September Stars

Jayne, this here facial lasted ages, almost an hour and a half. It's funny really, it's not something I've ever done before. At one point, she shot steam at my face for 10 mins, and it felt like I was lying on a beach in Spain, with the hot wind blowing on my face. It was heaven. The problem came when she left me with a mask on my face for 15 mins, and turned up the whale music. I did okay for about the first 10 mins, but then I think I fell asleep. I heard her coming back into the room and it woke me up ha ha!!!! I think MIL should just have given me a voucher to get my nails done, at least then I would stay awake!! :haha:
Becs, glad it went well today ! It really helps to get a nice doctor that understands what your trying to convey xx

Emzy good luck with the interview, you will be Brillant xx

Lady k your boy sounds so adorable I think I'd have to laugh at his gangster talk too

James started last week to cry and make it sound like mama, especially if he is whimpering mama mama mama

I've a question do any of you Lo's have a rash round their neck? Where James is a chunky monkey and sick so often he's started to get a really sore neck in the ridges. I've put sudocream on it, used a fresh bib each feed and changed his clothes when wet but none of it seems to help. It doesn't seem to bother him at the moment but think it could be a problem in the future if I don't do something about it now
Asher I'd never had a facial until I was planning my wedding. I went to sleep everytime but loved it and felt so relaxed. I used to go every fortnight, stopped as soon as I was married as couldn't afford it :-( I don't think it made any difference to my face though lol
Thanks Jelly!! You know, I meant to reply when you asked about Sam's weight yesterday, just totally forgot. He is still a chunky wee lad, at his last weigh in at 20 weeks, he was 18lbs 3! Big big boy. He's well into his 6-9 months clothes, I'm sure when he gets to 7 months he'll be in 9-12! It's not that he's fat, just tall and chunky. His neck doesn't really get sore, it tends to be behind his knees. Even though I dry there thoroughly, it still gets sore. He also always has a huge buildup of manky stuff behind his ears. It's not because it's not been dried properly, it's almost like skin cells, like the stuff that sometimes comes out of my ear piercings? Okay, so I read that back, and I sound weird! I'm sure someone knows what I mean!
Good Luck with the interview Emzy.

When Ollie cries it sounds like he is sayin maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammm also its probably just me imagining it cos wud luv him to say mammy as his first word lol
Lady k your right about the peer pressure it is so much for them to all keep up with each other! My godson is a lovely lad but he feels he has to be the class clown to ne popular . I'd hate to go back to school these days it'd not nice .
Firstbean loving ur avatar!!!! so cute!!!

Jelly id pop some talc on James' neck sounds like it needs drying up and sudocrem could make it moist so make it worse iykwim x

haha Asher dont blame u takin a nap, i woke myself up the night i had James, by SNORING, so embarrassing!! i couldnt have a facial...its the thought of a stranger touching my skin lol x
James gets quite sweaty hands and feet and always has sticky fluff between his fingers and toes lol x

Do ur lo's get fibres under their nails too? makes it look dirty lol x
I am having such a crap day :o(

My boss has folded his company and not paid me and now I cant get hold of him. I have no idea what to do. I am so angry as this man is supposed to be my friend and it seems he has completely kept me in the dark. I have no idea what to do.

To top it off the Animal Rescue I volunteer for need me to co-ordinate space for 40 large dogs this weekend that are in appalling condition and need out yesterday........ Oh and I am currently at my sisters with Olivia watching my new baby niece and a very upset 2yo as eldest niece decided to stick a load of beads down her ear which are now stuck and so has been rushed to a&e. What an absolute pants day. Grrrrrrr
you need to contact DWP Laura as you boss will reclaim your smp from them anyway so you get paid sma from them instead :) keep ya chin up hun xxx
Thank you LBB - I feel so sick, I was thinking I wouldnt get anything. Off to have a google and see what I can find out. x
If you ring them and explain it should be relatively straightforward i would have thought hun :hugs: x
Laura :hugs: LBB sounds like she knows what she's talking about! Hope things look up soon hun!

Can't remember who said about the damp neck thing? Lilia dribbles loads and sometimes she'll collect it in the front of her mouth and spit it all out and it always goes round her neck! And sick too... so it's sometimes damp and sometimes when she actually puts her head back and lets me look it looks red and sore, I have always put sudocrem on it at night time and it has always cleared up by morning, obviously you then have to wash it off and make sure it's dry!

Was it asher that said about stuff behind babies ears?? Lilia has it too! It looks like cradle cap almost, I didn't know they could get it behind their ears? It looks like lumpy yellowish dry skin, I don't know what to do with it, I think I will put a lump of vaseline on it overnight and then wipe it the next morning and see what happens? She has never had cradle cap on her scalp but she did a bit between her eyesbrows once and that's how I got rid of it :)

I bought some hair bobbles and clips yesterday but when I tried to put them in Lilia's hair she SCREAMED! So think i will leave that idea for a while!!

Becs, glad your appointment went well, you must feel better just having it off your chest and knowing something will be done xx

I can't remember anything else sorry girls x
Thank you for the comments on Jake. He is a pain up the butt still if this was a few years ago all you would hear from me is wanting to give up as i couldn't handle him. Since having paige he has changed a lot, still not perfect but he could be worse. a couple of years ago he begged me to buy him a purple feathered boa ... he would sit on his bed playing computer games with this thing around his neck and in his boxers talking all gangster to his mates over the mic, if only they knew what he was really like !! god he would kill me if he knew i told anyone but it shows what a different side he has.....

laura- oh babe thats awful !!!! but seek help !!can you claim benefits? sign up for any benefits now, it will get backdated. I would say see CAB but they are normally not very helpful, but they may be able to help with free legal advice.

Louise- i have these tiny clips, but paige has no hair so cant use them : ( gutted !!!
Emzy :flower: good luck hon

Kara awww your son sounds really sweet, I'd hate to go back to school.

LBB Rosalie is SO sweaty when I feed her sweat beads on her head and then just runs everywhere :shock:

Laura :( Sorry you're having a shit day :hugs: Glad LBB knows something about it though :thumbup:

Louise :rofl: so so cute she can wear clips now... With Tabs she screamed if i clipped it and it gave her a fright? They just get used to the weight after a while...
Damn phone just lost what I'd typed so keeping it short

Laura big hugs hope you manage to sort something out today xx

Louise I'm sure lillia will get used to the bobbles and clips soon she will look so cute ! I used sudocream last night so will try talc in the day time and hopefully James neck will clear

Young mummy hope you get your results soon xx

Right best get up as James is talking very loudly
Morning girls

Thanks for all the good lucks! Sounds like it's a bit of a fight for the job, I rang to confirm and she said they are interviewing for it all day!! I'll be lucky if I get it I think.

Becs glad all went well with the doc :hugs:

Laura :hugs: what an awful day! Agree with lbb, ring dwp and see if they can pay it to you direct, rather than through him. What a crappy thing to do though!!

LadyK your son sounds so cute! I remember what I was like when I was at school, I got in with the wrong crowds and was a bit of a scallywag. I used to wear short shirts and big hooped earrings and high heels, had a god awful perm and used to hang around on street corners smoking and drinking cider thinking I was hard in my Adidas jacket lol Holly is NEVER doing that! I often wonder how my parents were so laid back that they just let me do whatever I wanted.

Night 3 of operation get Holly into her own room went well! She took a while to go off to sleep last night, but was asleep in her cot by 9.30 and she slept right through without a peep til 7.45 when I heard her babbling away on the monitor. I left her there as she sounded like she was having a nice time talking to her seahorse and went downstairs and made her bottle etc and got her up at about 8.15! And I slept in my own bed and I had the best night sleep I've had in well over a year... well apart from the cat jumping on my head at 4am lol

Off for our netmums meet this afternoon!

Just a quickie to say hi we are just off for a walk .

Question I will be honest everything I've given the girls so far has been in jars I wanted to see what they liked ect but I need to set aside some time to make some food but I don't know what to make any tips ?? X
Genies I have made pear, sweet potatoe, swede, broccoli, avocado, apple, butternut squash, potatoe, banana, carrot and parsnip. I cooked and pureed them and then froze in ice cube trays. Put them in seperate resealable freezer bags and defrost as needed.
Riley LOVES parsnip, will not tolerate carrot and really enjoys a BNsquash and swede combo! Last night he had parsnip and broccoli which went down a treat too.
I started off on single flavours to introduce them and now I usually mix two together. Apparantly parsnip and pear is nice so I am trying this at dinner time!

I hope this helps. xx

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