Hi all,
Just whilst I can remember...
Jelly, I hope you find your perfect home soon honey. x
Genies, Good Luck with the job hunting my lovely. x
Blob, Happy Anniversary.

BTP, I hope the dentists has a cancellation soon so that they can remove your pesky tooth!

LauraK, I am dying to see a bump pic...please?
As for me, I am a little less stressed/worried which is great news!
I do however have a stupid cough and as you ladies may appreciate, after 2 children and being pregnant it is a pain in the arse trying not to let a little bit of pee come out! LMAO!

I have to try VERY hard!

I have my 28 week appointment on friday when I will also have my anti-d and no doubt the MW will tell me to stop eating as I have put on so much weight.

I seriously need 6 months to prepare for bubba and now I have less than 3...

The boys are both fine but also have the same cough but thankfully it doesn't seem to trouble them at all.
Sorry for the boring post, I can never seem to think these days...I blame the baby!
I now have to go start dinner as I have a date with the ironing this evening. I hope you are all keeping well. xx