
hope your feeling happier soon xx
Ladyk, my friend said hormones too, her dh had low sex drive so he has testostorone injections and now he cant get enough, but it is getting my dh to accept there is a problem that is the difficulty!
Limpets, hope buba feeling bettersoon, will read and post if i have anything to add!

Stmw, well done Roxy! They do seem to come on in sudden leaps!
Afm, had meeting this morning with hospital so see where my dad can go from here, basically he is depressed and needs help with that before he can feel positive and confident enough to be walking more, my mum is pretty dominant, but also saying she can cope and needs no help, i suggested she took help and perhaps was putting too much on herself, so hopefully she will get more help when he comes home.
It bought home to me I need to think more about what I can do with dh and try not to dwell on what we cant do.
Tooth been injected, twice, drilled more, cleaned more, filled again, xray taken and he see's no reason why its hurting, and now anesthetic worn off still hurts, so i have booked to go for emergency appointment in morning, and just ask her to take it out, I am so fed up with the pain if it will go i will worry about the gap and a bridge another time! I think she can crown the tooth next to it which is filled and use it as a bridge for another tooth, but atm I just want the pain to go, I am one grumpy bear right now! xx
Got to go, supposed to be doing banking
Big hugs all xx