!

Hope everyone is having a nice chilled out monday

Emzy, Holly looks like she is saying what happens now in the swing! Cutie xx:hugs:

Youngmummy, hello xx:hugs:
aww BTP bless her! And you have lovely shiny hair!!

Grrr young mummy, how annoying them making you wait!!
ha ha Yeah it was a bit like that, she looked a bit unsure at first! lol
Hello ladies!!! Had a busy day, I have been reading just not really had time to reply!!

LBB, hope James is better xx

Louise, Hope Lilia has normal poo's soon!

Emma, you are a fab Mum, I know exactly how you feel, its so hard being a Mum and trying to look for signs etc to know what they want! Holly is just testing the water!! Good luck in putting her in her own room!!

BTP, lovely pic, Hope does that too, so cute isnt it!!

We have had a lovely day, Hope woke at 5am for a feed then didn't wake till 10am! We went for a nice long walk and Hope slept most of the time, I haven't had a meltdown today despite Hope screaming the house down this morning because she was tired, I kept my cool!! Just waiting on the roast to cook, then a chilled out evening!!!

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