September Stars

Shes slightly better but still not sleeping well as shes just constantly coughing :( Im guessing it may take a few days for these ABs to kick in though. Thanks for asking after her girls. xx

He prescribed different ABs (Erythromycin) and steroids (Prednisolone) - He said theres a good chance she was allergic to the Amoxicillin and so that I should avoid it in future, if another Dr ever tries to prescribe it I should tell them what happened this time.
Evening ladies

Sorry I've been AWOL, these last few days have been a bit hectic!

Laura I'm sorry to hear about poor Olivia and I'm glad she's feeling a bit better on the new antibiotics. A lot of people are allergic to penicilin aren't they? They always ask when they give antibiotics. Hope her cough goes soon, poor baby, it's horrible when they are poorly :hugs:

Asher yay for Sam taking the bottle

Blob :hugs:

Aaaand I've forgotten everything else!

Holly has been really poorly with her cold bless her but she's much better now. I ended up tilting her cot and tying a muslin with some karvol on to her cot. I also used the saline nose spray thing which helped a lot. Poor baby, it's horrible seeing them ill! She's much better today, so much so that I've put her cot back to normal. The last 2 night's she's not gone to sleep until really late, about midnightish, but tonight was back to normal and was asleep in her cot by 8.45, so that's good. Hoping for a better night! She was terrible Saturday and Sunday night and up all night, but last night she slept from midnight til 9am with only a few mini-wakings with a blocked nose, which a quick cuddle sorted out. I've been sleeping in the nursery to make sure she's ok, but I'll go back in my own bed tonight I think.

Had a bit of a shite day today though. Me and Matt had a massive row which resulted in him storming out with a bag packed and he went to his friends. We have since sorted things out and he's coming home in a bit though. We have been rowing a lot lately, he's been so stressed because of problems with his family and also as he is facing redundancy. Hopefully we'll be able to move on now we've sorted things out as I hate arguing.

My mum is coming tomorrow to visit for a few days, then my dad and sister are joining us on Friday! I can't wait, it will be lovely to see them all. So I probably wont' be able to get on as often, so if I'm awol again that's why!

Oh btw for anyone that follows, Matt has updated his blog (link in siggy). He has also had published an article he has written for a local parenting magazine and that article is on his blog. It is printed in the magazine with a photo of me holding Holly in hospital!

Anyway, I have a glass of wine to drink after a crappy day!

Speak soon girlies

Emma, so sorry things are stressful for you but glad Holly is feeling better xx Its horribe when things at home are like that xx

Laura, is she allergic to penicillin?? My OH is and he can only have erythromycin.

LMAO @ that vomit soup!!!
Ohh and I forgot to say about my hilarious doctors visit!! I went back to the doctors on Monday about being too sore to have sex. She examined me and said it all looks normal, so she can't understand why it's so sore. She then preceded to tell me to buy a couple of dildos (I am not kidding!!), starting with a small one, and practicing with that!!! I almost wet myself laughing! I don't think she understood what I meant really, maybe she thought I was scared or something?! I don't know. Anyway, so she said she'd prescribe me some dilators or something, which apparently help to restructure your vagina, but I explained for the six millionth time that it wasn't actually inside that hurts, it is more on my perineum where I was stitched. She didn't really seem to get it though lol In the end, she said she thinks it's an infection at the site of the stitches but she wasn't sure whether it would be fungal or another sort, so she has prescribed me canesten to use for a week and Matt also has to use it and if it's no better in a week then I have to go back and get another type of cream. She said if it's no better she will do some swabs to check for infection. I don't know why she didn't just do them then! Silly woman. Anyway, so we will see. I'm not hopeful for the canesten to be honest as it doesn't feel anything like thrush! It feels like I am going to split where my stitches were!

Oh Emzy I'm sorry thing have been shite I hope it's all forgotten now and you can move forward big hugs xx
Thank you Becs. What's happened to the 'thanks' button?? It's disappeared?

It was Cafferine that went to Heston's restaurant. I went to the Hand and Flowers and he was dining there.
Claire that bottle sounds amazing! What is it?!

Becs, what's an eye tooth? Poor Hope.

Blob, you really are having a tough time aren't you. I didn't realise you lost your sister until I saw your fb status today. I can't imagine how hard that must have been. I also really hope your puppy turns up.

Me and my sisters were all smacked after my Dad counted to 3. It wasn't designed to hurt though, just shick. I would prefer not to smack Harry. What is the marble thing GG?

Well after going down well yesterday tonight Harry has been a little tinker! X
Aww Emzy, I'm glad you and Matt have made up. That argument sounds really upsetting. Your dr, however, sounds hilarious!
Emma your Dr sounds like she hasn't got a clue!! If no joy in a week I would demand to be referred back to the hospital to see obs and gynae!

Fishy its on of the big pointy teeth either side at the bottom!!

I have my appointment to see my counsellor on Thursday, I am going to go even though I feel fine, the medication is working but I still want to see what they think! I am actually feeling like my old self even though we managed sex the other week it still doesn't feel right in my head, its the only thing thats hasn't gone back to normal and I think thats from my birth, I am convinced that I have PTSD so medication isn't really the answer to that it will be cognative therapy!!
well iv read whilst sorting a moany baby, feeding a moany baby who was initially refusing to feed because he has the smallest poo in his nappy in fact it was more of a mark in his nappy, fussy lil sod! When he eventually fed after a nappy change he stopped cos it was fast and it was squirting in his face and i then realised my other boob was squirting all over my mobile...imagine explaining that one to the insurance! Lol! Well i cant remember anything after all those events!

James has been seen by the gp today and to be honest he talked a lot of sense he said that it was normal for breastfed babies to be on the lower centiles and that they get more nutrients from breastmilk but less calories and if i wanted James to be on higher centiles he would need supplementing with more calories! I asked if i could take anything to up the calories and if said it doesnt work like that! Got to see how he goes and make another appointment if boy worries! X

well im going to try and get to sleep now and will catch up tomorrow x
Becs - hope the session goes well you maybe surprised, first sessions are always difficult. You can always say to them you think you have PTSD as some counsellors have cognitive training too. ( this was true for a friend of mine) xx

Lbb makes sense to me what the gp said about less calories in the milk etc. Good to know they aren't concerned xx
Fc marbles in a jar is you get a clear glass jar explain to the child that everytime they are being good kind helpful ect they get a marble put in the jar but anytime they miss behave a marble is taken out , the idea is if they can get a full jar they can choose a small reward that you have agreed , works best if you want to correct behaviour as they can get really into it works best with 3- 5 year olds x
Becs am glad you are feeling a bit better hon, hope you can get it all sorted :hugs:

LBB Some babies are smaller than others is he losing much weight? Or just not gaining very fast??

GG that sounds really good think I will use that when Tabs gets bigger :thumbup:
:hi: ladies

Blob :hugs:

Asher - I think that the Breastflow bottles are just about the only ones I haven't tried with Scarlett, only because my local Mothercare don't sell them. Lady K mentioned them a while ago. Perhaps I should try them now as we haven't made much progress with the sippy cup despite trying four different kinds including the new TT Tip it up that Laura recommended. I actually managed to get her to take some water from that one but she spits more out than she drinks :rofl:

I was wondering when the discipline debate would crop up :winkwink: Personally I am going to try hard not to smack. My Dad never smacked us, raising his voice was enough. But, my Mum did sometimes and I have quite vivid memories of her smacking me around the face for next to nothing. I think she always did it when she lost control and was under pressure for other reasons. I also got hit by my ex step-father who was a very violent man so I guess for me my feelings are quite routed in that experience. DH was given the belt by his father, as was his sister, yet his Mum & Dad deny it ever happened. Personally I know who I believe! For that reason DH has never hit my SD and we have agreed not to hit Scarlett either. However, I'm not judgemental of people that do. A good friend of mine smacks her little girl when she is very naughty and rarely has to do so as the threat of it is enough of a deterrent. I think it does depend an awful lot on the child and what they respond to. I know that my Mum gave up trying to hit my little brother because when she did he would stand there defiantly and say "that didn't hurt". I guess much the same as BTP has said, taking toys/games consoles etc away and stopping treats worked much better. I think the key to most punishment is not to threaten anything that you are not prepared to go through with. I think that's where my Mum fell down with my brother, she used to say things like "if you do that again you won't get...." but she always gave in, in the end. You have to be prepared to follow through. Well that's my two-penneth worth!

Got to go xxxx
Becs - I dont know if its allergic or not but it was giving her massive tummy pain and the squits (I was changing her 30/35 times a day :( ) so he said we should avoid it in the future. And hope your session goes well. xx

LBB - I am the same Olivia is still only on the 9th centile and she is exclusively BF. She was 13lbs 5ozs at her last weigh in and shes nearly 25 weeks. My best friends daughter weighed 16lbs at 1years old. I hate all this chart stuff. As long as he is happy and content and still seems well within himself then I wouldnt worry too much. They all seem to catch up with each other at about a year. I wish all health proffesionals would like at the child in front of them and not comapre them to a very general book. x

Blob - ((( HUgs ))) for a bad few days hun. I really hope pup comes home soon. xxx

GG - I like that marbles idea. Might suggest that to my sister.
Morning ladies, look at me getting on here in the morning! Never happens anymore! DH is off this week, and he had to take his van in for MOT at half 8, so I had to pack all the kids in the car and follow him down to the garage. So I've actually got a few things done this morning. I need to do some housework, but hey ho!

F&C it was the breastflow bottle, it was fab. I'm not saying it will work again tonight, but I will give it a go! I was amazed he took a bottle, and I was amazed he took formula! And then I felt all guilty that he hadn't had a proper breastfeed for bed! Silly lady!

Emzy, sorry to hear about you and Matt, hope you've sorted it for good. It's so hard when there's a row hanging over you like a black cloud. Your Dr appt made me laugh though, makes no sense at all!!

GG, I like the marbles idea too!

LBB, the doc is so right about the weight thing. I always seem to breed babies who grow quick with my milk, but then they will slow down and let all the smaller ones catch up. Every time this happens, the quality of my milk is questioned. All it is is that the little ones are getting more active!!

Jack is already pushing the boundaries today, he is tantrumming now because DH and I are watching the Wright Stuff in the kitchen and he wants to watch CBeebies. Grrr. It's early for him to be tantrumming! Means we're going to have a day of it I think!

So in a bit, we're dropping the boys off at the in laws and then going for a swim. Then later I've got a mini-facial! Can't wait!

Right, I'm off to do some stuff and split up the feuding children. Catch up later. xx
Good Morning All,

I read through and think I must miss things as I wonder what one person is commenting on and have to go back!

We had a better night last night, I gave Rosie a bit of porridge, she did the glut thing on the boob then projectiled over me and the bed which i then had to strip and she thought this was really funny as she was lying on the bed and i was trying to work around her!
She got off to sleep when she was ready and slept about 2 hour stints at a time, which is better.
I really think she is wanting cuddles as this morning i got her up she just cuddled into me took boob then went back to sleep and is still there now! (think Daddy may be bringing her down shortly!)

I think the smacking thing seems to be down to our experiences as a child, I felt it was never used fairly in our house as a child and would come out of the blue and be quite a smack, I have found other methods really work, Ben was the most difficult child as a 3-5 year old and I mean kicking off in the supermarket screaming shouting, kicking at me spitting, he was vile and I controlled it by a 'goal' method.
Schools use a very similar thing, you have basic targets for parts of the day, so breakfast goal would be get dressed, brush teeth eat breakfast, and when they have done this they can place a little laminate football in a drawn and laminated goal net, and we shout 'goal' loads of praise etc, the good thing was the goal thing was the reward in its self, and Ben used to love doing this, it sets down exactly what you expect from them, and is good with children that find things harder to understand.
On the debate also the one tip I did get from my Mum who went on to work with children who belonged to other people so who couldn't be smacked!! Was 'say what you mean and mean what you say' This is so true, if you say i give you til 3 then i will do whatever, make sure you do, or children will work out in seconds you don't mean it !

Emz, I am no doctor but after this time i would say there is some scar tissue causing problems or the actual way you were stitched has caused problems, I have had a friend who had this and they had to re do the stitches, but was ok after that.
I think giving you a cream and packing you off is a bit daft, you need a refferal to gyne.
My Mum said she always felt like she was stitched up crooked after my sister, until she had me and it must have pushed it all right!:thumbup:

Blob, :hugs: to you, sorry things are so sad at the moment, hope puppy shows up too xx:hugs:

Anyway brain blank again, not helped by children blowing on flute things, and arguing over club penguin tasks:dohh:

Back soon, vegetable shopping today (yes I am just going to shop for vegetables and some fruit!!)
Hi guys

I havent been on here for ages and I have 100 pages to catch up on now! Sorting out going back to work at the moment. will be returning full time 8.30 to 5pm and little one will be with a childminder full time. Im also trying to make some stuff for Etsy at the moment.
Im not managing to get on here s much as i would like so im just skimming through, but want to try and post at least once a week maybe... So behind! and so busy! LOL.

Hop everyone is ok. Let me know if anyone wants to meet up in the South East. Would be great to do before people start returning to work (I would guess that may be in May for most of us??)

I see that everyone is dabbling with food at the minute..I have started Ellie on foods now and again to get her used to foods etc, but she has been on Milk for the last week because well...I need to dedicate time to specific eating times. But she is only 4 months and 3 weeks (21 weeks) so Im not in a hurry. Im going to start her on solids properly this Friday when she will be five months.

Hope everyone is well


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