September Stars

Thanks for the advice BTP on the terrible twos.

Emzy, what the other ladies said makes a lot of sense. I have always taken the laid back approach, trying to explain everything to Harry but at the end of the day he's just too young to understand. What he does understand is that a good way of 'communicating' and getting his way is to have a good ole tantrum.

I agree with YM about getting some just you and Holly time if Matt is able to help.

Also agree that you are a fab mummy and I bet not one of those women at the park questioned that but most likely were impressed that you made so much effort so early on. Any mum knows how hard a new baby is but to add a toddler in to the mix is I'm sure quite something else!

Have you tried experimenting with Holly's bed time? We tried putting Harry down later in the evening but have gone back to his usual time and he is so much better during the day. He's sleeping longer, napping better and is generally a lot less clingy and moany.

Lastly, I bet you needed that cry so don't feel ashamed. Crying is good for us (in moderation obviously!!). Now go get a glass of vino and treat youself!!
Emma, you are fab and I really don't know how you are coping so well!!!! I agree on the you and Holly time, what about seeing if she can go to nursery for a few hours a week just so you get some non tantrum time!!!! It must be so hard, luckily Evie won't remember Holly being like that!!!!

YM, that's fab news on the housing front!!!!!

Sorry if I have forgotten people, I was scan reading!!

Murphy had his op yesterday, he is feeling very sore and is on complete rest for 6 weeks!!! Then we are looking into hydrotherapy for him, we have found out he has osteoarthritis and slight hip displacia, it's going to be a management thing so we are looking into every avenue of pain management for him!!! Our vet bill wasn't too bad, we got 10% off our bill as they do forces discount, so saved £400!! Just gotta wait for the insurance to pay out now!!!
Still no flipping address for us!!!!
Emzy I agree with the others, you're doing really well hun don't best yiurself up! Good suggestions from the other girls, listen to them they speak sense!!

Becs poor murphy!! My sisters Rottweiler had lots of problems, he often developed limps rtc and she was advised minimal walks for him, once a day maximum and not far... She used to take him for miles at least twice a day before that!

Got court tomorrow. Wayne is in bed sleeping off the alcohol he has consumed today because it's cpl to sgt promotion board (doesn't affect him but obviously doesn't mean he shouldn't get drunk hey) so I am SEriously miffed with him!! He strolled in from work at 6pm, no word to me or the kids and went straight to bed and that's all I've seen of him! I'm half bloody tempted to leave him to it tomorrow and not even bother going to court with him. Last night he was really stressed and worried about it wanting us to prepare statements etc and ended up having a go at me for no reason which he apologised for (by text) but he's now really doing my head in. He needs to remember that this situation affects me just as much as him even if Alex isn't my son!!!!!
Sorry for rant.. It saves me yelling at him and waking the kids up!!!
Rant away Louise! I would be annoyed too. Do you think the drinking was partly due to the court case tomorrow? He sounds like he's hiding from it, which isn't fair on you but it could explain the lack of respect?
Louise I agree with Ann he probably did it because of the stress ! No excuse mind you ! :) hope all goes well tomorrow xx
Well they all get made to go down to the mess (bar) to welcome/celebrate with everyone.. He was actually supposed to have a work 'do' tonight which was basically drinking in town so I suppose I should be pleased he didn't go to that! I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have had much choice about being in te bar today but he didn't have to drink and he could at least have had a little nap and then tried to have some time with the kids.. Though if he's drunk wouldn't want him to! I was most annoyed at the fact that he literally came in and went upstairs and got into bed! I imagine a lot of it is due to worry and stress but we're both stressed, I think he's out of order! He doesn't normally do things like this x
It turned out he had a migraine.. He had been in a meeting getting his yearly report which ranked him top of all the sgts here which basically means his chance of promotion next year are like 99%.. He had just 2 pints at lunchtime but was working on something to do with op Olympic so I feel slightly guilty for presuming he was being an a@£e but still think he could have said why he was going to bed!!

Big day today :s
Agree with BTP Emzy :hugs: they really do turn :dohh: Don't feel embarrassed at having to put her down somewhere to calm down even if you are in public - I went to a group type of thing just after Rosalie was born and she started ruining this ladies house, I took her outside and put her in her carseat and left her in the car to calm down. Might sound extreme (it was in her drive in our village so totally safe for her) but it was the only way to get her to calm down. Basically we all have been there and will go through it again don't feel embarrassed.

Both of my two are in some sort of 'stage' just now, Tabs is in a real jealous one where she has to have EVERYTHING Rosalie has. Luckily Rosalie just looks at her sister crying and just gives her what ever she wants :dohh: Rosalie is just in the normal 2yr bit :lol:

Louise I will be thinking about you today :hugs: I hope it all goes well :flower:
She has agreed to withdraw and they are writing up an order which states we have full residency of Alex :) we can do what we want regarding his school, she said her door will always be open for him but I think she was advised that she wouldn't win this one :) so it looks like its over, at least for the meantime! Although wont hold my breath until we have that order in front of us stamped! Thanks for all your kind words and listening ears (or reading eyes!!)
Thats great news Louise, hopefully this will help with Nathan wanting to live with you guys too.

Came home from work today as have stomach bug.... tarvelling back on motorway I saw an accident in excatly the same place as mine with the same thing happen except the car went down a ditch past the hard shoulder......... I carried on driving but rang the emergency's I just feel awful that I wasnt able to stop. Ive been a bit of a mess since. Just really hoping they are OK in the car I just couldn't of helped it was too close and soon since my accident. Luckily DH is home - he thinks I should go to counselling :-( I just cant believe in 4 months ive been or seen two exact accidents.
Louise that's fantastic news!! So pleased xxx

Jelly, when we had our accident on the M25 i kept getting flash backs etc, even now I am still wairy of cars that break. Maybe you need some kind CBT for your PTSD. Go and have a chat with your GP xxxx
Louise I am soooo happy for you all!! I hope you are celebrating tonight! FX Alex will be with you too soon.

Jelly, hope you are ok. That must have been extremely traumatic. I think just having a chat with a counselor would be a good idea. I'm not sure if you need it but better safe than sorry. :hugs:
Ladies who previously had a c section, did you get a 'midwife episodes' appointment at the hospital? It tells me nothing in the letter as to what it is but I think it may be my consultants appointment due to my c section. It's 1½ hours before my 20 week scan. I would ask my mw but she only works Tues and Weds. X
Great news Louise xx

Fc sorry I don't know but sounds like its probably consultant x

Spent our evening watching the girls dance to moves like jagger over and over it is so funny :)

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