September Stars

Evening all, look at me, back twice in 2 days!

Teeny, good to hear your bloods were okay, how lovely to be able to have your little lady at home. X

Emzy, I know what you mean and I'm not pregnant! This year has been a bad one for bugs, a long season of them. If it's not colds it's tummy bugs.

Sarahka, loving your pics of Tobe! He's gorgeous!

Aw FB, you and your crying! I'm with blob, I've not really recovered from my emotions since having Sam! Everything makes me cry!

As for us, I'm much better, thankfully, and I think Sam may be on the up! He slept well last night and has been to the childminders today, not been too bad at all. Little love still managed a high five. "safe" (fist to fist thing), blew a kiss and waved from his cot at bedtime! He's so gorgeous, bless him!!

Lots going on for me at work at the moment. I've been asked if I could do 6 hours a week via laptop from home, which for he NHS is quite risqué! So I'm Partly all excited, and happy with the prospect of more money a month, very helpful for the family, but at the same time not wanting my time with the boys cutting down. But it's from home and can be done in the evening, so not so bad! I feel as though my head is spinning on my shoulders!!

So that's us! Lots going on! Thank goodness for being off the next couple of days. Phew. Night night all xx
Oh! Tummy bug sufferers!
I meant to add - two home remedies that I think really helped my household recover faster (on our third effin' round :growlmad:) were probiotics and chamomile tea - both are safe for babies, too. I just fed the boys lots of yogourt and did a tea party to get them to sip some of the tea.
Might help....?
We have another cold. I am seriously not impressed! For me, I think this is my 6th cold since the first week of January! Holly hasn't had every one of those, but has had most of them. It seems we have a permanent cold and my immune system is clearly on holiday! Holly has been extremely whiney and clingy this last 2 days, you know the constant low moan, moan, moan and putting her arms up to come up all the time. She's not normally like that at all, but think she must feel as fed up as I do with all these colds! I'm sure they must come from toddler groups and soft play. I am soooo sick of colds now arrghhh! I'm still taking the antibiotics for my throat too. I take vitamins, eat plenty of fruit and veg, drink water, wash my hands all the time, sleep a lot... what else can I do?? I remember being like this in 2009, I had a constant cold so I started taking echinacea (sp?) and it really worked. After taking it for a few weeks, I didn't have another cold for a whole year! I then stopped taking it when I got pregnant with Holly.
We have another cold. I am seriously not impressed! For me, I think this is my 6th cold since the first week of January! Holly hasn't had every one of those, but has had most of them. It seems we have a permanent cold and my immune system is clearly on holiday! Holly has been extremely whiney and clingy this last 2 days, you know the constant low moan, moan, moan and putting her arms up to come up all the time. She's not normally like that at all, but think she must feel as fed up as I do with all these colds! I'm sure they must come from toddler groups and soft play. I am soooo sick of colds now arrghhh! I'm still taking the antibiotics for my throat too. I take vitamins, eat plenty of fruit and veg, drink water, wash my hands all the time, sleep a lot... what else can I do?? I remember being like this in 2009, I had a constant cold so I started taking echinacea (sp?) and it really worked. After taking it for a few weeks, I didn't have another cold for a whole year! I then stopped taking it when I got pregnant with Holly.

Emzy, I was the same with infections some years back, i started taking well woman and the capsule form of probiotic and never looked back, i had been on full time medication from the docs, and was so sick of being ill, viral infections, cold sores, constantly, the doctor said i shouldnt bother with vitamins as i looked healthy to so why was i on constant meds and at the doctors!:dohh::shrug:
I went to a health food shop, diagnosed myself:haha: with high candida causing headaches, infections, thrush, lethargy etc, started the above and never looked back.
Holistic approaches are good, approach the issue as a whole, more supported by health shops than doctors, but in my experience better!
As soon as i stop bf i will be back on well woman, my granny swore by vitamins, she just turned 98! xxxx :hugs:
Thanks BTP. That's why I ended up taking echinacea in the end, as I got sick of the doctors shrugging their shoudlers and saying there was nothing they could do! I worked really well, but I can't take it whislt pregnant. So I'm taking my prenatal vitamins and eating loads of fresh fruit and veg too. But can't seem to avoid all these bloody bugs!

I actually concluded at the time that I had a problem with candida too, as I was always getting thrush, headaches, unexplained stomach complaints and used to get boils on my legs all the time too. I went in for a smear test and a swab came back showing candida, even though I didn't have thrush at the time and the doctor just gave me canesten. I think I just attract fungus ha ha! He completely shrugged off all the other complaints and said it was unrelated and stuck with that even though further swabs kept showing candida!
Thanks BTP. That's why I ended up taking echinacea in the end, as I got sick of the doctors shrugging their shoudlers and saying there was nothing they could do! I worked really well, but I can't take it whislt pregnant. So I'm taking my prenatal vitamins and eating loads of fresh fruit and veg too. But can't seem to avoid all these bloody bugs!

I actually concluded at the time that I had a problem with candida too, as I was always getting thrush, headaches, unexplained stomach complaints and used to get boils on my legs all the time too. I went in for a smear test and a swab came back showing candida, even though I didn't have thrush at the time and the doctor just gave me canesten. I think I just attract fungus ha ha! He completely shrugged off all the other complaints and said it was unrelated and stuck with that even though further swabs kept showing candida!

Probiotic totally wipes out the candida, it replaces it with healthy stuff, last time i took antibiotics i drank 2 mini bottles of actimel a day and never got thrush as the bacteria good and bad was wiped out by the medication and the actimel replaced the good, it worked! :thumbup: I always go on about it because it is brilliant stuff, an taking the otherstuff, yakult atm, and always feel better pretty much as soon as i take it, it helps so many things! :hugs::thumbup:
hey ladies sorry iv not been posting had a really tough week...Chris' dearly loved grandfather passed away so we were away for a few days in pembroke as that is where he lives and it was his funeral monday then got home Tuesday evening and Wednesday my dads girlfriend and my stepdads best friend both passed away Mary was due to ill health but Wayne my stepdads friend was killed in a road accident :( then have a lot on at work too x
Emma, I have been ill since before xmas now, sick of going to the Drs to be told its a viral and I am run down!! I am starting to take echinecia, I cant carry on like this, its making me so grotty and snappy!!!

Hope is in full on tantrum throwing, I lost my rag a bit earlier as she has been like it for over a week! She has 2 molars coming through and I am dosing her up with calpol but the bloody tantrums!!! I cant take it, especially on my own!!

How are you all then???
Emzy- I am getting a lot of colds too a lot more than I usually get I am on my 3rd this year usually only get about 1 a year, I don't know where I am getting them from as I am not going anywhere since been put on rest. The colds must be just circling my house.
Sarahka and BTP, I need to try the probiotics thing, lots of people have been singing their praises recently. I am going to try them.

Emzy, sorry you're poorly again, you're not having the best of luck recently!! x

LBB, so sorry to hear about your horrible week. Lots of love to you and yours. x

Becs, I feel your pain. Sam's been rotten with this tummy bug, and he's cutting teeth too. He's got all his molars and he's now bizarrely cutting the last of his 4 bottom front teeth. it's driving him mad though. Teeth! Got a lot to answer for! x

I am off to bed soon, can't stay up at the moment, so tired! xx
Lbb, so sorry about all your bad news. Big hugs xxx

Emzy, have you considered that you may have an allergy? I was the same but my dr suggested taking Beconaise which I THINK you can take whilst pregnant and I haven't had a cold since. X
lbb - I am so sorry, babe! :( That's a lot of bad news in a week. :hugs:
LBB :hugs: sorry luv you're having a rubbish time :hugs:

F&C omg I love the new designs!!!

All these sick mummies and babies :hugs: hope everyone is feeling a bit better.

Hmmm looking to get to the in the night garden show... £100 :haha:
Hi guys :hi:

So sorry i've been such a crappy threadmate - I've had so much going on lately!

There's waaaay too much for me to catch up on, I'm so sorry! I can't believe how many little new stars there is! And some of you are sooo close to your due date - I couldn't imagine going through it all again right now! It's still sooooo exciting though!

AFM - i've rescued a shetland pony, and it's taking up quite a bit of my time. The entire problem with him is in a thread here:

along with some pics. Maybe you have some advice blob?

The girls have both been diagnosed with Asthma, and have been given inhalers (although they can't term it asthma in Izzy's case cos of her age, they know that's what it is). so they're pretty bad with it at the moment. Funny how it's come on with them both at the same time though!

Hope you're all doing well xxx
LBB- honey I am so sorry to hear the bad news : ( x

Becs- oh no not the back teeth, I went through hell with Paige with them, hope it passes quickly x

Optical - will read the story later, thought grants fish obsession was hard work lol x
I looked at getting utng live tickets but we have nothing near us so it means a overnight stay, i have no idea which travelodge in birmingham to stay, and it was just all a bit too much to organise and i confess i gave up, if they had had shows in Cardiff I would have felt a bit easier about it all! Perhaps another time:wacko::haha:

lbb, :hugs:

Asher, defo give probiotics a try, you can get capsule form in health food shops, I started with them as i found it a better way to take them:hugs:

Optical, Hope the girls are ok, Ben has mild asthma, he has a inhaler but rarely uses it, I need to get him down the clinic actually to sort it all out :hugs:

Right, sorry its just a quick pop in, plus this keyboard drives me nuts! :hugs::kiss:
hi anyone miss me ? :)

life has been very busy and ive been working 4 days a week with nursery and cleaning job its been crazy !

Dh lost his job which has caused a lot of bad feeling and complications as he was working for a friends dads company , they still owe us money and is set to be a long drawn out process has been stressful !
He has however got a new job he went for an interview and was offered the job straight away , its london work again but its a job!

i finish my job in 2 weeks time ! not sure what will happen there really !

The girls are doing great ive been decorating melias bedroom and its taking forever! the whole of the upstairs is a mess ill be really glad when its done !

ive been reading each day and have missed commenting on lots of things ill try to do better again x
Hi all, :flower:
As with all the others, I am constantly reading and checking in but as it is usually on my phone I haven't posted, sorry. :blush:

A few personals that are fresh in my frazzled mind...
LBB, so sorry to hear about your sad news. Sending :hugs: your way. x
Hi genies...Good news about your DH new job, and I hope the crap with the old job is resolved quickly for you. x Also, you'll have to post pics of Amelias room when you are finally finished. I love it when everything is newly decorated. x

Optical, I hope your little ladies are not suffering with their asthma too much honey. x

Becs, I hope your little lady starts feeling better and therfore behaving better for you soon my love. Chin up and stay strong. :hugs: x

Emzy and FB, I have been constantly poorly lately too...just one thing after another and no let up in between. I think our immune systems are working overtime with being pregnant. It is no fun and I am sick of feeling poorly, as I am sure all of you other ladies are too.

BTP, did you have your tooth removed in the end honey? x

As for us here, I have felt poorly for weeks now. Still coughing and now it seems that a runny nose has resurfaced. :growlmad:. It seems that everyday I just do not feel 100% and it is so annoying. I would rather be really ill for a few days and then feel better, rather than this long drawn out illness.
Pregnancy is flying past and my bump is HUUGE now. Little lady is still a lazy bum but my DH is feeling her more now. x

Talking of my DH, he has been so good to me.....Every morning he gets up and gets ready for work but also gets Riley up too. Makes his milk and plays silly buggers with him for an hour, all the while I am left :sleep: in bed! :thumbup:. He always makes me a cup of tea too. Bless his heart. x

Must go and change little mans rather stinky bum! Catch up later ladies. xx
LBB :hugs: sorry for both your losses.

BTP - hope your tooth is feeling better

GG - :hugs: glad dh has found a new job so quickly at least you don't have that worry. Fingers crossed you manage to get the money that's owed to you. How's your mum and brother doing?

Preggie ladies hope your colds and bugs all pass soon

Afm - damaged my foot so am hobbling after JJ everywhere . JJ has finally gone back to his old sleeping patterns of waving good night and self settling. Thinners told he's moving up to the next group at nursery in 6 weeks :-(

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