September Stars

I had a washer dryer, which broke, so I bought a washer thinking I could cope without the dryer...I was wrong! Lol I managed to squeeze a tumble dryer behind the kitchen door, and so I have a tiny utility area behind the door!
I have no dishwasher, I would really like one, but I tried to work it out and we couldn't loose the space, i already have things falling from the cupboards!
I have now worked out since my fridge freezer was canceled (had a BIG one on order but after 9 week wait i gave up and canceled!) I have seen a gap! I think if i put a full length cupboard in that will give me enough space to put a dishwasher where a cupboard was never going to be straight forward with me was it! :haha:

Emzy, I took the side off the cot and made it to a day bed type thing, she has either fallen out or would have done every night since, she is such a restless sleeper! I have cushions pushed between her cot and my bed, but will move it up to by bed when i get a chance, we have her oversized Eyeore wedged there atm, saving her from the floor lol xx

Asher, Aww, your boys! So lovely to hear how fab they are doing, and well done on the swimming. My eldest is a real water baby, and swims really well, but the youngest 2 even hate the bath lol xx

Right, time to check out facebook!
We are going to look at a bike today for dh, (my dad's got one he doesn't use, he won't use it again, and has been in and out of hospital this week but that's another thing!) dh is set to get out on a bike as it is the only for of movement that doesn't put a strain on his back, hopefully! Then i am taking him for a coffee, we are getting on much better atm, I am helped by having a close eye on him and feeling the trust is growing, which sounds a bit daft as if there's trust you shouldn't need to keep an eye, but the longer nothing is going on that shouldn't be the more i trust.

Right got to go, trying to get things done b4 Rosie is trying to get Mummy's attention by jumping on me and pressing laptop keys!
Hi all, just a quick one from me.
I am off to the doctors in 5 mins as i have woken up with very sore lady bits and a sore anus! (SORRY...TMI). It feels like someone has kicked me down there. :cry: I wouldn't usually worry but you know what us pregnant women are like! I am sure its just ligaments and muscles stretching but thought I would get it checked. I have also had a headache for well over a week so thought I would get my blood pressure checked too.

I will be back later with some personals.
Teeny, I felt like someone had kicked me underneath, Like you describe, I think it was muscles like you said, have you had a cough or cold, or been sick? I found it worse when I was coughing, Ben felt like he was going to drop out when I coughed...he still managed to be a week late!
Good luck at the doctors :hugs: :kiss:
Teeny it was a pain in my ladybits that was the start of my spd, felt like I'd been booted right on my pubic bone, hope it's just stretching rather than that xxx
Sorry ladies I've been pretty bad at keeping up, it's all kicked off again here, Alex went for dinner at his mums last night and he came back so miserable, he had a horrible time because she was on at him from word go about why he doesn't want to live there any more. We had a letter from her solicitor yesterday which said that she told him we had stopped all contact between him and his mum so she is cancelling the whole agreement as of today, she would collect him from school and our contact with the boys will be suspended indefinitely!!! The bloody cheek of it, the letter was actually emailed through while Alex was there having contact with her!!! So a quick reply went back to say that she had been lying to her solicitor and contact hadn't ceased at all, in fact we have agrees that he goes for dinner one day a week which is more than the original arrangement for contact! So we said the agreement is not cancelled otherwise we we seek an immediate urgent order for contact and also file an order for residence at the same time, she can stick that it her pipe!!! She's denying to the CSA that he lives here etc and it's all a bloody nightmare. The annoying part is that Alex had finally started to become settled and happy etc but last night he was quiet and frightened, she had even told him that he had caused her to lose money!!! Which isn't true as she hasn't lost a penny yet as she won't admit he lives here! The school are on our side and today said that if she turns up to pick up the kids (as its our weekend officially) they will take the kids somewhere safe with a teacher and hold an emergency meeting between us and her to try to sort it out. I wish them luck! I think it might be kicking off today. Poor kid :(

Sorry for selfishness I have been reading but got a lot going on at the moment, it never rains but it pours!! Love to all x
Oh louise How awful for poor Alex. Surely if Alex wants to live with you then it should be easy to get a residence order? Is there any way you can prove to CSA that he's living with you? Or would they still take her word for it? I'm sorry i don't really understand how it all works so i feel pretty useless and wish i could help more! The sooner she agrees the better for Alex i can't understand how any mother would want to put her kids through so much heartache? She should be ashamed to call herself a mother!

Asher - glad to hear you're all doing so well. You must be so proud of your boys!

Teeny - I hope it is just muscle pain and nothing like SPD! I had SPD with Jayden and Tyler and assumed i would get it again with Alyssa but i didn't!

BTP - Glad things are getting better with you DH
Rosalie is far from ready for a cot...she will be HELL

asher :hugs: sorry its still all crap :nope: can we get tickets to watch him ;)

GG will the girls be at nursery to do the cleaning job?
Teeny I got that too :hugs:

Louise shit :grr: have you taken photos of her getting him?
Oh we've got proof that's she's had contact as we have text messages and also he's had to sign into the guardroom everytime she's brought him home so not worried about that. She's just not all there to think that she can blatantly just lie and get what she wants. Wayne rang her fiancé today and he was completely unaware of the whole thing and sounds ver much like he's already getting fed up of her!!! Boony CSA say they need proof ie we need to be in receipt of his child benefit if she doesn't agree, but our solicitor said that's not true and we only legally have to pay for the child not in our home so wane sneakily got them to recalculate for just Nathan which was £179 a month so Wayne told them he was cancelling his direct debit and paying that amount from February onwards, they said we'll be getting into arrears but they already owe us £800 as they hadn't taken Lilia into account for 14 months so we overpaid by that much!! They're a load of rubbish!
Louise, sorry to hear that the bitch is at it again. Surely, the solicitors and social workers can sort something out. Its just not fair on Alex and your family. xx
Asher, what a star Jack is! You must be so proud. x
YM, still thinking of you and the girls. I hope things are underway for getting you back on your feet and settled with your precious babies. xx

The doctor has examined me and there is no cause for concern! But I tell you that my lady area is soooo sore. He did mention sitting on a rubber ring! lol x

January, must just be a month for stress and worry as I am still having my fair share. I hope that any of you other ladies out there with any problems resolve them soon and perhaps we can all start feeling better. xx
Ouchie TW! That sounds painful! Glad it's nothing to be worried about though,

Louise, I just don't get that woman. As hard as it would be seeing Harry living somewhere else I would hate to think of him being so unhappy and being pretty much mentally abused. My son's happiness is paramount to me. As you say she's just not all there to think that she can get away with all this. Good luck for later at the school. xx
Louise that woman is some piece of work. Poor boy :(

Hi Asher! Glad to hear your lovely boys are doing so well :)

Yay for the job Genies!! When do you start?

Teeny I also feel like I've been booted in the foof! I assumed it was part of the SPD. But I also have haemorrhoids (LOVELY!!) and so my bum hurts too. The whole area hurts really for me at the mo!!

I think January is one of those months Teeny. I've been stressing about everything, it seems. Just worrying about anything and everything, especially being off work! Roll on february is what I say!

I finally got my physio appointment through and got not one but 2 appointments! The GP is seems has referred me for a different type of physio at a different place and the midwife has referred me for the same one I had last time at the hospital. Do you think I should just go for both?? I think the one the midwife has referred me for is specifically for women's health but the one the GP has referred me for is general physio- Matt went there for a problem with his back a while ago. I don't know whether to just go to both appointments? I guess they can always tell me if I don't need to be at one of them?

This woman at toddler group this morning annoyed me. She asked me if I was pregnant (to which I replied, well yes this isn't all cake!) and she said in a sad and sympathetic voice "but Holly is still so young?" as if I'd done something wrong! I wanted to swing for her lol! I didn't say anything and my other friend who is pregnant (who has a baby younger than Holly and didn't plan her second pregnancy) said "yeah I didn't get much of a choice, this wasn't planned" and I said "well I planned to have them close together, I wanted them to be close in age" and the woman said "well, you are mad." HOW RUDE!!! How dare she?! And I hated how my friend felt she had to justify it to her, we don't even know the woman, what the hell does it have to do with her?? And in any case, I know lots of people with a 2 year or there abouts age gap, so it's not that uncommon?? Grr she wound me up. Rant over lol
Louise, if you are paying CSA for nathan then surely she should also be paying you for Alex? Or do they take that into consideration aswell? its all very confusing.

Emma, Ignore her i wouldn't get upset about it, Jayden was 2 when i fell with Tyler and he was planned and although sometimes they fight over toys and drive me up the wall lol its a lovely age gap they love each other so much and occasionally actually enjoy playing together lol.

Don't know if some of you know but there are more chances to tax credits as of April if you only have 1 child and earn over 26 or 28k (can't remember which it is) then you won't be entitled anymore and if you have 2 and earn over 28 or 30k then you won't be entitled either, but if you ring up they are now able to tell you what you'll be receiving from april providing you know your earnings etc for this year. It seems weird to me but ours has actually gone up by £60 a month and i was expecting a huge drop in ours so some of you could be pleasantly surprised!
Emzy - I had all sorts of snide and judge-y comments on the 20-month age gap. Totally offside. Seriously! What the hell business is it of hers if you want 10 kids 9-months apart? Your body, your life, your family, your CHOICE!! Some people have the manners of an ass. And saying it to you all concerned and sad for you? I think I would have hauled off and punched her right in her condescending pie-hole! (Ha! Listen to me rant! And I'm not even pregnant! :haha:)
I was pretty pissed by comments I got, too. Obviously, it's still a sore spot with me... :blush:

Louise - hoping so hard that this situation get sorted out as soon as possible. What a nightmare. :hugs:

TW - sorry about your pain in the bum! :flower: It can be so miserable being pregnant! :hugs:
Just quickly, we had another email from her solicitor, they said after finding out that contact actually had not stopped they've had further instructions from the bitch to say that the agreement can continue with contact as normal and Alex living here till June. Yay!

Emzy, what a cow! You do NOt have to justify your family planning to anyone!!
Thanks ladies. Sarah, I totally wanted to punch her! She's quite an annoying woman anyway, been going to toddler group since forever and thinks she knows everything. She's a bit of a busy body, but thought she was out of line! Grumble grumble!
June is the 'temporary' dat set by her, originally it was so that Alex had at least 6 months stability and we would readdress then whether he wanted to stay or go back to his mums, although she now says he goes back in June regardless of anything e,se or whether he wants to or not, but if and when the time comes and he wants to stay that's when we'll apply for full residence for him and we'll have a good case then as he'll have been living here for so long.

When we picked the boys up from school today there were staff out in the playground just in case she turned up and caused problems, we explained that she'd backed off and asked how Alex had been today, one of the teachers actually said that she has never ever seen him so happy and settled since he's been living at ours compared to when he lived at his mums, she said he's like a different boy and actually we have their full support, they're keeping a diary of everything including his feelings etc and how he is day to day should we ever need it. It is almost starting to seem that after years and years of doing this alone with what felt like no support, that we have people on our side and backing us at last which is a GOOD feeling!

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