September Stars

Ha well this is our current problem, he's due to start school here in sept but his mum is now saying she doesn't want him to do we're in court on Friday, she's going to try to order the court to make us keep him in the school 12 miles away whilst Wayne is obviously fighting thR opposite! We found out this weekend from Nathan that her and hubby are posted to wimbish in November which is Cambridge way.. So penny drops that she wants his school to stay the same so she has more of a case to get him back to move away with her ... If he or changes school in September the court wouldn't be happy about making him move again. Only problem is if court order us to keep him in school.. Can't afford it or do it when 8/9 months pregnant or with a newborn!! Thing is in our favour is that he doesn't want to go back to her but if cafcass don't hurry up about doing their report then it would b too late to change him shool for sept anyway! Pain in the arse is the long and short of it!
Oh God what an utter nightmare. Surely the fact that she has moved Nathan to a local school gives you more of a case to be able to mpve Alex too. Does he know that his mum and Nathan might be moving to Cambridge at the end of the year? Is he OK with it. Any progress on Nathan realising what she is like? Did he get pset when she got rid of the cat or is he just used to it? really hope CAFCASS and the courts see sense in these ridicolous shannigans

I am still here, just no time ever anymore!!

How are you all doing? We are good. Evie is a little sweetheart, so chilled and easy! She sleeps pretty well for an almost 4 week old! She usually feeds at around 9.30 then goes down at about 11 til 2.30am ish, has a feed and goes back down til between 6 and 7, then goes back down til 9ish! She's so lovely :) Holly is sweet with her too, really concerned if she cries! Gives her a dummy and blanket and tries to feed her a bottle lol Evie is totally formula fed now. I just couldn't keep up with pumping every 2/3 hours once Matt went back to work, on top of feeding Evie and looking after Holly!

My pram... hmmm well first of all the hood on the Apple seat broke, so it looks all lopsided and isn't attached on one side. One of the clips snapped! Then, my fault but I picked up the pear carrycot and the same thing happened to that, the hood snapped off on one side. Then I was getting really fed up with it, as I couldn't have it the way round that I wanted, with Holly on the front and Evie on the back nearest me, as it was way too heavy with Holly on the front. So I had to have it the other way around, with Holly facing me and Evie on the back, but then I couldn't see Evie and also couldn't hook my changing bag on the handle and couldn't access the shopping basket. So I was a bit peed off with it anyway, then I was out walking and noticed the front wheel looked wonky and like it was going to fall off. I thought maybe I was being paranoid, because if you remember that's what happened to my iCandy Cherry twice, the wheel fell off. Well, the next day I walked down to the doctors with both in the pram and the back wheel went! The tyre burst and the outer tyre bit fell off, so I was stuck! I had to push it back up the hill with both girls in it, with one of the back wheels gone! That was hard and I was gutted as it was my first solo trip out with the girls in the pram and I was a bit scared anyway! I was so fed up with it, that I ordered a new pram lol I got a Graco Stadium Duo and I really like it! It was only £120 on kiddicare and I wasn't expecting much, but just wanted something that fit my needs and that I wasn't scared of breaking and I am really pleased with it! I'm going to sell the icandy now I think. I know blob felt really bad as she thought it was the bits she sold me that were broken, but it wasn't, it was the bits I bought from eBay so please don't feel bad! Your stuff was in brilliant condition and the broken carrycot was my fault. I've just totally lost confidence with iCandy after the broken cherry and now broken Apple!

Holly has hit the terrible twos and has been throwing some really mean tantrums. It's soo hard to keep your cool! She has been lashing out at us and hitting and kicking. I guess everything has been turned upside down for her lately and as much as I've been trying to give her lots of attention, her normal routine has gone completely out the window so I'm going to try and focus on getting that back on track this week. I'm going to attempt to take them both to toddler group tomorrow morning on my own... wish me luck!!
Some piccies




I had a massive reply this morning and the iPad died :dohh:

F&C I don't know why people are told because of previous c-sec they shouldn't have a homebirth :dohh: it's really sad actually. The real statistics are something rediculous like 0.1% chance of rupture it's insane. Its all a way, that doctors who fear women giving birth because of lack of understanding from a non medical way I guess, can keep us within their grasps (cynic). I don't know I'm very of the opinion if you are happiest at hospital then it's probably better for you but if you are at all interested then go over to the natural/homebirth section and there are lots of ladies there who are giving birth at home after c-sec and many that are hugely knowledgable, they can give you any information and statistics and a huge amount of information. If you even look at the statistics betweeen home and hospital births it's shocking. Complications go up in hospital, infections, the 'need' to assist you etc. but like I said I believe it's where you feel most comfortable.

Louise sounds like you're in a bit of a shitty place :(

Jelly that company seem really horrible to you!!

Aaah I'm really stuborn I want the baby close to Rosalie being 3 then she will be at nursery :rofl:
Back in a moment to reply to the rest.
Jelly that sounds totally unfair, hope you get sme answers from your boss xx

Louise, that bloody woman. Can you not hire a hit man?!!!!!

Emma, lush photos!!! I am so glad I didn't get an iCandy, my friend has had nothing but trouble with hers, it's been a total pain! Holly looks like she likes the new wheels!!!!

Just got back from my folks, had a couple of days off my diet, I lost 3lbs this week so back on it tomorrow, even treated my self to a new DVD!!! Ian lost 6lbs, jammy git!!!
I am so excited to take Hope to see peppa pig at the theatre on Wednesday, murphy will be having his op too. We have a referral to our last vets as the consultant there is one of the leading orthopaedic surgeons in the country, luckily it's near my parents so we are staying thee the night!!
Hope seems to have gone back to not wanting to go to bed, the past week she has been so hard to settle, it's so tiring!!! I am hoping it's just a phase!!
Jelly I totally agree with what Louise said. I guess they must have tried matching her old salary? I can't think of another reason why she would go in so high. Either way you are her senior with more experience, qualifications and responsibilities. A chat is definitely in order I think.

Louise, FX you get the clearance soon.

Well done on the weight loss Becs. Hope Murphy is running around again soon.

Blob, thanks so much for the info. I think I'll take a look at that section of the forum when I get back from my work trip.

Am going to retire to my hotel bed shortly.. first night away from Harry!! Feel slightly emotional but also quite excited!!!
Been reading but seem to have been so busy over the last few days , has a nice family lunch out which we can't afford really but hey :) Layla is so overtired she fell asleep at 6 but is up now , we had our goddaughter stay the night and I heard her reading to Layla at 4.30 am :)

Kelly you work so hard for them ! Does it make you question why ?

Louise sounds like the ex is still only thinking of herself !

Emzy sorry you gave had such trouble with the pram glad you have something more suited to you now ! Glad all is going well with the girls x

Becs hope seems to be doing really well with her potty , led by her is the best way isn't it x

Amelia is desperate to sit on the potty she gets a bit of loo roll to wipe and try's to copy mummy I hope she is rewarded with an actual wee soon as its all come from her ,Layla won't go near it :)

In hoping for a quiter day tommorow for us all they are so busy with all my working here and there !
Emzy - Hope you can get someof Hollys rountine back and she manages to settle, but to be honest it might just be the age shes reached. I had 15 minutes tonight of JJ rolling on the floor whining then seeing if he was getting a reaction out of me then tried rolling on the floor somewhere else to see if that made a difference...... all because it was time to clean his teeth. As soon as it was finished he was back to cheery self again. Glad youve managed to find yourself a new pram too.

Fishy - How long are you staying away for, is it for your clothes sales or jewelery?

Becs - hope you have a great time at Peppa Pig. Hope your dog has a quick recovery too, no doubt he will be wearing the satellitte dish thing round his neck for a couple of weeks.

GG - Wishing you a peaceful day tomorrow

Had another offer on the house yesterday from the same people they upped it by 3K, weve said that if they raise it again by at least 2K we will accept it to ensure we still get our new house, just feels like we are burning money with the whole house buying shannanigans
Fingers crossed they come back with the extra 2k. Could you say you'll throw in the white goods for the extra money?

I'm selling clothing at a childrenswear exhibition in London but am back tomorrow. I had 2 no shows yesterday.. What a waste of time and money.
Jelly I remember when we were selling our flat to buy our house the sellers were getting desperate they had a place no chain so we had bidders who wouldn't budge to the asking price we had done so much work in the place that the 5 grand less really bothered me a friend pointed out that in the future when we sat in our new house how much we sold the flat for really wouldn't matter !

Fc hope you have a more successful day x
Jelly : Hope you get the offer you want soon hun. And re : your pay - you definitely should be getting more than her as her senior (I would definitely be approaching your boss and questioning it) xx

Louise : Good luck on Friday hun. I hope sense prevails. xx

Emzy : Glad you have got a buggy sorted after your nightmare. What a pain. I love my Phil and Teds still but am on the lookout for a side by side pushchair (I want the Maclaren Techno but can't afford it at the mo !!) Sorry that BF didn't work out for you too. xx

Blob : woop woop woop on the ttc front !! I say just go for it now. What will be, will be. xx

Becs : Have you got a moving date yet ? Really sorry about Murphy (labs are so prone to that kind of injury :( hope he is on the mend soon) xx

GG : I love how different the girls are. I think its so funny how two girls being brought up exactally the same can be so different from each other. xx

F&C : Hope you have had a better day. xx

Well Noah has chicken pox so we have a miserable house again. Eurghhhhhhhh. :sleep: so tired from lack of sleep !!

Are any of the other stars still quite quiet ? Olivia babbles loads but only has about 20 words and even those are not very clear. Were also off to see the HV this week as she is still walking with one foot slightly inturned. I'm really worried about what they are going to say :cry:
Laura - Poor Noah to get the pox so young bless him . JJ never used to say much but the past 8-10 weeks we have seen a real vast difference where he seems to be picking up new words every day. Maybe it will just take Olivia a little while. Weird question to do you speak to her alot? when Im with JJ im constantly talking telling him what im doing or asking him questions like what colour car or in the supermarket naming everything I put in the trolley with him I think this has helped him recently. Hope the HV appointment goes well.

Fishy I hate when people do no shows im sure they must know inadvance its just rude. Hope the show was successful.

AFM - they havent upped their bid but the house we want have now found an end of chain property so weve asked if they will reduce the asking price by 1k to ease the pressure of taking a 3.5K hit. We are now thinking if this house falls through that we may stay where we are for another couple of years and try and pay off some more of the mortgage as the market just seems static at the moment with no new properties.
Poor Noah that's rubbish :nope: I was saying just before I saw your post that I need the girls to get it before tabs goes to school. But I bet it will be next year, new baby and robins away :dohh: I really hope Noah doesn't get it bad :hugs:

Aaah F&C I looked through the clothes and found so many I wanted and I read your message again and it said only 2 from that link :haha: so I sulked and haven't been able to look since :dohh:

Jelly :( sounds like a shitty position to be in just now :hugs:

Well I have just been making a huge red velvet cake, ruined it by forgetting something :cry: and now I have no bloody idea how im getting it all done because im going to have to go to Tescos ---- so I'm sitting on the floor sulking eating raw cake mix.
Oh no blob did you sort it ?

Laura hope the apointment goes well I wouldn't worry about the speech too much at this stage she may just take a huge leap in words soon , in time if your still concerned you could ask them to check for glue ear ect ? Poor Noah hope it is mild , you must be shattered x

Got to go I e got to read mr seahorse aparently :)
Lol Blob! Was it the 2nd collection you liked? Things will gradually sell out over the next month or two so let me know which styles you like and I will keep an eye open for you. Did you sort your red velvet cake out in the end?

Laura Harry isn't a great talker but he's started trying to copy although not too successfully at the moment! Sorry Noah has the pox, poor thing.

Jelly FX the house you're after drops their price. It's also still early for your potential buyers. They might still put in another offer. X
Aw Laura poor Noah! Hope he doesn't get it too badly. How is Olivia with Noah now? Holly seems to be getting used to Evie, but is still unsure sometimes! I wouldn't worry about Olivia's speech. It has taken Holly ages to speak, she never really said much but now we can't keep her quiet! My HV said that they often have a bit of progress with their vocab at around 2 years.

Fishy and Louise, your pregnancies seem to be flying by! You'll be having your babies before we know it. I'm getting to the missing being pregnant stage now, even though I hated it and felt like crap the whole time! I said no more babies but I'm not so sure that we will stop at Evie... Matt thinks we will go one more and I originally said no, but I reckon we probably will as I can see me getting broody again!! I was going to sell/give away Evie's clothes as she outgrows them, but Matt has convinced me to keep hold of them lol I can't believe she is 4 weeks old already.

Jelly fx for the house x

I'm shattered today, Evie went to sleep at 11.30pm and didn't wake up til 3am for a feed, but then wouldn't go back to sleep til 4.30 then Holly decided to get up at 7am. Hoping they will nap at the same time at some point today. But then I end up feeling bad if I sleep as there's loads of housework to do as well! I don't have any time any more lol

Last night though, I went to see what to expect when you're expecting with 2 friends which was really good. It was nice to get out and be child free for a few hours. Matt was on babysitting duties and was slightly traumatised when I got home as Holly wouldn't go to bed and Evie had trapped wind!

Holly's being a bit of a pain in the bum lately, throwing so many tantrums and keeps hitting me. She lashed out and hit Evie in the back the other day as I was holding her when I was telling her off for something. She's got a right temper on her! I've been trying to give her loads of attention and play with her a lot, etc but things are still very different for her I guess. She will get used to it eventually I suppose!

Anyway, better go, things to do! Matchsticks at the ready today!
Emzy it sounds like you'll be preggers again in no time!!

This pregnancy did seem to drag but I've just noticed I'm in the middle box on my ticker today! I guess after my scan in a couple of weeks the pace will really pick up. I still don't feel pregnant and don't look it either really. My bump seems smaller this time but like (I think it was Blob) Blob said, maybe it is because I remember my huge whale-like size!

Sarah are you moving this week?! Good luck either way!

hmm not just yet, I need a bloody rest!! IF we have another one, I'd have at least the same age gap that we have now, if not more. At least that way Holly will be at school!!
Yes I am sure my bump is actually smaller this time! And it's hard to be smaller! People still wouldn't guess I was pregnant and I'm 23 weeks tomorrow! Oh well I know she's definately in there!

Jelly I hope they offer you more and the house you're buying accepts slightly less, it would be such a shame for it to fall through now! I did write a really long reply yesterday answering your questions but it must not have sent! Nathan said this weekend that he wants to come and live here too. Alex is a bit worried about him but also concerned that if Nathan mentions it to his mum that she'll kick off and refuse them both! We found out from Nathan that she's posted to wimbish which is Essex/Cambridge way in November, Alex is still adamant that he doesn't want to go back to her. He was also upset because Nathan said his mum told him not to tell anyone, it was supposed to be a secret, and Alex thought it was because she wasn't planning on seeing him after she moved! It also explains why she's going to try to get court to stop us moving him schools.. Because if he moves in September then they would be unlikely to rule he has to go back to his mums in November because it would mean another school change. However he wants to go to the new school and stay here so I really really hope they dont stop us.. I refuse point blank to do the school run that far with Lilia and the new baby.. And if I have to have a c section then I won't be able to until about Xmas anyway!

Blob did you get your cake sorted?? I don't know how you fit everything in, those cakes must take you hours and hours to prepare!

Laura like I said on FB I really thought Noah would have your immunity at his age, hope he has the pox really mildly and it passes quick!

Gg I love how different your girls are!! Like (I think fishy) said, it's amazing how being brought up together in the same way they can still be so different! How's the job going? Are you missing nursery?

Not seen kara or Asher on here for a long time, if I remember rightly kara shouldn't have too long to go now until she gets the all clear for TTC again?

Big love to everyone else x

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