September Stars

Yay for a good day Becs!,

Emzy, all the good luck in the world for tonight hun!!

BTP she's precious, how sweet!!

Forgotten everything else! Lilia has been slightly better today, she has had 3 naps!!! Each half an hour long!! She hasn't done that since she was a newborn, I hope she sleeps well tonight still! She must have needed it bless her!

About an hour or so before her usual tea time feed Lilia was very grouchy and crying, so i thought I would try and give her a couple of ounces of cooled boiled water to help her bowels! I made up a bottle with 5 oz in just in case she wants more later... well, she guzzled it and after two ounces she screamed when i took it away! So...hmmm figured she must be hungry, so gave her her bottle straight away rather than fill hjer up on water, and she took all 8 oz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She had 10 oz in one feed?! Must have been very hungry!
lovely pic Btp! Both looking gorgeous! X

glad about the good day Becs x

emzy you could be writing exactly what is happening with James x

thanks for the well wishes ym and everyone else who sent then x
i went to see a specialist about my aches and pains in my legs, she was really horrible no sense of humour.. she told me babies were not allowed and was really off with me. Then asked what i did before having the baby so i told her... she then asked if i enjoyed it, i said i loved it and want to make sure im better before i go back or they would put me on light duties. She then warned up a bit. I think it may be down to all the people trying to get out of work, she must come across a lot of people who are trying to pull a fast one. She said my sofa is bad for me, my body still has hormones that make my muscles soft to help me give birth. said it takes up to 6 months.. she also says im sitting wrong.

Paige started to laugh today for the first time !!! my grotty baby is showing signs of being happy !!! wooohoooo she also started making new sounds.

Blob- then how did you get them out !!! or did you have to wait till he came

Emzy- if anyone will understand it will be me !!! sounds like paige since she was born, she is starting to get a lot better the last week or so. Paige has now started crying because she tries to sit up and gets upset when she cant... like she needs another thing to cry about !!! I have now started to leave paige crying in her cot and within 10 mins she falls asleep, we have never been brave enough to leave her more than 2 mins crying. at this age they are learning the boundaries... your a fab mum and its normal to have down days.. Louise made me want to do a wig picture and now after yours and GG swing pic i think ill be going up the park this week myself.. great pic !!!

Louise-i was told green poo in breast fed babies means more foremilk than hind and green poo in bottle fed like LBB said she has a upset tummy.

BTP- awwwwwww bless her !!! i hope paige finds her thumb or fingers, the whole dropping dummies is doing my head in... and by the way you still dont look your age !!! you look so young !

Young mummy- i cant wait any longer !! im too excited !!! really pleased kimi enjoyed solids... its messy but fun to watch them x
JC, sorry hun that was an outfit from my dh's American ex-boss so I'm not sure. I can ask her though? How big is JJ as Harry has pretty much grown out of it?

Laura, I'm sorry I don't have dogs but I'm from a 'doggy family'. My Mum also trains and works her gun dogs so I know how much energy they have. She has one lab and two goldies. I know it's no comparison but I feel bad that I don't give my cats as much attention and the poor things are getting on a bit now so I really should be making the most of my time with them.

Oh Emzy you must be shattered :hugs: No wonder you broke down in tears but please don't blame yourself. I hope it's just a phase Holly is going through. Harry is being a pickle at the moment and I'm hoping it's just because his Dad is away so he's a little unsettled. I hope you get better nights now that she is in her room. It made a massive difference with Harry. He is so much better now.

Louise I hope Lilia is feeling better now.

BTP what a lovely photo and wow how amazing do you look in it!!!

Ladyk do you feel better after your checkup? She sounds like a right cow bag though. Fancy saying babies aren't allowed. What else are you supposed to do?!! I can't go anywhere without Harry so would I have to just suffer in silence? Silly moo.

Well my dh is back tomorrow and I can't wait. I'm so knackered. Harry is waking at 6.30am every day and only has a few 30 min naps and is very high maintenance during the day. He seems to be getting more clingy. Is anyone else finding this? At the same time though he seems to have had a development growth spurt as is suddenly trying to crawl by pulling his knees up and almost under and pushing. He's also almost rolling both ways. I think he is missing his Daddy as he isn't going down so well in the evenings which hasn't been a problem for him in months.

Off to baby signing tomorrow which I'm excited about. It's my 2nd class but I love meeting up with everyone. I get on really well with our NCT group and we do quite a few activities together so I'm looking forward to seeing a few of them tomorrow.

Ladyk, I think Amy got her keyring but I haven't heard that she has. I hope that her dh likes it. Am a bit worried by the silence.

Btp stuning baby stunning mummy !

Emz glad your having a better day and the swings looked fun ! Hope you and matt have made up ?

Fishy your day tomorrow sounds fun!

Gone blank now sorry

My mum had the girls today so me and dh went into town and spent our vouchers from Xmas we mainly bought clothes for the girls , I can't seem to stop buying cute outfits !
We went in cath kidston I so wish they made their maclaren buggy in a double !! I live it not fair !
fish and chips- i was suppose to take the baby and the fairy i sold to the post office today but it started to rain as i got to the end of the drive so turned back, im not ready to let my pram get wet just yet !!! I wouldnt worry i bet he loved it !!! and no the appointment was a waste of time she just basically said sit straight get rid of the sofa and lose weight !!! arghhh x
Hollys asleep in her room, been there since 845... unheard of for holly! Could be in for a rough night... wish me luck!! I just want to add, I DON'T LIKE IT!!! I might have to sleep in the nursery although that kind of defeats the point lol x
Hollys asleep in her room, been there since 845... unheard of for holly! Could be in for a rough night... wish me luck!! I just want to add, I DON'T LIKE IT!!! I might have to sleep in the nursery although that kind of defeats the point lol x

ha ha ha ha ha - Thats so going to be me. Though right now I think Olivia may be in my room until shes 10 !!! You'll probably spend the whole night tiptoeing from room to room checking on her :haha: Hope you get a good night Emma. x
I use a movement monitor, and when Sophie went to her own bed/room I still used it just to check she was in bed I just turned the alarm part off when she was old enough to get out of bed and set it off!
I could see from the lights on the monitor she was in bed/ok, I know its a bit early for her to be getting out of bed but i mean on the same theory that if the monitor is moving she is ok.
I also could recomend a sleep sack to prevent feet going through the bars and little legs getting stuck, It is hard when they go into their rooms because you want to watch them but disturb them if you do!
These two things means i know she wasn't stuck, but was still moving so was ok! Obviously its a sound monitor also so you can hear in the room, I have just looked for the one i have, and i can't find it anywhere, i think a new one has been bought out even though i only got a new one last week to replace my old one!:shrug: Angel care and tommee tippee do movement monitors:hugs:

Genies, i have only seen one double buggy i have thought was lovely, and it was like a double pram that you then put the double buggy on or car seats, and it was really nice, but i think really expensive, I also saw a 3 buggy with car seats on it all in a row, that was cute!:thumbup:
I really wanted the double with pram one side and buggy the other but by the time i got pregnant Sophie was a bit older and she is a really good walker, she has just turned 3 and it is not really worth the expense of a double when she walks so well, or dh pushes her in her little pop up buggy if she is not feeling like it.:hugs:

I watched obem last night, it was a bit slow, they were trying to impress on everyone that its a waiting game but surely that is not needed to reflect in a slow hour of obem! It verged on boring, I have also sort of decided that i could make an appointment at the hospital to discuss the birth, I still want to know what happened, and i feel i have not had that explained, to me if the head is delivered properly and with the right control you should not tear, especially a 6lb 9oz baby that is the 5th when i never tore the last 3!
Also i want to know why i was told i could not push, I want to know it the cervix not thinning is something that would happen again, if it was explained to me properly and if it is usual for the cervix to move out the way when you push, as mine did, I was made to be pretty scared, and that was all the midwife! :shrug:
It hasn't stopped me bonding with Rosie and i still am undecided tbh, perhaps i should just get over it! :shrug:

Well good morning all, thanks for the lovely comments about My little Rosy posy, and me!:blush:
Off to fb now, see what's going on, then food focus to log my intended food for today! :munch:

Thanks BTP, I ummed and aahhed over getting a sensor monitor when we were buying all the baby stuff before she was born and decided against it in the end. We ended up buying a pretty good BT sound monitor, she's napping in her cot (!!) at the moment and if I listen hard I can hear her breathing through it so it's pretty good! I almost wish I had bought a sensor one though. She has a sleeping bag at night otherwise I'd be scared of her pulling the blankets over her face (she always does!) and doesn't have a cot bumper or anything. And I feel a bit like that about the birth too, almost like I think I should just get over it so I haven't made an appointment yet, but I might do... not sure.

Well last night was a success!! She went down at 8.45 after kicking off a little bit. She was scratching at her ear and made her eczema bleed so I think it was itching her, so I put some oilatum on it and she was asleep within about 3 minutes! Now 8.45 is very early for Holly so I was sure I was in for a rough night, but no! She slept without a peep until 7.45 this morning! I couldn't bring myself to sleep in a different room so I snuck in and slept in the bed in the nursery lol!! Just for her first night though, I'm going back in my room tonight! AND I have put her in there for a nap this morning! She's had a good 45 minutes which is usual for her morning nap and I can hear her rustling about with her dragonfly teddy thing, so must be waking up. Very proud Mummy!
Kara.. I can't believe that you sculpted that baby yourself - it's amazing! you are really talented :)

Awww Louise... :hugs: for missing Wayne's call... :(

Emzy - Yey for Holly Sleeping in her own room!!! :happydance: Izzy is still in out room, but in her cot. The monitor I have is pretty rubbish as it makes a loud fuzzy noise, so I wouldn't be able to sleep with it on. I want to buy a movement one, but it kinda feels like a bit of a big purchase to make now that she's nearly 5 months. I dunno. Loving the swing pic too.. she's gorgeous :thumbup:

I don't think Izzy is teething yet as her gums don't look sore, but she is chewing on everything. She is very, very morngy though, and has been for the past few weeks. It's like she just won't settle, and it's driving me mad. She naps for like 10 mins, then wakes and cries again. Then feeds, naps, cries, gets bored, cries, wants picking up, cries to go down.

As for my dog, she's been a nightmare ever since Izzy was born. She used to be so well behaved, and then she started to mess in the kitchen, even when she'd been on a long walk. She's mostly stopped doing that, but now she's started chewing. She's even chewed DD's favourite barbie which she got for christmas. I don't know if she chewed as a puppy as we only got her a year ago from a rescue centre, but she certainly must be unsettled with all the attention that the baby is getting. When we first got her I was pregnant, and basically spent all day in the house with her on my own; walking her, fussing her etc. Now, like you've all said, she doesn't get walks as often because the places I used to walk her aren't pushchair friendly. And she's getting fat. Poor little dog.

BTP.. That pic is gorgeous - she's sooo cute! and I must say, you look amazing - on Fbook too. :thumbup:

And Blob.. wow! That is walking dedication lol. I had to have a nosy on Fbook after seeing the comments about your pics, and I can see what they mean - you are stunning! I hope I look that pretty in june :blush:

For anyone who hasn't got me on Fbook, I'm Rebecca Holmes... Profile pic is of me with a mahooosive drink lol. Although in my defense I have only been out a few times in the past year :haha:.

As for a meet, does anyone live near West/south yorkshire? My postcode is WF9 4EP... Pleeeeeeease... I can drive?

I'm soooo fed up with the job situation. All I seem to do is spend all day applying for jobs, then reading the emails saying that there are 'better people suited' to the jobs that I have applied for. (inbetween rocking a fussy baby, that is). I'm seriously considering leaving my degree off my cv and seeing if it makes a difference.
Emzy - Good girl Holly sleeping in her room!!! I would've slept with Kimi if she was in her own room....but she is right next to me... not long til they should move me though :thumbup:

BTP - I have to watch OBEM....I cry everytime...makes me feel like a bit of a failure as I ended up in a c-section and I still dont really understand what happened....i still say to my DF that I'm sorry I failed him and didnt do it naturally and that he didnt see her being he was ushered out of the room as I could still feel them cutting me so they put me to sleep :(

Optical - I added you on facebook!!!

I hope my results are in way of finding out until 2 and even then I have to go there to get them as they wont give them over the phone :nope:

So 2 hours and 23 minutes to go!!!!!

Also meeting with my landlord today and I've got a long list to go through with him about what I need him to do!!!!:haha:

Well done Holly and Mummy, I find it hard to sleep any length of time, and she is right next to me with the motion monitor on, I think i am just a worry freak!:haha: Funny as my first baby was in his own room at 3 months with a sound monitor, and he slept really well, so did i! :shrug:

Sorry you are miles away:cry: we collected a car from yorkshire once and it was a huge treck, and it was when the roads all flooded and even the motor way was closed, we had to sit on the motorway til they opened it again, by then people were asleep in their cars and we had to weave around them, very surreal and one of those once ever things, anyway all in all miles away!:nope:
My facebook is really messing me about, I downloaded pics which arn't showing in my album then i go to do them again and they are there so i look again and they are gone, but people have made comments on them or liked them so they must be there, this morning my album said 0 inside, then i looked at one someone had liked and it said 8 out of 0 pictures, bloomin fb!
My profile pic is odd too, i changed it but every time i post i see the old picture then i post and it leaves the new one up, very strange, don't know if anyone else is having trouble with it?:hugs:

Youngmummy, you need to watch obem from last night! The midwife was saying it annoyed her when women felt like they had failed when it came to childbirth, as by it's nature how could you be classed as having failed when you look at your lo you know what she means, it is amazing however they come out, and we are amazing! :hugs:

Well :hugs:, trying to keep up today!:haha:

I did watch OBEM last night...i make the OH turn off his ps3 from 8pm on mondays as I have a routine....

Eastenders...then he watches something...then 9pm glee, 10pm, OBEM then 11pm tool academy!!!

But it still doesnt make you feel better...i was so determined to push Kimi out...i was just sooo tired and scared after they told me there was meconium(sp?) in my waters and I know that when my mum had her youngest (8 years ago) she had meconium in her waters and it meant the baby was in distress and I just freaked and started clamming up...i didnt wanna hurt her.... :(
Hi young mummy - thanks for the Fbook add.. and good luck for later!!!! Eeeeeek!

Btp... everyone seems to be miles away :( although if that was your experience of yorkshire, i don't blame you for not wanting to come back! Lol.
Just popped on to say Hi quickly whilst Riley is playing with his feet on the floor!
Oh my goodness, my mind is blank. :blush:

Emzy- Holly sounds so good...I'm sure Riley thinks nightime is for screaming! I am so jealous of your sleeping princess.
LadyK- your fairy was truly amazing. You are a very talented lady.
BTP- you look gorgeous with Rosie on FB.

If anyone would like to add me on FB then I am Tina Simpson and the pic is me with my 2 boys...well Riley is nearly in the picture!

I must say that September stars mummies are very gorgeous indeed...making very gorgeous babies! :thumbup:

Enjoy your afternoons. xx
We have a movement sensor mat and a video monitor with night vision and we got so peed off with the beeping, and having to remember to switch it off when we pick her up we never use the movement sensor, the video one is perfect as we can see if her face is covered and can see her without waking her.

how is everyone making their bottles??? i have stopped using ready to pour and using powder... but its all stupid making a bottle up as you go...!!! and if you add powder to boiling water doesnt that then make the formula sterile ??why cant i then place in the fridge?? wouldnt leaving it out making it worse for bacteria to breed??? this is really doing my head in now !!!

young mummy- my sisters mate is on tool academy .. faye and her bloke..
Sorry ladies - I've got a bit of a cold and feel lousy so a quick post from me today. I'm planning on having a little sleep myself while Scarlett is napping.

Just a couple of things I wanted to mention -

When Scarlett moved into her cot I bought her an "Airwrap" and it has been brilliant. Basically you put it in the cot instead of a bumper. It's entirely safe as it is made of mesh the baby can breathe through. We bought it for peace of mind as I was worried about her getting her arms or legs getting caught in the bars. Obviously it's worked from that perspective but it also protects from draughts and it means she can't see out of the cot and I'm sure that is one of the reasons she will settle herself to sleep. Here they are:-

The other thing is, I know I'm not the only one who has been coping with the curse of the 45 minute napper so I thought I would post these two links that I found on another topic discussion. I have found them really useful

Emma, go Holly!!! We so need to paint Hope's room, thats on my list of jobs for next month wehn Ian has a week off!!

Optical, poo on the job front, hope you get something soon xx

YM, good luck xx

Erm forgotten what else I was gonna say..sorry!!

We bought Hope's christening outfit today, got a bargain in monsoon. The dress was £!2 down from £40 and the little bolero was £6!! Its gorgeous!! I love monsoon!!

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