Hi everyone!
Louise - that woman grrrrrrr I dont even know her, but when you talk about the things she is doing and saying it makes me so angry!! She obviously doesnt care what impact its having on her son!! tut selfish thing!! Glad things seem to be moving in the right direction though
Emzy - how rude of that woman! it makes me laugh that people seem to think they can pass judgement and make little snidy comments all the time!!!
Well I went to take Roxy to soft play this morning - me and the DH got there and it was full

so we had to take Roxy to tesco instead! We have a lovely lunch though and a afternoon playing which was nice!
We are officially TTC number #2

quite exciting stuff - im trying not to go to overboard though with everything - even though we are charting temps etc and taking all our vits

it seems so many people are having babies atm!! I love it though - makes me smile!!
Hmm Roxy has dropped all her naps now! Are any of the other stars like that? She was having a nap at around 1pm until 3 or 4pm, but then not going to bed until 9 or 10 which wasnt good really - not for us - more for her! Now she has dropped the nap we have so much time to do things, play and go out whereas we were literally stuck in before. The only problem is, she has been getting really sleepy by the time it gets to tea and is falling asleep in her highchair!!
Have any of you started taking the bottle away yet? We have stopped Roxys morning and lunchtime bottle, she drinks about 6-7oz of growing up milk from her cup with a straw. I dont think ill get rid of the night time bottle yet as she is very dependant on it and it also helps her fall asleep
, I bought Super Nannys book today so im hoping it has some stuff in there about getting them to sleep without the dependancy of a bottle. She has been sleeping in her own room now though, settling in her own bed aswell since new year which im quite chuffed about, as before it was her falling asleep in our bed and then us having to take her in her bed. She still needs us in the room to fall asleep aswell. I wouldnt mind atall if she was going to be my only child, but I think it would be quite difficult if DH was on a late shift trying to ger Roxy asleep with a newborn next to me!
Hmmm bit of a selfish post sorry ladies, started writing and couldnt stop! Hope your all ok anyway
speak soon xxxxxxxx