BTP- so pleased things are going well for you two x
Talking of embarrassing problems, I have had piles since I gave birth to Paige. It doesn't hurt has much now but I know it's there... Could this cause problems for me when giving birth again ? Is there anything safe to take for them when pregnant ? Doctor gave me these pill things to put up there but that was before I was pregnant. Don't know if I can take them.... God the stuff we talk about !!!
Thanks, its two steps forward one back, but I think it was an important realisation that Ben is causing loads of trouble, I am having bad times with him atm, he is rude, loud, he answers everything back, ignores every request, he hits out at his sister, kicks or punches her for no reason, and he just spoils time we all spend together, today he had all 3 girls in tears at the same time, I am not sure how to get rest bite care from him but feel like i need it more and more as he gets older, I have 2 things to do, 1 call his consultant see if it would be advised to up his dosage as he has his appetite back which is sure sign the dosage is not enough, and 2 call social services see if it is possible to get help with him with his condition, I don't know if it is recognised enough as needing rest bite for parents?

Also you can take ambusol (?) while pregnant, but check it first with pharmasist, the pessarys were the only thing that got rid of mine, and I never got them back witht he last 2 pregnancies, so you won't always have them hun

(I have sat on the loo crying its so painful, i tried the cream but no good, but the pessarys worked for me)
Guess who's walking????
Kimi suddenly just stood up, let go of the wall and casually walked down the hallway like she's been doing it forever!!! Now she hasn't stopped walking!!! Proudest mummy ever!!!!
Aww Well done Kimi, she is off!
Well as I have said my ds driving me nuts atm, he is AMAZINGLY hard work, I just can't believe how fast he has apparently grown out of his meds, if that is what it is, I can't cope without the meds he has, but suddenly they don't work so he is awful, he is blaitaintly arguing straight to my face, I was asking him to get dressed this morning and he looked me in the face and went , Blah, blah, blahhhhhhh shaking his head from side to side. He cheeks dh back, and swears and upsets the girls, and I don't want this around my little girls, shouting and swearing, and with the eldest who is his 100% sister he kicks out at her, punches etc. He can be nice, he just atm seems to be choosing not to
Rosie has amazed me tonight, she pulled her nappy to get it off so i took it off, she has it of when she can, all my kids seem to want to be naked! Anyway she was looking down, and I said do you want a wee, she said yes so i took her to the loo and put the baby seat on it and sat her on, she did a wee! Then she went to the sink to wash her hands! (her sister has a water fixation!) Then a few mins later she stood very still, so i said do you need a poo, another yes and i took her again, the first bit missed the loo but i sat her on anyway and she did a poo on the toilet! Again then wanted to wash her hands!
I know you can potty train quite young, or even leave nappies off but i don't intend to unless she repeatedly leaves her nappy off, then just to save my floors i would sit her every so often on the loo!
She said weeeee today on the swing, loving the new words every day!
Back soon, no likey no lighty xx