I am still here, just no time ever anymore!!
How are you all doing? We are good. Evie is a little sweetheart, so chilled and easy! She sleeps pretty well for an almost 4 week old! She usually feeds at around 9.30 then goes down at about 11 til 2.30am ish, has a feed and goes back down til between 6 and 7, then goes back down til 9ish! She's so lovely
Holly is sweet with her too, really concerned if she cries! Gives her a dummy and blanket and tries to feed her a bottle lol Evie is totally formula fed now. I just couldn't keep up with pumping every 2/3 hours once Matt went back to work, on top of feeding Evie and looking after Holly!
My pram... hmmm well first of all the hood on the Apple seat broke, so it looks all lopsided and isn't attached on one side. One of the clips snapped! Then, my fault but I picked up the pear carrycot and the same thing happened to that, the hood snapped off on one side. Then I was getting really fed up with it, as I couldn't have it the way round that I wanted, with Holly on the front and Evie on the back nearest me, as it was way too heavy with Holly on the front. So I had to have it the other way around, with Holly facing me and Evie on the back, but then I couldn't see Evie and also couldn't hook my changing bag on the handle and couldn't access the shopping basket. So I was a bit peed off with it anyway, then I was out walking and noticed the front wheel looked wonky and like it was going to fall off. I thought maybe I was being paranoid, because if you remember that's what happened to my iCandy Cherry twice, the wheel fell off. Well, the next day I walked down to the doctors with both in the pram and the back wheel went! The tyre burst and the outer tyre bit fell off, so I was stuck! I had to push it back up the hill with both girls in it, with one of the back wheels gone! That was hard and I was gutted as it was my first solo trip out with the girls in the pram and I was a bit scared anyway! I was so fed up with it, that I ordered a new pram lol I got a Graco Stadium Duo and I really like it! It was only £120 on kiddicare and I wasn't expecting much, but just wanted something that fit my needs and that I wasn't scared of breaking and I am really pleased with it! I'm going to sell the icandy now I think. I know blob felt really bad as she thought it was the bits she sold me that were broken, but it wasn't, it was the bits I bought from eBay so please don't feel bad! Your stuff was in brilliant condition and the broken carrycot was my fault. I've just totally lost confidence with iCandy after the broken cherry and now broken Apple!
Holly has hit the terrible twos and has been throwing some really mean tantrums. It's soo hard to keep your cool! She has been lashing out at us and hitting and kicking. I guess everything has been turned upside down for her lately and as much as I've been trying to give her lots of attention, her normal routine has gone completely out the window so I'm going to try and focus on getting that back on track this week. I'm going to attempt to take them both to toddler group tomorrow morning on my own... wish me luck!!