September Stars

We puta blanket in the trolley craddle things then put Hope in them, but normally I go on my own to do our tesco shop and leave Ian at home, its quite nice to have some 'me' time lol!!
Heya :)
Optical – sorry to hear Izzy is unwell :( hope you had a good birthday? In regards to AF it varies from person to person – make sure you do a test if you think you might be pregnant!! Would you be happy if you were? Sorry about your bday present :(
Emzywemzy – ooo holly getting a tooth? Awww bless her?!
Ladykara – if I microwave a bottle, it only takes 15 seconds for me to warm up a 5 oz bottle, and mines only a 750 watt ?? so maybe your microwave is on the way out then?
Becs0375 – happy 6 weeks to Hope!!
Jelly – we keep Sunday’s for us aswell – its so nice to have some family time :) Roxy has been being sick like your LO and she was diagnosed with silent reflux – don’t know whether your LO may have that but maybe its worth having a bit of a read on it to see if its possible?
Genies girl – well done on coming 4th in the competition!! Woop!
Btp – happy anniversary!! And well done on the weight loss!!
Mrsjo8 – sorry to hear about your dog *big hugs* sometimes people who have dogs as status symbol should be shot – its ridiculous! What are the docs gonna do about your infections and stuff?
Fnc – roxy used to be like that when she pooed :O – I now do alternate bottles of comfort and not comfort milk and that seems to have settled it down perfectly.
Congrats to Amy!! What amazing news!!
Roxy’s poo was more formed today and yellow with bits of green – it looked like playdough when kids mix up the colours!! :O strange but thats how it was haha! Roxy has 4 oz every 3-4 hours, she sometimes has more though so i make 5 oz bottles just in case – she occasionally has the random 7 or 8oz guzzle!! I was on Aptamil, then Aptamil comfort, then changed to cow and gate – normal and comfort alternated due to roxy’s reflux and constant bad bellies – things have settled down and even though I know when Roxy’s going to toilet, she’s not in pain like she used to be.
Poor Lily Allen :(
Daisybell – Roxy attention cries – I know its that as its more of a wail :D I have to laugh when she does that! Hugs always make her smile though!!
F&C think we have needy babies that want to feed but are really too full :dohh:

I sometimes put Rosalie in the trolly in her carseat, if i'm going to only get like one thing and backt to the car. If i'm going in for a normal shop i put her in the sling...think in a while she will like to sit in the seat as they love the lights :lol:

For the first time since she was born Rosalie went to sleep at like 9pm without me :cry: Am so happy to get some time to myself.
when you guys go shopping how do you take the baby?
we have to take the pram so the car seat can go in it but we also have to take a trolly and im sure i have seen women put the car seat on the trolly (on the child seat bit on the trolley

I went to trsco for first time today and had to ask customer services to show me. There are trolleys with a metal tray on top I placed my maxi visit on top and then attached to the trolley is a black belt, clipped this over the seat. This is what the staff recommended as he's still young. Look in fb and you can see a pic in his seat. Also bottom left wheel there is a brake pedal too which I thought was fab

JJ has been very vomitey on feeds again so am going to HV tomorrow to get him checked and weighed. I dont think there's a set tome they need to be weighed I was told when I Want to.

Felt very ready today with JJ vomiting so hopefully will be reassured tomorrow will check out silent reflux thanks stmw. I also have Physio Friday to help with my bad wrist as it's getting worse
ladykara - I have a carrier and as soon as he is a little bigger, I am going to try to get the boob-on-the-go technique down! :) It's tricky when he is still this little, though.
Morning ladies!!!

I am taking Hope to get her photos done this morning, got a 2 hour slot lol!! The woman who is doing them is amazing!!
Can't believe how windy it is out there, going to get blown away!
I am finding that I am getting more and more organised in the mornings, its brilliant and it means we are ready and all the house is clean and washing is done by 9am, so we have the rest of the day to go out!!
Becs- good organising skills, we are all up and main jobs done by 11 so i dont feel to bad

girls had there jabs yesterday all went fine Layla had a temp in the evening but calpol sorted that out.

Ive just ordered a new tumble dryer as mine died last week i cant live in a laundry any more so it comes monday good news for me!

Im out tonight with work its a parent teacher social at the pub i want to keep my hand in even though i dont know if ill be able to go back to work there, twins kind of made my childcare options a bit harder!
Hi ladies

Not been on for a few days so trying to catch up whilst feeding Holly!

Optical sorry to hear about your horsey :hugs: Must have been hard to say goodbye :cry:

BTP well done with the weight loss, that's excellent! I've been on a diet too and have lost 8lbs in 3 weeks which I'm happy with. I have an app on my phone where I count calories. Matt's been using it too since Holly was born and he's lost over 2 stone! He looks great and it's motivated me to do it too. I have lots and lots to lose though, I want to lose 4 stone :wacko: My body shape has completely changed too, I have a serious Mummy tummy and my hips are MASSIVE! Oh and with your hubby falling over, a few years ago I had an inner ear infection called labrynthitis which made me fall over all the time! Maybe it's that, hope the doc sorts him out x

Daisy Holly crys to be picked up sometimes. She gets bored easily and crys til I pick her up! Its more like a shout than a cry!

Emz Holly has all of a sudden gone from feeding every 4 hours to 3 hourly too!

Blob Holly can get all stressy like that and shake her head around everywhere and cry. I find that it's when she's overstimulated so I have been half covering her face with a muslin which calms her down. Matt said I was like Michael Jackson and I'd be dangling her off a balcony next LOL

LadyK I was getting Holly weighed every 2 weeks, but now going every 4 seeing as she's almost 12 weeks already (omg where did that go??) With shopping, it's a bit of a mission for us as we don't drive so either one of us does it and gets a taxi home or we both go together with Holly in the pram and one of us walks home (it's not far).

Blob yay for Rosalie going to sleep on her own!! I have to cuddle Holly to sleep :wacko:

We were taking Holly up to bed with us at about 11ish and she would usually sleep through til 7ish, feed then go back to sleep til 9ish which was great, but we then decided to start putting her to bed upstairs earlier. The first night we were up and down the stairs like a yo yo trying to settle her from 7.30 til about 8.30 when she slept til 3 and woke for a feed. Now that's fine except she was then awake til 5 and woke again at 7! Not good! So last night Matt got her off to sleep at 8.30 and I tried to dreamfeed her at 10.30... I'd tried once before but she just coughed and spluttered and woke up, but I thought I'd try again. Well she took the feed asleep no problem and I laid her back in her cot at 11 and she stayed asleep- result I thought!! Wrong! She woke up at 2 grunting and groaning and had terrible trapped wind from the feed. She was awake on and off til 6 when Matt took over til he went to work. Sooo after our little experiment with bedtime, I've concluded that we are going to keep it how it was and take her up with us!! Should have just stuck with that in the first place LOL

Oh and I meant to ask, are any of you following any sort of routine? I am pretty much all for Holly setting the pace of the day but was reading the baby whisperer from the library and I quite like the EASY routine as it's not too strict on times etc. Holly sort of does this herself anyway, Eats, has a bit of time to play (I usually sit her in her bouncer for a bit because of reflux anyway) then a nap. What do you girls do? x
We are totally different at night, foe one she never uses the basket in the day, then the room is dark, i feed her til she is asleep, and then put her in the basket, she wakes but settles on her own til she is too hungry which is usually 4-5am, she is such a good baby i think, going that long on breast milk.
I have to keep off fizzy drinks then she is fine at keeping her feeds down, i very much work around her, my parenting approach used to be centred around me but are very much child focused now, it makes for a fairly highly strung child, as Sophie is but she is hugely confident and very happy which are both more important to me than ruling the roost!

My dh went to the hospital but his ear is fine, the pain is coming from his jaw, he has an inflamatory joint condition, not yet diagnosed but his back went into spasm a few years ago and has never recovered and randomly still does, that has been diagnosed as an inflamatory problem, as has a problem he gets with his eyes, so we know he has a joint condition similar to arthritis and so far it is affecting his eyes, jaw and back, not sure about the falling over!!
Your dh has done so well with weight loss, my dh has lost 8 and a half pounds in 3 weeks, he has about 4 stone to loose, i have nearly 3, but after the birth of my first i had 4 stone to loose, i did it and had a much nicer shape for having a baby!

Has been a good day, done more Christmas shopping, the girls i have finished now, and not too much more to do for the children:happydance:

Genies, couldn't manage without my washing machine, it is on every day!
A new shiny machine yay!xx

Becs, have fun taking Hope for her pics, i still haven't been to see Rosie's newborn ones, but i know they are done and that was the important bit done! :hugs:xx

Jelly, hope your little man is ok, I have found Rosie sickier than she was, they seem to go through sicky phases. Just get him weighed as and when you want to xx:hugs:

stmw, F&C, lady k, blob, hi :wave: and to everyone! xx

Got to go, the kitchen calls for me to start the childrens tea, and i am hungry, Emzy, chicken breast sliced open with a t spoon of phili with black pepper and spring onion, folded over with a rasher of low fat bacon on top and wrap in foil and bake. yummy and low fat!
F&C think we have needy babies that want to feed but are really too full :dohh:

I sometimes put Rosalie in the trolly in her carseat, if i'm going to only get like one thing and backt to the car. If i'm going in for a normal shop i put her in the sling...think in a while she will like to sit in the seat as they love the lights :lol:

For the first time since she was born Rosalie went to sleep at like 9pm without me :cry: Am so happy to get some time to myself.

Yep, think you're right!
hi ladies hope you and your beautiful babies are well Eoghan had his jags yesterday wish mummy was as brave as he was :haha: x
aww the jabs are terrible aren't they?! Well for us they are anyway! lol Holly has her 2nd set next week... I think I feel worse about it this time! I was thinking what a horrible job that nurse has... she seems to enjoy it though lol!!
I hated takin Ollie for his jabs I nearly cried poor lil thing. I dont think I can take him on my own this time as he had a pet lip at me and looked so sad so think OH can hold him so I dont feel guilt lol
Hi ladies

Not been on for a few days so trying to catch up whilst feeding Holly!

Optical sorry to hear about your horsey :hugs: Must have been hard to say goodbye :cry:

BTP well done with the weight loss, that's excellent! I've been on a diet too and have lost 8lbs in 3 weeks which I'm happy with. I have an app on my phone where I count calories. Matt's been using it too since Holly was born and he's lost over 2 stone! He looks great and it's motivated me to do it too. I have lots and lots to lose though, I want to lose 4 stone :wacko: My body shape has completely changed too, I have a serious Mummy tummy and my hips are MASSIVE! Oh and with your hubby falling over, a few years ago I had an inner ear infection called labrynthitis which made me fall over all the time! Maybe it's that, hope the doc sorts him out x

Daisy Holly crys to be picked up sometimes. She gets bored easily and crys til I pick her up! Its more like a shout than a cry!

Emz Holly has all of a sudden gone from feeding every 4 hours to 3 hourly too!

Blob Holly can get all stressy like that and shake her head around everywhere and cry. I find that it's when she's overstimulated so I have been half covering her face with a muslin which calms her down. Matt said I was like Michael Jackson and I'd be dangling her off a balcony next LOL

LadyK I was getting Holly weighed every 2 weeks, but now going every 4 seeing as she's almost 12 weeks already (omg where did that go??) With shopping, it's a bit of a mission for us as we don't drive so either one of us does it and gets a taxi home or we both go together with Holly in the pram and one of us walks home (it's not far).

Blob yay for Rosalie going to sleep on her own!! I have to cuddle Holly to sleep :wacko:

We were taking Holly up to bed with us at about 11ish and she would usually sleep through til 7ish, feed then go back to sleep til 9ish which was great, but we then decided to start putting her to bed upstairs earlier. The first night we were up and down the stairs like a yo yo trying to settle her from 7.30 til about 8.30 when she slept til 3 and woke for a feed. Now that's fine except she was then awake til 5 and woke again at 7! Not good! So last night Matt got her off to sleep at 8.30 and I tried to dreamfeed her at 10.30... I'd tried once before but she just coughed and spluttered and woke up, but I thought I'd try again. Well she took the feed asleep no problem and I laid her back in her cot at 11 and she stayed asleep- result I thought!! Wrong! She woke up at 2 grunting and groaning and had terrible trapped wind from the feed. She was awake on and off til 6 when Matt took over til he went to work. Sooo after our little experiment with bedtime, I've concluded that we are going to keep it how it was and take her up with us!! Should have just stuck with that in the first place LOL


i think sticking to a late bedtime is fine. thats what we do. It is easier for us and her and wont think about putting her to bed earlier until she is a bit older and more aware. Right now it suits us all as she sleeps thrrough till its almost light. Plus DH gets to spend time with her in the evening till we go to bed.
we dont really have a routine. Ellie just sleeps when she wants really and is always eager to let me know when she is hungry. We do try and have a routine in the evening. Pyjamas and feed about half six when daddy gets home and then changed, bottle and bed with mobile on about half ten while we watch tv in bed. Lol. Normally im up to settle her a few times while we are watching tv but she normally settles by about eleven.

We have our six week post natal check thingy tomorrow. Ellie is fine I think but im still concerned about a lump i found on my boob....wahhhhhhhh (sob sob) so I hope that turns out to be nothing more than an infection etc from my milk drying up...i realy hope.
Emz, good luck with your appointment, I am sure the lump is nothing xx

My 6 weeks appointment isn't until another 2 weeks!!

Had a good day, Hope had some lovely pics took at the photoshoot this morning, can't wait to see them after the lady has edited them!!! Hope finally seems to be settling after the move, she has got into her own routine now and I feel loads better, still having the odd moment but I think thats more because I am a woman lol!!! AF came today, I haven't missed that at all!!
Good luck Emz. Becs, my 6 week appointment was yesterday at 8 weeks too.

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