September Stars

Evening ladies!

I am better at keeping up on FB as I am an addict and as I can pop on and put something quick on there. I love BnB but just don't seem to have the time for really long replies at the moment, I'm sure that will change as Sam gets a wee bit older!! I am pretty good with most names, but don't think I've got everyone from the Sept Stars as friends on FB yet. Must get that sorted!! I do like it in the night when I'm feeding that I can pop on for a nosey and there's usually someone else up too!

Oooh Optical, I think the last thing I'd want would be sexy undies! Nice thinking by your OH, but barking up the wrong tree!! Hope you're feeling better tonight, it must be so hard dealing with your horsey being gone now too. :hugs:

Wow MrsJ, Scarlett heading into the cot already! Sam's not so mobile in his sleep yet, but it will only be a matter of time I think. He'll soon be too big for the carrycot, then the crib, then into the cot he'll go! Is the cot going in your room? When Sam goes in his it will be in his own room, which will break my heart!!

Kara, with regards to bedtime, Sam tends to have his bath between 6.30 and 7.30 ish. He is fussy and clingy and usually feeds until around 9pm, then I take him up to his bed. He's settled this last 3 or 4 nights now in the carrycot in the crib to the music on the monitor, and then he's slept until around 1ish. I guess as he starts sleeping longer and feeding less then I will start to bring his bedtime into line with the other two boys, so between 7.30 and 8pm.

I am STARVING at the moment! I think Sam is draining the life out of me! I am just about to pig out on a massive bowl of prawns and pasta, brush my teeth and fall into bed!!
We're the same as Claire and give Harry a bath around 6.30pm ish. Then it's in to his vest, baby grow and sleeping bag. I'll then try and give him a feed but sometimes he just doesn't want to eat then.. not sure why. Then he'll just fall asleep so we put him in his basket and that's him out for the count generally. So I guess he's asleep around 8pm. Then he'll wake around 1am, 4am, 7am.
Sam's very much like Harry with his feed pattern. just this last couple of nights he's gone 1 and then 5, but he's up at 7 then, which is fine. It would be nice if he might start leaving a bit more time between these night feeds!!! x
I really think a bath is key to a good routine and sleep, Hope has one every evening and we then put her in her grobag!!
LadyKara I think your microwave is broke, we have a 700watt microwave and it takes 25 seconds to warm a 5oz bottle straight from fridge.

So pleased for Amy, she deserves this.

cheers honey... ordered a new microwave.. we new something wasnt right when we heated up a bottle in 20 sec at a friends house on saturday and theirs was less than 900watt..

I see we are both on the i support london firefighters group on FB, are you a firefighter or a FF's wife too ? have you been reading whats been going on with the strikes and what they have been saying on there?? crazy !!

My Brother In Law is a firefighter it is insane how the media and union are twisting it to make it sound like firefighters are being dangerous, selfish and unreasonable. Also I hear people saying how wrong the strikes are and I say oh where have you read about it and they say they read about it in the paper and the firefighters just want a payrise, they don't believe me when I say it's actually about the union wanting to shut fire stations down at night and are putting peoples lives at risk by doing that. I think it got seriously crazy yesterday when a station manager drove his car into a picket line!
becs- which morrck did you get? i am waiting for mine to be sent ,i wanted the spotty with red inside and they had run out at the baby show, im so excited im fed up with putting on two lots of coats
Did anyone watch " honey i suckle the kids" on living this evening? the not wearing nappies from birth was interesting.. not sure i could put up with the poop but making them wee on command was something i found funny. And that poor womens boobs being pulled by her 2 and 5 year old girls.. ouch !!!

Paige seems to not settle at all from 7pm till 10pm.. we might cut out the bath and see if that makes a difference. she has been in her moses since 10 but its really strange her not being with me downstairs... i keep looking around thinking she is with my hubby

LadyKara I think your microwave is broke, we have a 700watt microwave and it takes 25 seconds to warm a 5oz bottle straight from fridge.

So pleased for Amy, she deserves this.

cheers honey... ordered a new microwave.. we new something wasnt right when we heated up a bottle in 20 sec at a friends house on saturday and theirs was less than 900watt..

I see we are both on the i support london firefighters group on FB, are you a firefighter or a FF's wife too ? have you been reading whats been going on with the strikes and what they have been saying on there?? crazy !!

My Brother In Law is a firefighter it is insane how the media and union are twisting it to make it sound like firefighters are being dangerous, selfish and unreasonable. Also I hear people saying how wrong the strikes are and I say oh where have you read about it and they say they read about it in the paper and the firefighters just want a payrise, they don't believe me when I say it's actually about the union wanting to shut fire stations down at night and are putting peoples lives at risk by doing that. I think it got seriously crazy yesterday when a station manager drove his car into a picket line!

My husband spends most of his time reading about the lastest news or telling me... and when i heard about the car accident i thought that would be enough for management to say ok enoughs enough !! but no !! the change in hours will effect our home life in a big way, i dont think people realise what a little change like hours will have to some fire fighters and their family.. there is a lot of safety issues which they are not coming clean to members of the public and when they do realise it will be too late and will only be when people lose their lives will it come out...
Uggh think Harry is going through a growth spurt as he's been wanting food every 2 hours, including at night. Think I jinxed things by saying how good he's been! lol x
Hi everyone,

I need a hug button on here, i don't want to quote a whole message, or say thanks just leave a hug after a message, come on B&B i want a hug button!!:hugs:

Anyway hugs all round today,

Optical :hugs:

Mrs J08 :hugs:

Emzy, just ask at your check but sounds like a blocked milk gland/duct, so mastitis, never had it but told its hot and sore at point of lump, best get it treated asap xx:hugs:

I have weighrd in after first week of 'healthy eating' i have not starved because i need to feed Rosie, but have have written down all i have had and not gone under the guided suggestions on food focus, I have lost 4lb in the first week!:happydance:
Will keep it up, i defo have to keep away from fizzy drink though it makes Rosie really sick, she throws up a huge projectile bleeeegggggggg!! Usually over me!
I feel very far from sexy right now, i was 11st13lb after the birth, and 11st 3lb now so dropped 10lb since birth but i still have a long way to go, my goal is 8st 10lb, I know i am a size 8 at that and what i have been between pregnancy for the last 16 years, all my clothes are that size and i want to undo all my vac bags and fit into all my old clothes!
I have a jelly belly but i can live with it if i am my usual size!
My dh really doesnt like big boobs (what a man that likes small boobs!!) It is funny i have always thought little boobs were good as boyfriends have always liked my little boobs, then i realised that you attract with what you have so i am unlikely to attract a boob man, except for now of course! I attract bum men, and if i do say so myself my bum is fine, at my ideal weight of course! :haha:

Totally unrelated dh fell over yesterday, he does every now and again, it sounds weird but i think he may have an ear problem that affects his balance, he is off to see ear doc today but i bet he wont tell them he falls over!
He is already in physio and accupuncture over his back, i don't think its connected to the back, although he can hurt it if he falls badly, what a healthy picture i draw of him, poor bloke! :dohh:

Back later, got to catch up on facebook, missed a day i think!

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: BTP xx
Morning - quick message while Miss Scarlett is asleep

Ladykara - Scarlett doesn't sleep between 6pm-10pm no matter what we try - the most we get at that time is an hour if we are lucky. Nothing makes a difference, her bath actually seems to wake her up even if I use the "Bedtime Bath". At the moment she goes down between 10.30-12 for an average of about 4-5 hours - we've had 7 once but it's not the norm. Then she feeds for an average of 30 mins and goes back down for 2-3 hours. I think the evening sleep for her will come with time but for now as long as I get about 6 hours sleep a night I'm fine with it.

Asher - yes the cot is in our room, DH put it up really quickly when he got in from work. I'm really pleased with it - it cost £159 including a sprung mattress but it looks a lot more expensive. It's the Obaby B is for Bear Cot in White with an Obaby mattress. Moving Scarlett into her cot was hard going last night but it was my fault for being a bit dim about it. It took about 1hr30 to settle her and the trick was my old favourite - laying her on my nightdress from the night before. I thought she wouldn't settle because it was too big but I think in actual fact it was the unfamiliar smell as once she eventually went down on my nightdress she slept for 5 hours, fed for an hour and has been back down for 2hr30 and counting... I'm really proud of her as I know it's a big transition for them. So that's my top tip for those of you who are moving to the Cot soon - use the nightdress trick.

Ladykara/Cafferine - I really think the FF Union boss needs to explain more about what the changes that management are trying to impose are when he is interviewed on tv. Every time I see him he focuses on the issue of them being made redundant in they don't sign the contracts rather than explaining why they don't want to sign. At the end of the day he has to do it on tv - BBC or ITV rather than Sky News as Murdoch is in the governments pockets and he controls most of the newspapers & Sky so they won't get any support there.

BTP - well done on the weight loss :hugs:

Right I had better get dressed before my monster wants feeding. I'm sat here in my towel, eating my Shreddies :rofl:

Daisybell what milk were you originally using and what did you change to to help the reflux? I have seen an improvement this week with JJ but know he's still not right

sorry for the late reply :blush:
we were using SMA gold & changed to Cow&gate comfort :thumbup:
we noticed a difference in 1week & now he is loads better, the HV told us to try it, it has also helped with his wind a little too.

Evening ladies!

I am better at keeping up on FB as I am an addict and as I can pop on and put something quick on there. I love BnB but just don't seem to have the time for really long replies at the moment, I'm sure that will change as Sam gets a wee bit older!! I am pretty good with most names, but don't think I've got everyone from the Sept Stars as friends on FB yet. Must get that sorted!! I do like it in the night when I'm feeding that I can pop on for a nosey and there's usually someone else up too!

I'm the same Claire soon as i come on here & try to read posts & write Ollie crys :dohh: we are still on 2hourly feeds too fells like i feed him turn around & i'm feeding him again :wacko:

I really think a bath is key to a good routine and sleep, Hope has one every evening and we then put her in her grobag!!

I agree! we bath Ollie every night, then he has his bedtime bottle, we pop him in his growbag & off up to bed he go's.

BTP your poor DH may well be a prob with his ear fluid, which affects balance
hope he gets it sorted today.
way to go on the weight loss :happydance:

:hugs: all round

Well ive had a broken washer :nope: my washing pile looks like everest!
fx OH has fixed it :thumbup: have a load in now testing.

Ollie has been sicking up feeds took him to doc's who said he appears fine :dohh: said he could be getting a bug but has no temp,ears clear, ect ect
just keping an eye on him but to look at him he's looks fine just tired more.

Question do any of your lo's attention cry yet? eg to get picked up.
Daisybell- Yes Ollie cries for attention its not a propa cry just a moan but i know its cos he wants picking up
Daisy, Hope also has a little whinge that is different to hunger and dirty nappy!!!

We were going to go shopping but tbh I can't be bothered so we are going out for coffee and cake!!! Looks like its going to rain too so not good for shopping!! We will go on Sunday!!
Hi everyone,

Emzy, just ask at your check but sounds like a blocked milk gland/duct, so mastitis, never had it but told its hot and sore at point of lump, best get it treated asap xx:hugs:

I have weighrd in after first week of 'healthy eating' i have not starved because i need to feed Rosie, but have have written down all i have had and not gone under the guided suggestions on food focus, I have lost 4lb in the first week!:happydance:
Will keep it up, i defo have to keep away from fizzy drink though it makes Rosie really sick, she throws up a huge projectile bleeeegggggggg!! Usually over me!

DH says not to worry that it is probably just breastfeeding related. He said it would be very coincidental if it was anything else. I cant help but stress about it though. Docs app friday so will sort it then.

Yay for Foodfocus - told ya!

I have been trying to lose weight too using the site and have lost two pounds in the last seven days. My plan says to lose 2lb per week till end of jan so i am on target. I was 12st 8lb pre pregnancy (im 5ft 9" so have always been over 11 stone and a size 12) went up to 14st at end of pregnancy, then was 13st when i got home from hospital and back down to 12st 9lb within a week of that without dieting and have stayed that weight till i started dieting this week. I do my 'just dance' on the Wii almost every day and am doing lots of floor exercises too (when i can) to get a flat tummy.

We have been feeding ellie 5oz every 4 hours and couldnt understand why she was hungry between and was sometimes drinking full 5oz and sometimes 4oz. So we are going to start feeding her 4oz every 3 hours as she snacks all the time and i end up having to give her top ups.

In reference to everyone talking about bedtimes, I get ellie in pyjamas about 6 when daddy gets home and daddy gives her a bottle and then she has a bottle about 10pm or 10.30pm when we go to bed and she goes to bed then. For the first two weeks i woke her to feed every 3 to 4 hours then after that left her to wake. For about two weeks she woke at 3 and then about 7 or 8 but now she sleeps through from 11 to anywhere between 5 and 7am when daddy goes to work, i feed her, and then we sleep in till 9ish and i get up when she does. I so glad that she started sleeping straight through almost from the beginning. She is very well behaved.
Thanks Genies, i dont know why she does it, its not wind its just screaming at me and scratching etc. I wondered if its more she doesnt really want to feed just doesnt know what else to do. Also i tihnk she does it when she's exhausted but will only feed to sleep :dohh:

Optical :hugs: :hugs: I would cry tons if i sold my horses, i seem to be picking up more :wakco: Both my mares are going in foal (from the stallion we got in France) then he's off to be ridden by someone else and i have just 2 left here to ride...MENTAL!!

I'm the same on the weight front :cry: I'm not huge my tummy is looking ok but my legs are huge :cry: Only a few weeks after having Tab i was wearing hotpants :nope: its gutting!! Rosalie feeds so so often i have to eat else i'm struggling too much :dohh: I seem to live off junk food thats my problem :blush:
Yay for Foodfocus - told ya!

I have been trying to lose weight too using the site and have lost two pounds in the last seven days. My plan says to lose 2lb per week till end of jan so i am on target. I was 12st 8lb pre pregnancy (im 5ft 9" so have always been over 11 stone and a size 12) went up to 14st at end of pregnancy, then was 13st when i got home from hospital and back down to 12st 9lb within a week of that without dieting and have stayed that weight till i started dieting this week. I do my 'just dance' on the Wii almost every day and am doing lots of floor exercises too (when i can) to get a flat tummy.
I need to do more sit ups or something, i am just too bloomin lazy!!:haha:
Thanks for the food focus suggestion, they are very good, i need to write down what i eat to keep an eye on it and i find this also keeps me in my right calorie intake for the day, so far i have not gone over and i have breakfast, lunch and tea and a snack a jack or something as a snack, it is working so far but i finding i am not hungry, just thinking about food is the problem, i don't eat for hunger just out of habit! :hugs:xx

I'm the same on the weight front :cry: I'm not huge my tummy is looking ok but my legs are huge :cry: Only a few weeks after having Tab i was wearing hotpants :nope: its gutting!! Rosalie feeds so so often i have to eat else i'm struggling too much :dohh: I seem to live off junk food thats my problem :blush:
It is very difficult as junk food is instant and available and so easy!! I don't like going out as i end up just not eating rather than trying to work out if it's any good or not, which it usually isn't! :hugs:xx
how often are we suppose to get them weighed? is it every two weeks?

BTP= im 12 stone 4lbs and need to get down to 10 stone, i only lost a stone after having paige. I need to start watching what i eat because the whole " losing weight by breast feeding" is a load of crap... well done for losing 4 lbs in a week....

daisybell- paige cant be left down anywhere as she cries to be held !! its why im typing with one hand ...
Hi everyone!
We had a great visit with my MIL - she is such a lovely lady.
Now we're trying to get the house back in order after a visit, Hallowe'en, and a birthday party for my husband. Trying being the operative word, as it is very difficult to get even the dishes done with an infant glued to one's nipple. Sigh.
I love BFing, but the clusterfeeding gets a little frustrating.

Apologies, but I just did a quick skim of posts - don't have the energy to get through all of them today. Hope everyone and all babies are well! :hugs:
when you guys go shopping how do you take the baby?
we have to take the pram so the car seat can go in it but we also have to take a trolly and im sure i have seen women put the car seat on the trolly (on the child seat bit on the trolly which opens up)

Hi everyone!
We had a great visit with my MIL - she is such a lovely lady.
Now we're trying to get the house back in order after a visit, Hallowe'en, and a birthday party for my husband. Trying being the operative word, as it is very difficult to get even the dishes done with an infant glued to one's nipple. Sigh.
I love BFing, but the clusterfeeding gets a little frustrating.

Apologies, but I just did a quick skim of posts - don't have the energy to get through all of them today. Hope everyone and all babies are well! :hugs:

have you thought about buying a sling which can be used for handfree breast feeding? i have brought one off of ebay for this reason and so we can go tesco shopping without having to take the pram with us too...
Blob, she sounds just like Harry. He often cries and scratches at me and if I try and put him on he is happy for a few seconds and then goes mental. He tries putting his hands in his mouth but I think he just wants something in there to comfort him.

LadyK, we get our shopping online so afraid I can't help.


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