Riley is so behind!! I am jealous of all this potty training talk. Chance was soooo easy and potty trained by 19 months! I'll be changing Riley's nappies as a teenager! Lol xx
I am a total potty training failure. Simon is awesome with peeing, but flat-out refuses to po on the potty. He is almost four. It is killing me.
Tobe is nowhere near ready. I wonder if I started Simon too soon and that was a contributing factor to him being resistant. I think it is more to do with the fact that he does not like the feeling of pooping while sitting with his bum over a toilet. Anyway, Tobe likes to practise and I always cheer him on, but have no plans to do much more than that about it unless he takes the lead.
Hello Ladies, yes i know - long time no see, well, hopefully now i have my lurvely ipad i'll be able to keep up on here a little more
You may also noticed from my tickers...........I'M PREGNANT However it's not without it's problems - those of you on facebook will probably know how poorly i have been so far & i'm currently off sick from work after coming out of hospital saturday. Still, it's all for a good cause - i just need to rest & make sure little Pip stays put!
Well i hope everyone is well? Is there any major gossip i need to know? I doubt i'll be trying to read back on posts i'm afraid
Any chance you could get a bedding session in tonight before your sweep tomorrow? You are lucky you are able to book more. With me I was given one and only because I saw mw due to swelling feet did I get a second sweep.
Bedding session? I must admit, I'm impressed by the lack of issues I've had with getting a sweep. I wonder if it's because they want me to have a vbac as much as me.
I agree, a good hard session then a sweep tomorrow ;-)
I didn't realise you had a section last time, me too & I'm hoping & praying I can have a vbac but it'll be up to my consultant
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