Louise - Great news!!!!
F&C - That 'should' be where ya see your consultant to discuss whether a want a vbac or c-sec etc! I did that but didnt make a decision til 36 weeks or so! What are ya planning for??
I've lost my happy, cheerful, good-as-gold toddler and have been given a complete monster!
The past few days, she has continually screamed,cried,shouted, thrown herself on the floor and just generally been a horror child!
I took her to playgroup (which was awful in itself as it was 'older' mums who ignored me) but all she did was scream at everyone, snatch, throw her juice around etc! I was so horrified! Never has she acted like that in front of people! She then sat in the middle of the road and I had to struggle across the road pushing Pippa and trying to carry her, whilst she kicked and screamed and pulled my hair.... i had to call Luke to help me because she just wouldnt settle!
Hope everyone is okay!!!