Jelly, hope your foot feels better soon xx
BTP, did you have your tooth removed in the end honey? x
Talking of my DH, he has been so good to me.....Every morning he gets up and gets ready for work but also gets Riley up too. Makes his milk and plays silly buggers with him for an hour, all the while I am left

in bed!

. He always makes me a cup of tea too. Bless his heart. x
No, tooth settled after second root clean out and a few days and plenty of paracetamol! Yesterday it was cleaned and checked, and prepared for final filling next week, we had said it would be taken out but while its saveable I say leave it! (it will also take longer to recover from an extraction over a settled root filling!)
I saw your post on fb about your dh, I thought what a lucky lady! I seem to breed lazy dh's, we are heading for a rather large kick up the arse for mine, its a circle, and I need to break the routine!
He says he cant sleep, so doctor gives him tablets and that's it, I end up with a zombie all day and night instead of the doctor saying,
why cant you sleep?' Answer is because he does sod all, so if he got up and did something daily he would feel tired, get sleep, feel better and so on, I need to at some point tell him all this!
I am shattered by bed time and still get disturbed at night, he should try it sometime!
He said i was quiet this morning, but in truth I just don't know where to start, and I know he wouldn't want to hear it once I started either!
Genies, I missed you

Never good mixing friends with work in that sort of way, It makes situations so much harder! Hope it works out and well doe dh on getting a job so fast!
Hi Sarah,

Right off i go, we went to pick up some stepping stone slabs for the garden, went to Bradford on Avon, pretty little place, and stopped off at a pub on the canal for a bite to eat, it was lovely.
We have thrown the slabs out into the garden, loads of washing to do now, ironing screaming at me but i am ignoring it!
