September Stars

:hi: ladies

Laura - great news about your redundancy pay

Jellycat - so sorry to hear about your friend. I can't begin to imagine how they must feel. I'm welling up thinking about it. I honestly don't know how people get over things like that.

Not much to report here, I've been glued to the tv watching events unfold in Libya - scary stuff.

I took Scarlett to be weighed yesterday and she has put on another 1lb so it 15lb1oz at 23 weeks. I confessed to weaning and the HV didn't seem too pleased with me :rofl: The old crow gave me a lecture about the evil of baby food manufacturers despite telling her that I was giving Scarlett about 80% home-made stuff. Today she has refused everything, I'm hoping it is just a blip as she had been really enjoying her food. I think it's due to teething, she really hasn't been herself today and it's been hard to get a smile out of her. As for a chuckle, forget it - absolutely no chance.

Off to Kew Gardens tomorrow. My SIL is finally bothering to come over and meet her niece for the first time with her two teenagers. SD is with us at the moment so it will be good for her to spend some time with her cousins and by virtue of that get herself out from under my feet

Night all
Oh my goodness jelly that is was one of my biggest fears all through my pregnancy! I cant even begin to think how they must be feeling right now...i feel sick at the thought of it! Send them all our love hun x
Oh Jelly, what awful awful news. Nobody deserves to have something like that happen, do you know why the baby died? It's tragic :(

MrsJ I would also put the not eating down to teething, it can really upset them! Just try her again tomorrow and see how it goes! Hope all goes ok with your SIL

I meant to say earlier, Lilia has done her first giggles this week! She is a VERY smily baby (except when there's a camera!) but she has never really broken into a proper giggle, she kind of does a single laugh.. if that makes sense?! Well, we were having a bounce and she giggled! It was the best sound I have EVER heard in my life, and long awaited!
Jelly - I honestly cannot imagine the pain that your friends will be going through. The thought alone breaks my heart. Massive hugs for them and to you. xx
Louise, I am up for anything, we could do some shopping in Norwich with some lunch!!

Jelly, thats awful, truly awful xx

MrsJ, I only tell my HV what she wants to hear after she once told me off!!

Hope was really grizzly, she has had runny poos, very very drbbly and very hot, its her teeth I know it, given her nurofen and she is fas asleep upstairs. Poor little thing!
Evening ladies.

Jelly, that is so so sad about your friends. It really upsets me when I hear stuff like that, I just don't know how I would carry on. One of my friends has a friend who lost a baby during childbirth (should have been prevented by the hospital), and they just can't move on. It sends shivers down my spine. Huge hugs to the mummy and daddy. xxx
PS I like your distraction! The best thing you can do is lavish love on your own little one. I know they're hard work, but when you hear something like that, it makes you realise just how very lucky we all are.

F&C, yeah I am a big researcher into Annual leave and such. I am a part time worker, in the NHS, so we have a bank holiday allowance built into our AL allowance, pro rata to the hours we work. So in my case, I have extra AL to add on to my standard AL hours, and then I have to use some hours of that each time a bank hol falls on my work days. So, because I work Mon-Weds, mine all get used up, but it's only the same as having bank hols when you work full time, if you work it out. It's complicated, and another pain in the bum thing to have to work out myself every year, but it does make sense. Thankyou for your support though, it's very much appreciated.

That breastflow bottle was the right one. Sam refused it altogether last night, and took about 1 1/2 oz of formula from it tonight. He is such a boob baby, he LOVES the boob!!!

MrsJ, well done to Scarlett!! She's doing so well. Argh, HV!! They are so textbook. I know they have to be, but need to use a bit of judgement too as to the sense of the mummy in question!

Aw, Becs, poor Hope. xx

I took Samster to be weighed today, as he's exactly 6 months. He is also exactly 19lbs, which I am pleased with. He's slowing down now a lot in his weight gain, and has only put on 13oz in 6 weeks. I did ask to see the HV, and she was an older lady. She accepted that Sam is a third baby, and as such, I do know what's what. She turned her nose up at the fact that he is weaned though. Silly lady! She also seemed shocked when I asked whether I need to be giving him vitamin drops every day from 6 months with him still being breastfed. Ah well! You can't win eh?!! Anyway, the upshot of that is that the DoH is saying that BF babies should be given vit drops from 6 months, due to the higher incidence of Ricketts these days as babies are not sufficiently absorbing Vit D through their skin because their mummies are using sunscreen on them.

Right, am off to bed shortly. Lots of love to all. xx
Claire, Sam is a lovely weight, Hope has caught him up but I hope she slows down!! I didnt know that about the vit d drops, do bf need them too?
Becs that sounds perfect! I want to get Wayne a posh watch for christmas! You could help me choose! I'm going to be a bit naughty and get him a very very nice one, I'm thinking a limit of £250/£300!! (Seeing as when I checked the bank account I saw that he spent £100 on my valentines day gifts!!)
Well done Laura, that is a good result, and no work for a while!:happydance:

Jelly, I quite often write here and eventually don't post for numbers of reasons, I don't want to bore everyone, don't want to upset anyone, that sort of thing!:hugs:
It is awful what happened to your friend, it is hard how to know what to do, my friend lost her baby at 36 weeks, it could have been prevented if she had been let go into labour when it started at 35 weeks but they stopped it and baby couldn't cope. (undiognosed downs)
They have lost early since and have always had problems (chromasonal) with the embryo, they are trying selective ivf this year, but my friend still carries very heavily with the griief of their beloved daughter, she will never recover :cry:
She did say to me the worst is people avoiding her because they didn't know what to say, and people not acknowledging anything happened, so i am glad now i went up to her gave her a big hug and said how sorry i felt and how i couldn't possibly know what she was going through, I feel as she only just told me the worst bits over a year later I realised i did the right things.

I am going in a mo, rather cheesed off today, the kids are away tonight so some let up from the problems of such a fragmented family, dh has annoyed me by saying he will get off x box for an early night last night and was still on there all night, I know its trivial but he pisses me off, they are just big boys that never grow up, listening to him talk to his mates and thinking that is the only way he wants to spend his evening! :shrug:

Well taking my pounding headache and annoyed attitude and trying to get a grip! Back later, sorry if i missed stuff, i try and keep up on face book, some lovely pics recently of your scrummy babies, all doing so much more now! :hugs:

Hello ladies!!!

We ended up with Hope in our bed from around 2am, her teeth looked so sore, she seems so much better now!!

Louise, you can a nice watch for that!! Ian bought me a lovely gucci watch for our first anniversary and I bought him a nice watch too!!

We are off for a family tea this evening, its my nephews birthday!! Looking forward to having something nice!!
Jc, no words can describe what your poor friend is going through right now. Such a tragedy :( Not sure if it's of any interest but I could make you an imprint necklace for you to give to her? I would do it just for the price of the silver. X

Becs, thanks for explaining what an eye tooth is. Poor Hope. Strangely since finding out what it means I have discovered that one of Harry's is on the way.. his fifth blimen tooth! X
Wow fishy he's going to have them all by the time he is a year old at this rate!! Are the other teeth obviously protruding or are they still only just poking through?

Selfish but: LILIA HAS HAD 50 MINUTES SLEEP TODAY!!!!!! Two 25 minute naps!! It's a first!!! Probably because my friend was here visiting, I'd told her about the lack of naps, she likes to make me a liar!!

BTP :hugs: hope your day gets better! Men eh, you are right, they are really just overgrown boys!!

On the subject of men, Wayne rang earlier :cloud9: he's back at Bastian now, and although he's on call for the next week to go out on the ground, if he doesn't get called in, that's it for the dangerous stuff!!! But he will definately have finished it on the 4th... he sets off home on the 5th... he was gloating because whereas I'm on 10 days to go, he's only got 8 because he takes 2 days to get home, but leaves bastian on the 5th!!!
Oh Louise that is great news! How are the house preparations going?!

A friend of ours has a boy who started teething early like Harry and he had all his teeth by the time he was one so it's a real possibility. He's almost had one a week now for three weeks. They are all very big teeth already.. I'll try and get a photo! X
Yes please would love to see! Kitchen is SPOTLESS including oven and appliances! Living room mostly done... doing it thoroughly a room at a time!!!
You must be knackered! Good work though. I have a photo of his bottom teeth but he won't let me near his top ones, probably as that's where the next one is coming through.

Will upload when he's in bed. X
None of my babies have had teeth til 11 months, they usually have had 1 or 2 through by 12 months but my dd just had the 1 tooth at a year old! Rosie shoes no signs of teeth yet, nor of interest in food so i am doing the baby led weaning when she is 6 months, atm she can't really hold a rusk to chew but is getting better at getting her toys to her mouth so I will be giving her rusks soon!

Louise, great news, you will see your man soon!

The overgrown school boy has done better today, we have had no mention of the late night, other than he is having a night off tonight! He did most of he washing up from tea and has been in a nice mood!

Becs, enjoy your evening xx

Well, just trying to explain to a 3 year old the gremlins films are too scary for her, she is phased by very little, she totally loves the gringe film, and i never liked it but she watches it all the time! Funny girl!

Back tomorrow, had a glass of wine tonight which was lovely, but i want another one now!! Going to check on food focus see if i have enough cals for another!

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xx:hugs:
I read that as Ford Focus! I think another glass can only be a good thing! Glad the hubby has been well behaved today! X
i read it as ford focus too!!

Lilia is loving her food, to the point that she is starting to really turn her nose up at bottles! I think if it were up to her, she wouldn't bother with bottles apart from maybe the bedtime one, and just have food all day!! I find it amazing that even from going to bed at 6.30pm and getting up at 8am, she still decides that 4/5oz is more than enough for her! It's a struggle to get any more down her, I've started giving her porridge after her breakfast bottle made with formula just to get more into her!
Hope has porridge made with her milk for breakfast and then another bowl at tea time with puree things at lunch!! Little piggy!! I am going to change her milk to the next stage when she is 6 months!!

Had a lovely tea, because I hadn't eaten rich food for ages its made me feel all bloated, I came home and cleaned my teeth straight away!! Had a nice shower and washed my hair and waiting for Benidorm to start!!
hi all

Jelly so sorry to hear about your poor friend , i know a girl this happened to and she somehow managed to pick herself up and try again and now has a toddler and a baby .

we have no teeth at all i have teeth envy :)

we went for a walk into town today my legs hurt now though but was a nice change of scene

ive got bad pmt today am feeling really miserable havent had it this bad for a while need to snap out of it

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