September Stars

Wow Louise that's a fantastic price, it's looks in good condition too !

It wasn't that long ago 'she' got rid of the last dog as I remember you saying how upset the boys were

Yay 4 more sleeps.
Wow the boys must be mega exited to see their dad soon :)

I've been thinking of Amy today too and little Darcie :kiss:

YM forgot to say awww gorgeous photos and wow your sister is a bit weird for that :wacko:

Also need photos of this please Louise :thumbup:

Going to upload some photos of the dress...
Dress too fancy??? Its at a really nice place... so is going to be pretty pooooossshhhh :winkwink:


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That dress is absoloutely stunning!!!!!!!!!

I am very jealous of your figure too Blob!!!

Blob - I think it's gorgeous, is this the dress you needed to buy the shoes for? Perfect for a summer wedding !
Dress is amazing blob! Deffinatly the one !

Back later with more personals quickly going to read before they wake up x
Morning!!! 20 to 7 and I am up doing personals... so lets see what I can remember!!!

Louise - Bargain!! Post some piccies and excited for Wayne to be home!!! x

Emzy - Please dont do this to me... Kimi has just started sleeping through the night and now you're telling me another sleep regression!!! :dohh: But maybe she'll skip this one ;)

Opti - Kimi has cried every time I leave the room for her to go to sleep unless she is literally falling asleep in my arms then she goes straight off... unfortunately I have to let her CIO although this absoloutely kills me sometimes...she does eventually go to sleep!!! Usually takes about 15 mins...and we check her every 5 mins but she knows when its bedtime...its bedtime!!! And I love the looked like you had a wild night!!!!

BTP - My brother has ADHD but came off medication when he was 16/17 and is doing really well...has a full-time job and although he struggles sometimes, he leads a normal life....whereas my SIL has aspergers and gets tiptoed round and basically told...oh she cant work....she cant go to college....she cant do anything....yet she can drive a car, cook meals and do all the housework??? Hmmmmm.... My mum has always told me how hard she struggled with my brother as he was a nightmare child so I can appreciate what you're going through!

Well, I decided last night that it was time to start a new routine with Kimi and this time stick to it so I'd thought I'd run it past you and see if it looks any good!!

6am - Wake up and have breakfast (fruit with yoghurt, weetabix etc etc)
PLAY TIME/NAP (if needed)
11am - Lunch (toast, veg sticks, yoghurt, sandwiches etc)
5pm - Dinner (anything we have blended really)
9pm - Bath
9.30pm - Bottle (7oz)
10pm - Bed

Obviously bottles will be offered too but I was 'adviced' to offer food first then if she is still hungry...then offer her a reduced bottle and see how we go!

We are going to try getting her into bed earlier but this is her usual time for the moment so once we get established it'll be getting earlier....

Does this look good or has anyone else got any ideas that might work better??

Good Morning All xx

Louise, saw the caravan:thumbup: Really love it, excellent bargain! And OMG he is nearly back!!!!:happydance::yipee::wohoo:

Opti, Looks like you had a fab time you dirty stop out you, Really nice to see you let your hair down!:hugs:

YM, Thank you hun, it is hard with him but because you can't 'see' a physical disability people don't understand what its like, he has good and bad times and the meds really help. They are licenced for children but as he is on them he is allowed to continue into adulthood on them, but we will try and get him off them when he is settled into adulthood, ie when he is settled in a job etc, I have heard some positive stories about adults that had ADHD as a child but not many and your brother is the first that was on the meds and gone into adulthood fine! :hugs:

Blob, perfect dress, very elegant and really nice! :hugs:

Emzy, very much a transition time for Holly, she is learning lots and starting to see she has a say in things!! Some of it is unsettled from growing and developing changes, some just her trying it on, but just do what you do and she will work through it and settle again like she did soon:thumbup::hugs:

Been remembering Darcie too, feel very sad for Amy and her angels, so much sadness:cry: I looked at Darcie's photos, such a perfect little baby in every way:cry:

I am annoyed with dh who came to bed after being on the xbox at half 1 this morning, woke Rosie who started saying Dada instead of feeding and sitting up on my lap, so he starts chatting and playing with her even tho i said dont talk and play with her so she is WIDE awake and not settled so by 2 i took her downstairs to try and settle her, at 3 we went back to bed, when my other dd was up saying she felt sick:shrug: Flippin husband :dohh:

Something really funny tho, he was looking at his hand and saying he had a lump on his finger, so i look and say its a callous from something rubbing on matches the xbox controller:rofl: He has got an x box lump on his finger he plays the bloody thing so much:rofl:

Right off out today, all the children are back and I promised the eldest I would take him shopping, he only wants a game, but its an 18 and he is 17 so i have to get it for him, i expect once he has the game this shopping with mum thing will be enough for him! :haha:

Back later xx
Blob... That dress is GORGEOUS!!! You look stunning missus :thumbup:

Louise - Eeeekkkk! Friday's not far away at all now!!!! And that IS a bargain.. good 'ol chronicle. Did you grow up in Barnsley then? I'm from Hemsworth :)

Poor little Darcie, was thinking about her last night too.. thinking about Amy and her family :cry:

I got to thinking about all the ladies who lost stars along the way... what ever happened to cazza? Has she had her baby yet?

YM... routine sounds good to me, fx'd she adapts to it well :hugs:

BTP... Xbox-related injuries :haha: I'm surprised my OH doesn't have one too sometimes!

Well, I struggled a bit at the gym today after my weekend. I've now got all the house to tidy too... Urgh. Must say though, I do feel a little better from sweating it out.

Hope you all have a good day :flower:
Optical, I didn't grow up there no but my parents both did, My mum was from athersley and my dads parents were in grimethorpe but now in south Kirkby I know hemsworth but can't think where it is!

Blob I agree, both you and the dress are stunning!

Btp it'll serve your dh right if he has lumpy fingers forever! Lol!

My memory is shocking, that's all I can remember!

Only 3 days to go, eek! Been cleaning and tidying but to be honest with a crawling explored baby and two boys it's a bit of a pointless, and thankless, task!

Getting my hair done tomorrow and the dog is going for a bath, defuzz (which I could do with too) and a teeth brushing!

Lilia was crawling probably once a day for the last god knows how many weeks, then on Saturday she started doing it all the time and she's getting quicker by the day! Just in time for daddy to run around after her, yay!
Just a quick one from me to all the Ladies going to Take That its the most amazing show ever you will love it. I am still on a high from last night. Now going to go back and read all of what I have missed.
Louise, my Mum got me a fridge magnet that says
''Cleaning up toys while children are growing is like clearing snow while its still snowing''
Very true!:hugs:

Optical, pretty sure u are not on my fb, have pm'd you! :hugs:

My dh had the cheek to give it the 'i should be so lucky' on the subject of sex, I nearly choked! Cheeky sod, I said, its not me that spends every night on the x box and has a bad back! I just wonder what distorted way he see's the whole situation! :shrug:

Been out had a MacD's for lunch but in my defence i didnt eat breakfast and that was my t, which is just as well, the milkshakes make me feel sick, prob because i finished my ds and dd's off!:sick:
For the fish and chips there is no defence! :blush:
I left my debit card in the machine in the chip shop last night, what a wally! I rang up and they hadn't seen it so i went in and some cleaning woman had no clue so i went out and some bloke chased out after me, they had rang the manager who had put it away safely! Phew!

Ladyk, I think it's natural when you have a child with behaviour difficulties you look at the others picking on every little thing!
I was saying to dh today we won't know with Sophie until she is 4 or 5 as the temper tantrums are that of a bit ott toddler.
Atm she is hard work and HAS to have her way, HAS to go first and collapses into a heap of tears, high pitch screaming and kicking off if she doesn't which for child no4 i think not quite right, she also hides when she kicks off which Ben used to do, but she is very spoilt by her Dad so i think it may be that?
I won't know for a bit, but she will be straight to Ben's consultant if i get a hint of her brothers behaviour I just couldn't cope with it, people don't realise how these things harm the family unit, it divides and destroys relationships, You have to be strong to work with it!
Rosie is placid and much calmer, doesn't kick off at much like my other dd, so no worries so far! :hugs:

It so nice to have someone who understands. There is a large age gap between Jake and Paige for a reason. I said i would never have any more children after Jake as he was such hard work. I thought having a girl and as she has a different dad the percentage goes down. I dont think it runs on my side of the family as Jakes dad was exactly the same as a child. But i guess any little thing i will always worry, until she is 5 i will not know for sure, they will not bother doing any tests till then but i noticed Jake was different about 1 and half years old. xx
Blob- that dress is amazing, but go away with that stunning figure of yours !!! dont think i have ever had a body like that since 1997 !!!

Louise- i am now on a mission to get Grant to agree to a caravan... but he said if i can find a place to store one i can buy one.... i got all excited only to realise he knows that will be impossible !!! xx

BTP- funny enough i have a husband who does exactly the same thing, he seems to think early hours of the morning is a good time to play !!! x

young mummy- Jake has aspergers.. bloody hard work as his behaviour is the main problem. I have always been worried to have two children with it.. really hope Jake will be able to work when he is older, he just needs to control his temper when he doesnt understand. Wow you get up at 6am !!! does that routine fit in with her natural body clock? Our routine is so different, Paige sleeps 7pm-7am but she goes back to sleep after 7am till about 9/10am breakfast 9ish lunch 1pm and dinner 5pm...would Kimi get hungry between 11am and 5pm ? whats Kimi's sleeping routine like? x
Kimi sleeps from 10pm til 6am so it fits perfectly into her routine.... I want her to be starving in the morning so she eats her breakfast and this morning went well...she did eat most of it as she was that hungry.... but OH failed on her lunchtime and dinner as forget her lunch time food and just before her dinner gave her a bottle :dohh: I keep saying to him food first then if she is still hungry offer her the bottle but its much easier to shove a bottle at her and play the ps3!!!!
Well, I decided last night that it was time to start a new routine with Kimi and this time stick to it so I'd thought I'd run it past you and see if it looks any good!!

6am - Wake up and have breakfast (fruit with yoghurt, weetabix etc etc)
PLAY TIME/NAP (if needed)
11am - Lunch (toast, veg sticks, yoghurt, sandwiches etc)
5pm - Dinner (anything we have blended really)
9pm - Bath
9.30pm - Bottle (7oz)
10pm - Bed

Are you thinking of only giving 1 bottle a day? At this age kimi should be on roughly 3 bottles of 6/7 oz

The foods are perfect choices in my opinion :thumbup:
No..offering the bottle after her food... the doctor has told us to get her off formula but she has already cut down to 4 bottles a day x
Optical Love the photos, glad you had a good time x

Blob Gorgeous dress!!! Love it!

YM routine sounds fab to me, how's she got on today? How many bottles are you planning on a day? Can I make a suggestion? How about offering 3 bottles, maybe one an hour or so before or after breakfast, an hour or so before or after lunch and then bedtime? I think at Kimis age 3/4 bottles is about right, around 18-20oz of milk is ideal :flower: I don't know about Kimi, but if Holly is really hungry she won't eat food and so I've always offered her milk then food afterwards xx

BTP lol at your husbands Xbox fingers!!

Louise 3 days eeeek!!

First bean I'm sooooooo excited for Take That on Sunday!!
Oops posted before I was finished!!

I feel a bit upset about something, am I being over sensitive? My friend from antenatal classes' baby is a few days younger than Holly and she had booked a naming ceremony for the last weekend in August. She's just text me to say that they are now having a christening instead and that it will be on 14th August. I replied and said "that's Holly's birthday!" and she replied and said "yeah I thought it was". I said "aw what a shame, we will be having Holly's birthday party that day" and she replied and said "oh well" !! Now she knew we were having a birthday party for Holly and that she was invited along with her baby (who is one of Holly's few baby friends) and also that we were hoping to book a naming ceremony/christening for Holly that weekend but we can't do it until we are back in work and know where we are financially. I guess it's not so much that they are having it on that day, I don't expect her to have to work around us, but she is my friend and I thought she would at least think it was a "shame" instead of saying "oh well" when I said I was disappointed that we couldn't go to the christening and they couldn't come to Holly's party. We had become really good friends and see each other every week and I wouldn't book Holly's naming day on her baby's birthday as I'd want them to be there and especially if they were having a party. I dunno, I feel a bit upset by it! x

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