September Stars

Did Nathan say why he had changed his mind? Have the treats all stopped? I really doubt the courts will ignore how happy Alex is at the moment and he's old enough to put forward a good case for himself. I find it bizarre that she thinks she can stop you changing Alex's school - she's obviously going to say that him living with you is only a temporary measure.
Louise : seriously what a cowbag. What did Wayne ever see in her ?!!! I am sure that things are going to go your way though. It was me that said about GGs girls being so different. xx

Emzy : Olivia is an angel with Noah tbh. I am so proud of her. Theres never been an ounce of jealousy which I really expected and she has shown no signs of maliciousness towards him. He's a really good baby and the odd occasion that he does cry she goes running to him all concerned. He loves her too - his eyes follow her around the room and he coos and chatters to her when she talks to him. Hope Holly comes out of her tantrum stage too. Olivia was awful for the weeks before she had her her chicken pox and I really struggled. However she has come out the other side now and is a pleasue to be around again. xx I am doing the opposite to you with clothes etc. I am not keeping anything now. After what happened with Noah I dont want to push my luck again with a 3rd baby. I was told I would never have any and I now have one of each so will count my blessings and stop and that. It's still really hard for me to talk about everything that happened. xx

F&C/Louise : I didn't get a bump at all with Noah - but then I am on the larger side of both you girls. Hopefully you'll wake up to a massive bump soon !! xx

Are we going to try for another meet soon as I am dying to meet everyone ? Or would Louise and Ann rather wait until after your babies arrive ? xx
I'm happy for a meet anytime Laura, Wayne is away all summer being high risk search man for the Olympics being all important! I thought the YMCA was a good place for the meet last time, maybe something similar again? I would happily travel a bit further!

It sounds like Olivia is being a dreamy big sister! I hope Lilia takes a leaf out of her book! She's a bit pushy recently with the little boy I've been looking after, playing with her big brothers has made her a bit rough I think! But then part of me thinks she just holds her own, as this little boy is VERY bitey.. She has a bruise and teeth marks still on her arm from when he bit her yesterday :( but when I ask him to say sorry to her, Lilia tries to say sorry to him bless her :)

I often wonder what he ever saw in the cow! She was basically a 'Friday night friend', he rang her when he was drunk in Bosnia/Kosovo can't remember, but he was posted to germany and said (stupidly) that it would 'be so much easier if they were married because they could get a married quarter'.. His mate woke him and congratulated him thR next morning to which Wayne was confused, his friend said to ring her urgently.. When he rang she had booked the church and reception venue and she had been and Ordered herself an engagement ring from Argos!!! He never dared say that he didn't mean it that way.. But a bit down the line when he tried to say to her that it wasn't working out and he didn't want to marry her, she announced she was pregnant. However when Alex was born, very close to his 'due date', he had to spend 11 days in special care as they said his lungs weren't developed enough? Suggests to me that she may not have been pregnant at all.. Basically he was snared! Typical chatham bird, they all want to get themselves a soldier!!

Fishy, Nathan just said that he's not that happy there, he really really misses Alex which I think is the main reason x
Emzy are you at your mum and dads anytime in the not too distant future ? Maybe the YMCA is a good idea then. Is it still going to be suited to the ages now ? I will probably find somewhere to stay nearby instead if trying to get there and back in one day with two kids !!

Poor Wayne :( must be so hard for him when he has two such lovely boys with such a witch of a woman. I'm sure Lilia will be a fab big sister !! And your right about holding her own. Olivia is starting to do the same with my youngest niece who is also a biter. Olivia smacked her room the head yesterday after she bit her twice !! Xx
Poor boy :( I can only imagine how much they must miss each other.

I'm really up for another meet and more than happy to do it before the baby comes - in fact that would probably be easier. Any further East would be a bit difficult for me just because the M25 is such a nightmare and Maidstone is totally the opposite side, so if there is traffic it could be a killer with Harry in the car.

Happy to host as well if that is of any interest? I'm near Oxford.
Laura Olivia sounds like a lovely sister bless her ! How's the pox going with little man ?

Louise I did have to laugh at Friday night friend :) she must really hate you as Wayne obviously loves you !

Both girls asleep by 8.30 something that hadn't happened for a long time !!

Did I tell you Layla's favourite words are now "no cant " ? We met up with a friends two and a half year old and she heard it from her but she has it in the right context , Layla sit down "no cant " Layla lets get in the buggy "no cant " ! Madam !
Am on my phone so can't reply to everyone as I can't remember it all just popped on while I can, I am waiting for Rosie to wake for a feed then bed for me. It's my 1st full day on my own tomorrow as Danny is back at work am looking forward to getting into a routine with Ollie and Rosie and getting to spend a bit more mammy son time with Ollie while Rosie is sleeping he has spent the past 2 weeks doing a lot with daddy and turned into such a daddy's boy so looking forward to that. Will try and get on tomorrow of I can get both babies to nap at the same time.
GG - Layla sounds so funny!

Have to say louise alot of people from that area probably do similar. I know this may sound awful but I'm so glad that Nathan wants to be with you guys too.

Laura - have you spoken to anyone about Noah's birth? Close friend / mw / doctor ? It might help things be easier to cope with? HopeNoah recovers soon xx
Becs : yay - I'm chuffed I'll have a star close by again !! Have you got a move date yet? X

FB : hope your 1st day goes ok on your own. I don't think I have you on Facebook. I'm Laura Kowalc zyk if you want to add me. X

GG : he only has a few spots so far but is rather restless which is not like him. FXd he'll be ok though. Loving Laylas "no can't" - very cute !! X

Jelly : my family have all found the whole scbu thing scary and I don't think anyone really wants to go over it anymore. OH will ppon blank not discuss it. I'm off to see the hospital
Complaints team in 2 weeks so im hopIng that may help. X any news on your house yet ? X
Laura - I'd love to do another meet...depending on where it is, I would most likely stay as would bring both the girls!!! Count me in!

Emzy - I have that pram! It's not practical for me at all, but for the price, it's a good buggy!

GG - Thank you so much! Will pm my address!

Jelly - Hope ya get a sale soon!

Fishy - Are you finding out whether you're blue or pink this time?

Louise - Good luck in court!

AFM - I FINALLY got everything through to put a housing transfer request into the council on medical priority! It can take a while though although I am hoping it happens soon as I am losing my mind not being able to get out without peoples help! And not having to worry about Kimi trying to get out the front door and down the steps!

Hope everyone is well!!!

Hi girls

Just coming on for a bit of a moan and cry I'm afraid, I hope you don't mind :( Holly has turned into an absolute monster and I just don't know what to do with her anymore. She is throwing so many tantrums, one after the other, after the other. Everything is NO NO NO and she is hitting and kicking me and yesterday she hit me in the face with a hard toy. She also hit Evie in the back when I was holding her. Fortunately Evie just seemed a bit shocked but it didn't seem to really hurt her. I just don't know what to do with her anymore. She's turned from a lovely little girl into one that is always screaming, crying and moaning. I've tried ignoring it, as that used to work with tantrums, but it's not doing any good. I've tried telling her off, I've tried time out, I've tried distracting her, reasoning with her... I just don't know what to do! I know that it's a reaction to having Evie, so I've been trying to give her lots of attention and do lots of lovely activities and things, but she's not interested and just ends up kicking off for one reason or another. Her routine was really upset for a while, so I've made a big effort to get it back to normal and get her in bed at normal times and go out and do our normal things, but it's no good. Today, my netmums friends organised a picnic in a park in town so I took the girls. I was a bit scared as it was my first solo outing on the bus but really wanted to go for Holly, so that she could play with her friends and things. She was a horror, I was so embarrassed. She was hitting all the other kids, trying to run off, throwing tantrums, hit and kicked me when I tried putting her in the pushchair, threw half of her picnic on the floor as she didn't want it. On top of that Evie had trapped wind, so I was trying to sort her out as well and she was crying. I was so embarrassed it must have looked to everyone that I couldn't cope. I left early and got the bus home and just burst into tears when I got off the bus as I wish I'd not bothered. I feel like I can't go out while she is like this and it's really getting me down :( She's currently in her cot screaming her head off even though she's really tired and hasn't napped this afternoon. I feel really stupid for having another baby so soon as I feel like I can't manage, but I never anticipated Holly being this bad. Please someone tell me that it will pass!!

Sorry for the rant, I just didn't know where else to go and let off steam!

Emzy - You are an amazing mummy!!! Dont beat yourself up about things! Holly is just adjusting to having Evie around! Can't Matt have Evie for a few hours whilst you have some Holly and Mummy time so it's you's two so she knows that she's not being replaced??

Hopefully, it'll pass soon!

Kimi is rarely jealous of Pippa, but when I notice things are starting to get bad, we do something extra special for Kimi so she knows that we still love her very much!

Chin up Em! You're amazing!!!

Emzy - Dont know what to say hun :hugs: Hoping it was just a bad day and tomorrows will be easier.
Emzy I think it's possibly a combination of new baby and age related phase ?
My girls are going through a horror stage too I have been bitten, hit , pick them up off the floor , I got stared at today as we had walked to the park and Anelia had a huge tantrum as we were crossing the road abd I had no choice but to drag her by the arm !

You mustn't think that it's your fault and in sure it will pass all you can do is rise above it ( difficult when your ultra tired ) but keep calm and carry on it will pass ( I'm hoping too ) ignore the tantrums don't give any attention for these and praise and reward all the good things however small !

Just to make you feel better ... I set up a drawing activity and got the chalks out we were merrily playing and I was helping Layla I turn around and Amelia has eaten her chalk !! I get cross , she screams throws herself on the floor try's to screw up laylas picture and I want to chuck the chalks out the window :)

Hope tomorrow's a better day ! X
Thanks girls. I think it is just rotten timing of the terrible twos! Today so far hasn't been too bad. Although, last night we put her to bed at 8.30 and she screamed for ages, then played for ages and didn't go to sleep til 10.45ish. Then this morning she was up screaming to get up at 7am, meaning she was really tired. I played with her during Evie's nap and she seemed great til about 10am when she kicked off and started tantruming again, so I put her in bed and she flaked out after screaming for 5 minutes. She's dreadful when she's tired! So hopefully the extra nap will do her good. It's so hard, as just as I'm trying to figure out Evie's routine, Holly's has gone up the wall as well!!
Oh and last night she kicked off after her bath and wouldn't let me put her nappy on. She started screaming and kicking me etc so I just left her and went and sat down and had a cup of tea. I totally ignored her which drove her nuts and she started getting louder and louder lol Eventually, after about half an hour, she brought me her nappy and went and stood next to the changing mat LOL
Hello all,
Sorry I don't get much chance to come on here now, I find keeping up and posting on my phone really difficult!

Emzy, just to reassure you and anyone else who hadn't witnessed a 2 year old!
Around about now a toddler realises they have some bearing on your actions from their behavior, and they can say no and you are powerless to do anything about it!
It is this age our perfectly lovely children turn....they just turn!
This is the age of tantrums, pinching, scratching, punching, throwing, kicking and screaming, it seems to be a usual part of a toddlers development!
The bad news, some of these things can become normal if not dealt with by a minute on the naughty step, if you have no step, get one, you need one!
The good news most of this the violent stuff is usually over ny 2 and a half and your once calm toddler is returned to you, mainly because they can communicate better by then so are less frustrated.
I would advise saying no to anything unacceptable, naughty step for violence, and the rest it it's not going to result in anyone being hurt including the toddler themself then :kiss:ignore, or distract! Reward what you want to see, ignore what you don't, naughty step violence.
Even a sticker chart is very hood at encouraging the good.

My bit for today, and just reassure it's all,normal for the nearly 2 year old! :hugs:

Its not called terrible two's for nothing...

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