September Stars

Louise - she really is twisted. Poor boys, tight foreskin made me yelp at the thought poor boy. It's good that they are able to talk to you about things like that. Hope he manages to get it sorted soon.

Btp - I hate when families put you in awkward situations. When I was pregnant I had a number of big secrets that were upsetting to me but I was unable to tell the rest if the family. Then once they were told by my sister they blamed ne that I hadn't told them. It's a no win situation unfortunately .

GG - I like that you treat them both as individuals as it takes alot of commitment and hard work to achieve that especially when they were first born. It's something that I'm sure they will appreciate once they are older.

Asher loved the pic of jack fast asleep in the car and Archie still smilie. I love your boys they are so damn adorable x

I agree hope Lbb and James are doing ok and get to come home soon

Been upset this evening poor jjs back and arms in the heat today have started to weep, his skin was stuck to his vest, I had to gently separate it. I had to strip him off bathe with cotton wool and pat dry then put savlon on all his rashes. Really hoping they can help as I'm scared to put him in his car seat or pram it looks so raw. I was almost tempted to take him to a&e as it was so bad but dh persuaded me to wait until tomorrow morning to see the doc. As they have mucked up dh prescriptions I don't hold much faith with the docs at the moment .
Oh Jelly poor baby, it sounds so sore! It must be so stressful, I really hope the doctor can help tomorrow, and help quickly too with the warm weather so it doesn't get any worse xxx big hugs xx

Asher glad you had a great day, I'm going to have a nosy at your piccies now!
Thanks for all the lovely messages!! Its 12 o'clock and i've only just got home so I will try and catch up tomorrow.... been stuck in the car for 10 hours as the m25 was down to one lane!!! Nightmare!!!

Funeral was lovely and Kimi was an angel...slept right through it!!! Then afterwards she woke up and decided to sing!!! :cloud9: I know my nan would've loved her so I thought it was nice when she started singing!!

Catch up later

Ym -glad the funeral went well. Perfect weather for saying your goodbyes xx
Oh jelly poor jj if the doc doesn't help you push for a feferal to a skin specialist ! Hope this weather helps a bit does it?

Ym glad the funeral was okay bit the m25 sucks doesn't it!
GG I think this weather has made it worse because he gets hot and clammy in his car seat etc. Woke up this morning to a massive explosive nappy that smelt really sweet like when the Los were only on milk. I think I'm defiantly going to ask for a referral either for skin specialist or allergy testing. Luckily he seems happy enough which is the important thing.
I have fingers crossed for you today jelly x lilia gets an explosive nappy, sometimes up her back, and I think I've worked out it's after a meal with cheese.... She had vegetable and cheese bake yesterday and literally 20 mins after eating it she did this! Should I just not give her cheese do you think or speak to doc?
Ym glad it went as well as it could x
Jelly, that sounds so painful. My friends LO had something similar and turned out he was allerigic to dairy, so she now gives him goats milk. I know how painful my eczema was as a kid with it weeping and clothes sticking to it, not nice. The only thing that worked for me was natural things, my Mum was against too many steroid creams. Really hope you get some answers, have you thought about going to see a homeopathic dr??

Louise, she really is not fit for the title of 'Mum'. Its lovely the boys can tell you anything x

Asher, glad you had a lovely day, photos are brill!!

Genies we got Hope's swing from argos, was £25! Its just a nursery swing!

YM, what a gorgeous sunny day you had to say your farewells xx

We had a lovely day, took Hope swimming, she is such a water baby!! She actually fell asleep in her bath last night and was dressed and put in her grobag fast asleep!!! She was in bed by 6.30 and woke this morning at 6.30! So we are all sorted, housework all done, washing out and car packed!!

We pick our new car up on Tuesday, finally!!! The bloke who was dealing with our sale at ford has been off sick and as he has always sold my Mum cars we decided to wait for him to sort it!! He gave us a good deal, so finally we have a sensible car lol!!
Just quickly, I'm off to the medals parade, where Wayne should be collecting his medal. Very strange. Missing him lots. Hope everyone has a lovely sunny day!
Louise it must be so hard knowing Wayne should be there. I have everything crossed that he does get to come home early. What the other ladies are saying is so true, you really do sound more intouch with the boys than their own mother. I get the impression that they kinda get in her way as she just wants to live her life. Such a shame but thank goodness they have you and Wayne.

Jc, poor JJ! It must be horrible for you seeing him like that. I really hope the cause is found soon and it's treated. Does he still seem happy?

I missed what happened to Jayne and James. Are they ok?

Ym, so glad the funeral went well. I am sure your nanna was singing along with Kimi!

Asher, where is Gullivers World? It sounds like you all had a great time which is so deserved.

There was lots more I wanted to say but I have forgotten it all!

We are off to Hereford for 5 days tomorrow. Anyone over that way? I can't wait. We didn't think we could afford a holiday but a friend then posted on FB that they needed someone to house sit!

On the subject of money our problems may soon be solved! My inlaws have told me that they want to give us some money to enable us to move house! I am still not really believing it as it is too good to be true. It would mean we can pay off our debt and move to somewhere more family friendly. I will still need to get a job but life will be so much easier! I could cry I am so happy!

Harry has just been weighed and he is now 18,3oz which means he is following his line perfectly. I am so relieved as he is still not great with food. The HV did say though that I am going to have to be firm and start refusing to give him boob if he doesn't eat. I am not sure I can do it though.

Oh and I possibly have a job interview! I got offered the last job but the salary wouldn't cover the nursery costs so fingers crossed I get this one as my maternity runs out in a few weeks!
Fishy- jaynes been at the hospital with James as he's been shown to be having problem with his kidneys. She hasn't posted on here it's via fb. Last I checked she was still waiting for the consultant but was hoping to be home by yesterday.

Took JJ to the docs and are not sure what is causing the skin complaint. He's now been given four different creams and lotions and to be checked in three weeks. If it gets worse I'm to go back before. He doesn't seem to think it's allergy as his front if legs / bottom of arms and face haven't got the harsh inflammation. Bought him an aquapod for the bath so he no longer has to lay on his back when being washed. I joked with the doctor saying it's difficult to know when something is wrong as even yesterday with large weeping sores he was smiling etc only cries when it comes to all his food gone at feeding time !

Louise anymore news on whether warned coming back earlier than planned?
Fishy - great news on the funds I'd love to move but think we will still have to wait a couple of years yet. Good luck with the interview when /what/where :) ?
Hi All,

Been hectic here with children, and their friends staying! The middle 2 are away now, so peace and quiet reins for the time being!

Louise, I think I would do doctors etc regardless especially if she doesn't.
Tight foreskins can be hereditary my eldest had his done for medical reasons as did his father, but my next boy who's father was also done is fine! Irrespective of that though if its tight its tight, they try lubricant and moving the foreskin first, if that doesn't work they can make a small nick in the skin to release it and if that's no good or if its just too tight they do a circumcision, and the younger that is done the better in my opinion. .
/,., (Rosie adding her bit)

Sarah, yes he has had other therapy's but it is just not available to him at school, we did spacial awareness, and touch therapies stroking him with different textures, there were lots we did but the medication had the biggest difference in him, and having a support worker at school made him play up to her, he was at his worst then!:hugs:

I am at a loss with the secrets, it is not a little thing, it is huge, and to my dh family is everything, so more so, basically he has just him and his sister and she has no children, nor does my only sister so our children have no cousins, however his mum told me his dad had 2 children b4 they got together so he has a half brother and sister no one has ever told him about, possible aunties uncles and cousins out there for our children somewhere! :shrug:

got to go, manic still here! xx:hugs:
Fish, your HV is on crack.
There is no set time to wean your baby, and until age 1, breastmilk is the most important and nutritious food you can give him. Refusing him the boob sounds like a very drastic treatment for a non-existent problem. :shrug:
Unless you are ready to wean him and want that to happen sooner because of work? Do what you need to do if that's the case, but don't let some public health nurse with an agenda tell you that you aren't doing things properly.
I'm quite shocked she suggested that. :shock:

jelly - hope he gets some relief soon, poor baby!
Thanks for the update JC. Poor Jayne and James. I hope it's not too serious and that it's curable.

Sarah thank you so much for that information. Now you come to mention it I seem to remember being told that before. I asked the HV whether babies self wean as I am very much baby led in how I am bringing up Harry and I was told no and that I needed to be firm and refuse boob.

BTP I can't believe your mil told you something as massive as that but hasn't told your dh!
Fishy: Solid Foods.asp

Both very good science-based sites. :thumbup:
Actually, this page i even better:
Becs cannot believe that she can sleep so well :cloud9:

Jelly aww omg that's awful hope you can get something to help him :nope:

Louise it must be killing you to have him gone so long :( is it not really odd when he comes home?

Shit BTP cannot believe she told you something that huge!! Tbh though I think I would just tell him. I mean it's not awful information is it? Though I get that it's really not something you want to do and you're going to end up looking like the bad person. I think though if he found out you knew and kept it secret I think that would hurt more in my opinion :hugs:

Fishy I was thinking that too HVs are off their heads :nope: it's really sad though thinking that some people will believe their shit. I know that my friend has serious issues with her son and daughter but this is like he is about 18months and he's smaller than Rosalie and her daughter is a year older than tabs and smaller :nope: the point was that she was told initially not to wean him too much and then only when it came to him being over 1 was she told to start trying to stop feeding him through the night to encourage him to eat more. :hugs: don't listen to her, trust yourself.
Sorry havent got time for personals i will catch up in the morning.

Me and Tarron have just decided on our baby girls name we cut it down to 2 names and then put them in a hat and got the boys to pick them out! Jayden loved doing it hes still pretanding to do it now even though were finished lol.

Tarron doesnt want to tell anyone the name but has said i can tell you girls so please keep it quiet!!

We have decided on Alyssa Abigail-Lily.

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