September Stars

:rofl: can't take my eyes off the bouncing boobs :rofl: I envy your job Sarah

I'm moving because Robin decided he no longer wanted to work for the farm so we are going to stay here for around 4 years and them move so not going anywhere for a while. So can't do my tents :cry: no point in living in a town and come up every day.

Can't decide on the benefits do we stay at the farm and have that life for the girls or live in the village which is chocolate box and has a huge gorgeous school that I went to and all their friends will live there. :dohh:

Teeny crazy isnt it, only thing I'm worried about just now is the lack of money.
Haha Blob!
I love that smilie! :haha:

Looks like I might have to work from home with a babe on the boob. Poor Tobe is all phlegm-y and congested. His nose is running like crazy.
I think I just need to nurse him lots today. He needs my antibodies, poor boy.

You know, Blob, while the money stuff is always stressful, it sounds like two very nice choices if you ask me! :) Take your time saving up for a house, if that's your goal. Renting is a great option to let you try both lifestyles at a fraction of the cost of owning, with maximum flexibility. You could head into town and see if that works for you. If you miss the farm a lot, then find another farm situation in a couple of years. There's no rush and neither choice has to be permanent, you know? :)

Teeny, sounds like a great situation at your sisters. ENJOY that garden! :) And have fun with the wedding planning!
Evening ladies, been reading and not posting, sorry!! Crazy few days as usual. Hubby is off over Easter too, so I'm not having much time to catch up with ANYTHING!!

Louise, glad to hear Lilia's better than she was, poor honey!

All you ladies with broody husbands are making me want another baby!!! Not yet, but it would be nice for a 4th for us. Can't really see it happening, but you never know!

I went to my ENT appointment yesterday, GP referred me because of ongoing swollen neck glands, sore throat, earache etc. It was fine, I'm not drastically ill as I thought in my very anxious mind. I ended up having a camera up my nose and down my throat, and everything looks good. Doc said my throat shows lots of evidence of lots of viral infections, and my adenoids are huge, but said it's just down to the number of bugs small children bring into the household. I have a nose polyp but they're not bothered about that. And he reckons my ear discomfort/dizziness is down to atypical migraine, and reckons he can really help it with some meds, which he can't give me until I'm no longer breastfeeding Sam. So, all in all, it went well. Junior doc did the throat camera, hence it was sore last night as he kept on getting the damn thing stuck, not pleasant!!

So tomorrow, we're off to Gullivers World at Warrington, with all of us, and Sam's godmothers and one of their kids. It will be fab!! My boys are so excited! They couldn't get to sleep!! Bless em. I am pissed off as I've lost this weight and now none of my summer clothes fit. I have eventually found some black knee length trousers and a nice top which fit so I can look nice. I am loathe to go off buying nice new clothes when all this weight could go back on when I stop feeding! grrrrrr........
Blob, I've always wanted to live on a farm but Its such hard work I used to be a young farmer and loved it except geese scare the sh£& out of me

Asher hope you have a good time tomorrow the boys will love it

JJ back and back of legs have got worse some of his skin is broken and scabed over, he doesn't seem too upset with it but to me it just looks painfully sore. Docs have managed to get me an appointment for Thursday morning which is better than hAving to wait until next week. Just hope they can give him something to help.
Thanks Jelly. Poor James, hope you get some joy on Thursday. xx
Evening ladies!

Sorry been rather busy in the garden etc!!

Hope we are all well!!! So glad Lilia is getting better xx

YM, good luck with the funeral tomorrow x

Jelly, thats sounds sore for JJ xx

Asher, have a lovely day xx

Can't believe how warm it is!! Hope loves being out in the garden, we put her swing up the other day and she loves it!!
Good to hear you and Hope are well, Becs. xx

YM, forgot to say, hope you are okay tomorrow. xx
Asher they look so cuuuute!!

Well just dropped Robin off again for another 2 weeks boo hiss... Last time girls were so nice and came home and slept. This time no such luck both up so up properly since 3 :hissy:
Asher love the new pic !

Blob I hope you get a quiet day, not much chance I'm sure

Becs is hopes swing good? What make is it? We thinking of looking for one

Ym hope your day isn't too stressful x

I just have to say Layla slept in her cot from 8 last night until 7 this morn this has never happened!!!!! She loves her big cot and now she has pyjamas instead of a grobag she rolls around and gets comfy
Amelia doesn't like her cot and had started waking! ...... You can't have everything :)
Asher, cute as cute your boys in the tub! No junior doc near me, i am a right fuss pot as it is! xx:hugs:

Blob, was up 2,4,7 and she got up at 9 and that was not a bad night!! xx:hugs:

Genies, I always imagine with twins they are always opposite, one awake one asleep, one up one down etc! :hugs:

Jelly hope the doc can help lo's skin, poor thing sounds nasty and sore xx:hugs:

Got to go, mil today, hyper child taken his meds late and it is suggested they need to be increased but i am delaying it atm, i dont want to be left with no where to go on them and them not being enough, he is such hard work :wacko:
My mil told me some dark family secret ages ago and i feel she should tell dh, and why should i do it as i feel she only told me as a cop out so i would do her dirty work and tell him, but its not my business to tell him, she should, so i think i will suggest yet again she tells him, and hope he doesn't ask how long i have known as the answer is years, very unfair of her to put me in the position she has but she doesn't think of it like that:shrug:

Got to go, back later, oh geeezzze my ds is in hyper drive:brat:
Awwh GG it must be so hard with 2, with rosalie I know as soon as I crack it she will have another issue in a week or so but yours probably clash :hugs:

Jelly sounds really nasty :nope:

YM hope it goes ok today :hugs: :hugs:
Sorry BTP missed your post... Aw must be tough with having a really hyper boy :(
Eek thats so wrong of your MIL not sure I would have been able to keep it secret though:lol:
Btp sounds like you mil has been really unfair! Hope you get some calm from your boy soon without needing more mess, must be so hard x
Jelly poor little jj hope the doctor can help z
Blob, is he away 2 weeks and home a week and so on? How long for? I feel your pain! Lilia is usually no trouble but having all three on my own is so tiring, can't imagine with a toddler!
Asher have fun today!
GG wow I admire you so much, must be so hard yet you never complain!

Stupid bitch has now demanded I take boys home Friday as she now has plans, I said tough we have plans too! Alex has been complaining if a tight foreskin, he is rather well endowed bless him and I let her know so she could take him to doc, thinking he might need circumcising, her comment back was that's a bit harsh, I know Wayne had been circumcised. WTF?! Any need to mention that?! Is she trying to point out she has seen my husbands bits and pieces, after 2 kids with her I think I realise that! Stupid cow!
Good morning!
Tobe is nursing his way out of his wee cold, so I'm on permanent boob duty. He hasn't been a boob barnacle like this since the early days!
I finally pried him off so I could refill my coffee and he gave me such a look. Stern disapproval!

Louise, holy smokes, that woman is a piece of work. I fervently hope that you and Wayne get full custody of those poor boys to limit their exposure to her. I cringe reading about her. Does she do nothing with them as the priority? Is it always about her and being as difficult as possible? Why do some people choose to live like that? It takes so much energy to be that much of a bitch. Truly, it does. She must be pathologically immature and selfish.

btp - Poor boy. Poor you. :hugs:
Have you tried any other things for his condition? Have you noticed a difference if you change his diet or anything like that? I agree with you. You don't want to be at the max dose for meds and nowhere else to go if it gets worse. I don't know a lot about his condition, but I wonder if there are any other treatments. I'm remembering a little girl that I taught in a school here. She had a few different conditions, sharp as a tack, but really had a hard time with group work, classroom focus, etc. Her worker took her aside before every class and brushed her down with a soft clothes brush. It was a simple, non-drug treatment that made a huge difference in her ability to focus. Some sensory sensitivity thing - can't remember how it works exactly, but it did! I wonder if there is some technique like that that might help?

:hugs: to all poorly babies and/or mums.

Tobe has just had a very noisy and satisfying poo, judging by the look on his face. Must run!
Sarah yes she seems to just enjoy being difficult! Nathan (6) I think has a water infection, classic symptoms peeing constantly and it stings. I text her to tell her I was going to take him to the doctors, and she said no I'll tAke him when he's home. I said why should he be in pain for 6 more days when it could just get sorted?! She said he's her son not mine and it's her responsibility... Hmm, as is dentist you would think but I took them last week for their first appointment ever, and the eldest has holes in his bottom teeth... Adult teeth.. Because he doesn't brush them at his mums house. Mind you, all her teeth went rotten and fell out due to the same thing, got fixed by tax payers, why should I be surprised that she'd let the same thing happen to her kids?! Anyway I convinced her to let me take him to the doctor in the end!

Sarah I hope Toby calms down with the guzzling soon! Also I know people that control ADHD symptoms with diet but I think it must depend on the complexity and intensity of it for the child in question?
Louise she sounds like a total bitch :nope: type who makes everything about herself yuck!!

He's 2 on 2 off :) it's not too bad only the evenings are crap. Think it must be harder to go from one baby to 2 older boys & baby.
2 on 2 off, will take some getting used to though.... I know the first few times Wayne went away were awful, now if he goes away for a few weeks it's almost normal ifkwim!? I agree though the evenings are the worst, yyou get chance to sit and think, and you almost get the time to miss them which if you keep busy during the day you don't quite so much. I have been a lot better since R&R I think but the last few evenings have been hard, I think it's because we're at that so near but yet so far point!!

He rang today actually and said there is a small chance that he might come home at the end of May woop woop so a week and a bit before he was due to come home, might not sound a lot but it would mean that it's next month rather than the month after next and would make it about 40 sleeps instead of 50!! Would mean we lost about £350 of his bonus but who cares?! Would much rather have him home any day!! Will not get my hopes up though I doubt it will come off!!

Well, lovely day here, so hot and sunny, had a wander in town and lunch at a local pub, we're friends with the owners... shit I just realised I didn't pay!!!! Oopsie..... that's a job for tomorrow then!! Anyway, we then played water games in the garden till the kids were completely soaked through! Lilia was so knackered she went to bed at 6.30, boys 8.30, that gives me an evening! Woop woop!
Evening ladies, wow it's late!!

Thanks all for your comments about the avatar, I have to capture the "Jack being good" moments, haha!!

Louise, you sound so much more in tune with those little boys than their own mum. Poor Nathan, hope he get sorted. The boys should be with you and Wayne. Yay for possibly coming back early too!! Fingers crossed it comes off for you!

BTP, sounds like your MIL's put you in a horrible position! Nasty!! It must be hard with your DS and his issues, do you get any support from the docs/health workers with him in the decisions you need to make about his meds and stuff? Hugs. xx

Blob, sounds tough the 2 on, 2 off thing, but I guess the 2 off bit will be great for you and the girls, lots of time with Daddy. x

Aw Sarahka, poor Toby and his cold!! Although, even though Sam nurses so little these days, I love the feeling of the feeding, and of being able to make him feel better with a boob!!! I hope you get through this as painlessly as you can with the little man!!! I love your avatar of his very serious little mush!! Gorgeous!

GG, I admire you, you seem to just take having two lovely little ladies totally in your stride! It must be so hard having two distinct and different personalities to deal with, with their own likes and dislikes, sleeping patterns etc! Layla did fab last night, I hope it continues for you and that Amelia follows her soon!! x

Well, we've had a bloody fab day today at Gulliver's World with our lovely friends. The kids all got on so well, and I even went on a rollercoaster with DH on our own! It was like the old days! There is a very long video on FB which DH has done, for anyone who wants a nosey at our day!

See you all tomorrow ladies. xx
Sarah boob barnacle made me laugh I love reading your posts they are so well written!

Louise seriously the woman is deranged ! You must wonder what Wayne saw in her ?

Asher glad to see on Facebook you had a good day out !

Thinking about Lbb hope she is doing okay in hospital with little man , such a worry !

Thanks for the kind coments earlier , I love having twins but i try not to make it into a big deal iykwim? I don't go on the twin section on here too much as some people are very very structured with there twins I'm more very organised but treat them as individuals approach !

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