Louise I hope he doesn't have to go. I saw it on the news a while back about the tour time changing from 6 to 9 months and thought of you. Hope your walk round went okay.
Hope Flo is settling a bit better for you Emma. X
Blob get packing haha!!
Rubbish day here, I have been feeling sorry for myself but snapped out of it a bit now. I love the warm weather but it's just working in it is hard. My hay fever and asthma play up when I'm pregnant, and this time is no exception. This afternoon I had a visit which really upset me, a tiny 12 year old boy with a life limiting condition who is now basically terminal, maybe a couple of months to go. The physio mentioned to me that his gran had asked her what would she do if she woke in the night and he had passed away, and that was it. I completely folded and got really upset, you can't help but think of your own children, and this boy is beautiful. So crying kicked my chest off, I couldn't breathe and was on my way to an asthma attack, felt sick, all horrible things. I got to the nearest supermarket and bought some sickly lucozade to perk me up, then rang the office to say I wasn't going back! It really really got to me.
So from a health point of view I'm going to try and get a docs appointment tomorrow regarding my chest, maybe I need another inhaler for this hot weather. I feel a lot better now but today wasn't fun! I just wanted to come home and hug the kids!!
Rant over, hope everyone's okay in this lovely weather. Xx