Nathan was in tears over the summer saying he wanted to live here etc etc, he seemed to think he would just tell her and it would happen easily. But then he had a fortnight at his mums and said he had changed his mind! Simple as that! Alex said it was because his mum said she would buy him a phone for Xmas that I had already said he was too young for when he asked me! He is too easily bought at the moment, we could be bitchy and buy him loads of stuff, a rabbit, loads of games etc and he would come but I won't have it be for that reason. He has to truly want to, otherwise he will choose to go back at the drop of a hat and I can't have that happen to the girls, lilia wouldn't understand! Alex won't go back, I'm sure of it, he's too happy here and he's old enough to see what she is like. Nathan isn't ready yet x