Hello all,
Sorry I don't get much chance to come on here now, I find keeping up and posting on my phone really difficult!
Emzy, just to reassure you and anyone else who hadn't witnessed a 2 year old!
Around about now a toddler realises they have some bearing on your actions from their behavior, and they can say no and you are powerless to do anything about it!
It is this age our perfectly lovely children turn....they just turn!
This is the age of tantrums, pinching, scratching, punching, throwing, kicking and screaming, it seems to be a usual part of a toddlers development!
The bad news, some of these things can become normal if not dealt with by a minute on the naughty step, if you have no step, get one, you need one!
The good news most of this the violent stuff is usually over ny 2 and a half and your once calm toddler is returned to you, mainly because they can communicate better by then so are less frustrated.
I would advise saying no to anything unacceptable, naughty step for violence, and the rest it it's not going to result in anyone being hurt including the toddler themself then
ignore, or distract! Reward what you want to see, ignore what you don't, naughty step violence.
Even a sticker chart is very hood at encouraging the good.
My bit for today, and just reassure it's all,normal for the nearly 2 year old!
Its not called terrible two's for nothing...