September Stars

I am going absolutely crazy waiting for FedEx to show up with my stroller.
It's making me so cranky. I feel trapped - like I can't even take the boys out to play in the backyard because I might miss the stupid parcel.
I hate these kind of deliveries. And waiting for service people. Like cable or internet or plumbers. You have to sit and wait and wait and wait and tie up your entire day around one event.
Why is that?
Why can't they at least say, "you are scheduled for our afternoon deliveries"? And then if something comes up, have their office call to notify us.
Why do we have to sit around as total prisoners to their schedule? It's seems both discourteous and unnecessary, doesn't it?
Or am I just cracking under the stress of waiting?
Man, this stroller better be able to mow my lawn and make me a latte after all this. :growlmad:
Hi ladies, wow it's been quiet on here today!!

Louise, lovely to hear you've spoken to Wayne twice today, that must have been lovely!! 19 sleeps yahoo!!! x

I see from Ann's FB status that today went well with work/nursery, what a lovely relief to have that over!!

Thanks for all your well wishes for sleep ladies. Sam didn't do too badly last night. Slept 8 - 2.30, then cried for a short while when he went back to bed after his feed, but then slept until 6.30. So not too bad. But I was awake for ages, from 1am I would say, as though my body was just waiting for Sam to wake up. Argh, and Jack woke up twice with "my leg hurts mummy!".... ah well, here's to a better night tonight!!

This "crawling" thing is so hard!! He is so frustrated, not being able to crawl properly, he won't be put down. I know it's a combination of still getting over being poorly and teething, but by heck it's hard!! Every time I put him down with his toys in the living room this morning, as soon as I turned my back, all I could hear was frustrated moaning, getting closer and closer, and "ma ma ma ma"..... argh!!!!!!! He'll get there eh?!!

Hope everyone's well tonight. xx

Edit: Argh Sarah I understand your stress!! Come on stroller, and don't let us down!!!!
sarah photos will be needed of this long awaited stroller ! I love your new avatar of your boys so cute!

Asher i feel your pain all i hear all day is frustrated moaning sounds as they try to perfect their crawl, Layla can very speedily comando crawl across the floor but thats not enough for her

Louise thats great good day then x

Im planning the girls christening im trying to think of what i can offer the kids to do an activity or entertainment of some kind its quiet an age range from 1-9 really any ideas anyone?
Woah so it has been quiet!!!! My brother has taken Kimi out for a couple of hours for me...and I feel...wierd??? Usually I love the break and enjoy some me time but now everything is done, dinners in the oven, front room is respectable...(jst gotta run the hoover round) and I'm picking at things to keep me entertained!! Hurry home Kimi!!!!! :blush:

Louise - 19 sleeps!!!! Excited!!!

Sarah - Hope this stroller turns up soonish!!!

Asher - Crossed fingers for some sleep tonight!!!

Sarah, they need a kick up the arse!!!

Louise, YAY not long now!!!

Claire, poor little Sam, he will get it soon enough!!

Hope has been everywhere, she loves her freedom!! Met my friend and her LO for lunch today, was lovely! Tomorrow I am taking my Dad out then I am off to my friends to drop the jumperoo off!! Busy day for me!!
Ah GG, I'm rubbish at those kinds of things, maybe some sort of craft activity which could be tailored for each age?
:hi: ladies!!!!

I can't catch up on all the 500 or so pages since I was last on :blush: but I hope you're all doing fab :)

Izzy is teething, although she doesn't have any teeth yet. Her bum is so sore :(

She's only ever rolled over once ( a couple of weeks ago), didn't like it, and won't do it again lol. So, no crawling either. I wasn't expecting her to anyways though really, I didn't crawl.. neither did my sister or DD no.1. When we sit her down she kinda arches her back and pushes herself up the floor lol... Because of her laziness we've had a few extra health visitor visits, but now she's supporting her own wight when I stand here up they're leaving us alone :)

I'm working pretty much full-time, and am really busy with the wedding (and getting into shape for it!). I'll really try now to check in more often (promise! :blush:)

And i'm getting REALLY broody again :blush:

Hope you're all good again...


Very quiet in here ladies! What's going on! We can't be letting the side down!! This thread can't die :cry: !!

Took Hollybobs for her 8 month check today (at 9 months!) and she was brill. She was all happy and smiley and 'passed' with flying colours! She picked up the bluetack with a pincer grip and picked up the blocks, passed from one hand to the other then banged them together. She's hit all of the milestones she's meant to have by now and the HV said she is very pleased with how she is doing. She said it sounds like we have a fantastic routine :)

I went for another job interview today for a shop, it was ok but they didn't actually ask me any questions or anything about myself, she just rabbited on about herself ha ha! So they said they'd call me for a 2nd interview if I was successful... not really sure what I had to be successful at but hey ho! I don't really want it anyway, I want the HMRC one but didn't want to put all my eggs in one basket in case something went wrong with the other before I get my official confirmation.

I'm getting the moans and groans as well, as soon as I put her down I get the moany ma ma ma ma as she can't quite do it yet lol She sort of drags herself around but can't quite coordinate her arms and legs enough to crawl yet! I can't wait til she can so the moaning will stop!! Also she is making it sooo hard to change her nappy at the moment, flip flopping all over the place, she won't stay still! I've had to start changing her on our bed as she's nearly throwing herself off the changing table every time. I think I'll just do it on the floor from now on! lol

I'm not looking forward to my operation on friday :( My prolapse has felt particularly bad this week though... sorry for tmi... you know the type of feeling you get when you've had a tampon in too long and it starts coming out? Well I've got that all the time now. It's quite uncomfortable and I'm so worried that it's getting worse, so I'm looking forward to getting this operation for the scar tissue done so I can heal and then get physio for the prolapse.

Aww and something lovely too. We went to morrison's cafe today for a brew after Holly's appointment and this lovely baby boy was smiling and waving at me. I got in a conversation with the lady he was with and she said he was 11 months old. We got chatting about babies as you do and whilst I presumed she was his grandma or a much older mum or something, it turned out she was his foster mum and she'd only had him since Saturday! I was surprised as she knew soo much about him. I said it was lovely as he seemed sooo happy, was smiling and waving, so he must like staying with her. I'd love to foster babies when my children have all grown up and moved out :)

Anyway me and Matt are going to have a game of monopoly now, like the ravers that we are ha ha!

Speak later x
Hi optical! Glad you're well! Poor izzy and her teeth! Lilia has had a really sore bottom for a week now, I don't know how to help other than barrier cream!

Gg, how about a bouncy castle? Well done on your bargain pushchair!

Asher, hope you have a better nights sleep tonight!

Jelly I saw your video on fb, how cute is jj and his giggling!! Nathan is still the only one who can really get proper giggles out of lilia

Ann so glad today was a success! Hopefully it will only get easier x

Sarah I have everything crossed that I can get crossed that you get a delivery very soon! And I agree, after the wait you've had it should also be a babysitter/coffee maker/sex machine in one!!!

Ym it's hard being without them even for a short time! My mum and dad have lilia while u pick up and drop off thR boys, it's weird !

Can't remember anything else sorry!
Emma, thats brilliant!! I had a letter from my HV saying that they have no appointments to offer for 8 months check, so they sent a checklist LMAO!!!! Nice to know they are concerened!!! I really hope you get a job soon xxx
ha ha Becs that's shocking!! A checklist?! What about if you wanted reassuring about something? bloody HVs lol
Ha ha ha that's just because I havent been in :winkwink: I've been getting my car ready to be sold :cry: :cry: I'm flipping gutted I love my car so much. Am hoping to get an Audi A4 s-line now though :D

Sarah I hope this pram is flipping amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

GG I have no idea on that :dohh: I need to organis my girls naming ceremony too.

Louise :wohoo: :wohoo: so exited for you!!!!!!

Awww emzy :hugs: will be worth it in the end though... And yaaay for Holly clever girl. They don't do them here you're lucky if you see anybody they do the 1yr ones with the mmr jag and the 2yr on the phone 'so is she sleeping and well...great'
My new HV is brilliant!! She had to come round after the whole SS palava and she has been me loads of advice and lots of praise which is always nice!! I havent heard anything about an 8 month check-up but I see my HV on Thursday as she has an outreach worker she wants us to see so I will ask her then!!!

hey girls,

Afraid i have not read through any missed posts (im such a bad SS) but wanted to say helloooooooooooo

Not much going on here... got a funny story

It was grants 30th birthday on saturday and we went to his parents house for a family BBQ. Paige was sitting on my lap and i went to grab a bowl of chocolate cake and cream, paige fell forward and her face went straight into my bowl, she didnt even move !!!... It felt like ages but as soon as i realised i pulled her face out of the bowl and everyone laughed as she sat there, her face covered in chocolate cake with a huge grin !!! I was in shock still but everyone else was rolling around laughing.... even now i giggle just thinking about it...

:rofl: awwwh so so cute gutted nobody had a camera.

Sorry optical :wave: hope you're doing ok Hun
Nice to see you lady k and optical x

Emz well done to Holly on the check they dont do them here either, I haven't been able to get the girls weighed for a few months because of working Wednesdays but I'm going to track down the hv in half term and go to whichever clinic she is doing

Blob nice sounding new car !

Ym glad you have a nice hv they should be praising you !

Tuesdays is my quiet day and I plan to chill with my ladies wait for my shopping to be delivered and have tea with my friend
Hi opti / lady k :wave:

Emzy - good to know Holly is hitting all those milestones

Sarahkka - really hope your stroller turns up

Lady k - Pmsl I wish I was there, she obviously wanted some yum !

GG - could you do a treasure hunt or if you don't want them running around individual activity books for their ages eg colouring, puzzles etc ... Sorry not great ideas

Trying out huggies now for night time and so far so good. The sides are stronger and nappy slightly bigger. Hope this does the trick. JJ seems to of got another cold and I appear to have tummy bug as been up all night :-( hoping for an easy day today

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