Hope hubby feels better soon, and manages to look after the boys, its hard doing a womans work, they are just not cut out for it!!
Genies, what a lovely surprise, hope you have a great time xx

xx (wow a good press and i got 'that key')
Becs, glad its going fast or you, and your finding plenty to do x x
Jelly, oooh wisdom tooth, owch, had mine out years back, so glad i did, dh's bother him all the time, and I know how much they can hurt.
I actually just bit on something and caught my bad tooth and cried with the pain, I stood for a good 5 mins just crying in pain!

Went out today, just a jaunt around the garden center, a quick cream scone (what diet?) and a drive, it was nice to get out if only a short while.
I need dh to look after the girls monday, its a long story but my dad has been in hospital a while, he is supposed to be rehabilitated so my mum can cope at home, she also oversee's the care of my elderly granny who they live next door to, so she really doesn't need any more to do, my mum only retired 2 years ago and since she did my dad has gone rappidly downhill, it seems to be as she waits on him hand and foot he wont actually do anything for himself, (finding it a bit too close to home realising this could be me) Anyway he is grumpy and abusive in hospital, so they have called a family meeting, he has had two minor strokes and has limited use in a leg, but tbh i think he must be deeply depressed about something as his usual attitude would be get on with it, but he seems to have just given up

I was chatting to my mum about it, and i can see how sad it makes her, she was so looking forward to retiring and traveling with him, and its not as if he cant, more he wont.
Rosie has started to tantrum in the last few weeks, more so the last few days, she throws herself on the floor, (checking first its clear to!!) and screams a shrill scream, its a real tantrum, but doesn't last for too long so far,but she is definetly changing from baby to toddler mode, my baby growing so fast, I hope she is not like Sophie, not sure I could cope with 2 as fussy as her!
Time to go, v key fallen off now so it works by touching the broken space that is left!
Byeeeeeeeee x x x x x x x x x