Ooooh well done Rosie

clever little girl she is!! Rosalie is funny she loves sitting on the toilet and every time she sees a tap she says 'hand hand hand'. If she pees on the floor she runs away with a 'wasn't me' face
Speaking of I should go to bed, been procrastinating all evening designing tattoos rather than painting my walls

Got to talk to Robin too he just arrived in Houston land

love love love apple so we can text and see each other for freeeeee
It was a fluke really, I just noticed her looking down and she says yes to most things! Same with the poo, she went all quiet! They do signal but I don't know if I can be watching out all the time! My youngest to be potty trained was 2yr4m and eldest 3yrs I waited for them to be ready, it is really quick and easy then!

Oh,oh tattoos, what are you thinking of? I have been mulling my own design for years, and trying to decide where, I have gone for the childrens names down my upper arm, I was going to have a daisy chain, with a flower to represent each child, but i literally don't have a 'nice' showy bit of flesh to put it on
Hope poorly babies are feeling better, not nice when they are poorly. I was up loads last night but that is the norm for madam, she only settles between us, and I like at least a few hours next to dh!
We had a party for Sophie's Birthday yesterday, just a few friends and an auntie, uncle and granny, from Daddy's side, Mummy's side are too far away or too busy

It was nice, wish i had a bigger house for party's though, just a big old farm house for the children to run about in, we are a bit cosy here! Come on Lottery win I have plans for you
Right, sorry to anyone not mentioned directly, oh and Emzy, lovely bump! And not long til scan fb,

Ladyk, something in the water all you preggy friends!