September Stars

Lol asher! I didn't give in for weeks after Heidi was born! Mind you, I was still suffering horrible spd pain for many weeks after so had an excuse! And I think we only did it 2/3 times between lilia being born and him going to afghan.... Wow I bet if we added up how many times we have done it since lilia was born it would be a very low number!!
Hehehe Louise not too long till you find ouuuut :smug:

Ha ha ha :rofl: :rofl: Asher what is that quote about just lying on your back and thinking of the greater good :dohh: I forget what the actual saying is.
Yep Blob, lie back and think of England! Or Scotland in your case! :). I did give in and thank god I could get on with my night, ha ha!
Lol I did actually mean lilia! With 6 1/2 months in afghan, then went to Jordan for 6 weeks, then got pregnant again, bad spd so hardly any during pregnancy then after still suffered for ages, then we've had a rough patch (maybe due to lack of sex?! Lol) and then he's away again now!
Oh! I was just checking! You are okay now though aren't you honey? I thought I was mean doing it about once a week! I guess I'm not the worst after all! ;-) x
Oh teeny hope you've had a better day today yesterday sounded a nightmare!

Asher your dh sounds like mine always wanting a 'fun time'..... Actually since Flo he's constantly asking for some action which he hasn't been like in years. He's annoyed as I don't initiate but to be honest it's the last thing on my mind at the moment.

Well restarted diet yesterday but on a meal replacement plan think being at home etc I just need a little while to deal with portion control and resist bad foods so If I'm doing meal replacement shakes / soups 100% of the time should get me mentally in the eating healthy zone. On day 2 now and seems to be working so far but then I always am more focused the first week, going to fatclub tonight to be weighed after my 10 tonnes of biryhday cake over the weekend.

Also need to get organised to start selling a lot of my baby things that are no longer needed :-(. Already sold my electric breast pump, breastfeeding cover, storage bottles....... Also got my unused moby wrap (too hot to use with Flo ), gro swaddling blankets never used because dh put them in a 'safe place' then couldn't remember where by time I found them Flo didn't like being swaddled anymore, Phil and reds double pushchair, widgey breastfeeding pillow cover unused ...... So much stuff I bought when I said I wasn't going to overspend this time or have unused items ! Talking of spending I picked up a 2nd hand jumperoo for Flo today so looking forward to her being able to use it never had space in our old house to have one for JJ, Flo is more of a kicker stands on her legs too.

Got Flo weighed and she's 13lb 10oz exactly on the 50th percentile so her weight gain is still doing great :)
Ah jelly sounds like flo is doing great now!! Don't you think you will get any use out of your pushchair? Although saying that, I've barely used mine at all and certainly not recently, lilia still hates to walk too far though!

Teeny no I imagine I'm the worst! I need to go to the doctors really, I love my husband but I have literally no sex drive, I never want to dtd although I am always fine as soon as we start! I wonder if it's my pill, it's been like it a couple of years really. We do it about once a week, sometimes fortnight but im trying to make an effort.. Though that's hard when he's away!
Argh. Wayne comes home yesterday, fine for a bit but then as soon as the girls are in bed he's so grumpy, I say what's wrong and get snapped at 'I'm just tired leave me alone' etc so he watches the football and we sit in silence pretty much, bedtime and he's wanting kisses and cuddles and I told him he's been so grumpy I'm not exactly in a loving mood!! So he turns over huffing and puffing then after a while he says I should go shopping alone tomorrow for my interview clothes and Heidi's birthday present. Wonderful! I tell him I had told lilia we were going out for the day and he says well they can just stay I'm with me instead. Great, the kids are pretty much in all week, I was thinking family day, bit of support buying my outfit for interview and help with birthday presents but because he didn't get any that's all to pot now! Even better the fact that I'll be buying all the Christmas presents on my own yet again as he's away. Wish he hasn't bloody come home this weekend now! He's just sitting not talking to me now, bloody men!!!
I feel your pain.
I say to DH if there was more affection on a regular basis I would probably feel more like having sex! He won't kiss or cuddle all day then will want some sexy time! I don't get it. Make me feel loved, not like you just want me for that.
I am sure at this difficult time you need love and support more than ever too.
Its very mean of Wayne to tell you to go shopping on your own. Its not fair for you or the children. Surely he will change his mind. I bet the kids were excited about it. I really hope he wakes in a better mood.
I send my love. Xx
Oh no, trust me we were both already awake by then! Heidi woke at 6.15 this morning and I couldn't find her dummy for ages. She then wouldn't settle so I went to get her up and take her downstairs and he got up too, I said I would get up with her so he could have a lie in and his response was 'don't do me any favours'. Brilliant! I am going shopping and I will take the girls with me and he can mope in the house on his own. Apparently this is nothing to do with sex, it's because I wouldn't kiss and cuddle him and he says sex wasn't on his mind... Erm yes ok apart from when he said 'don't forget the promise you made last week' which was that we would go for twice in a weekend! So he's talking crap because it was after he said that that I said I don't think so, that he had been grumpy all day and we still had 2 days left of the weekend! I did kiss him a bit but didn't really want to because he had been an arse. I feel your pain teeny, I know I am rubbish at affection at the moment but he and turned this around to be about me and my lack of affection and sex drive but it's hard to have a sec drive when your husband doesn't speak to you then expects you to just have sex when he wants!! He insists he is not coming shopping. Fine, i will manage fine on my own, I normally do! He had said in the week he would help me choose an outfit though so I am pissed off at him. Roll on Saudi so I get a few weeks peace from this crap x
Feel free to rant. I would be pissed off too. So mean of him. :-(
I hope you manage to talk through this with him soon as I find the silent treatment torture! I would rather shout and be shouted at than not spoken to.

My sister has just called me... She finally got her BFP. I am guessing she ovulated late. So pleased! Xx
Aw Louise! Men! Bloody typical. We don't do affection here either! I'm sure men put affection on until they're married and settled and then they let the act drop! Grrrrr.

Teeny that's lovely about your sis! Great news! Xx
I agree Asher. My husband was always loving when we were together at the start. He would lie and stroke my hair give me a cuddle and kiss (without wanting a bit of the other!). Honestly, its such a problem with affection here. I want to feel loved, not just a peck on the cheek as he leaves for work.

I am hoping tonight we can get some romance back. We are going out to London tonight for dinner somewhere. I finally get to dress up and have a drink and spend quality time with Mark. We haven't been out together since we had Riley. Let's hope we make it out of the house and the kids don't ruin our plans! FX`d.
Oooh, false eyelashes, hair done, new dress. I can't wait. Xxxx
Sounds lovely tina! Have a lovely tome! I think having some couple time would benefit us too but not sure we will get any until christmas time if then!!

Asher, they must be all the same really! Wayne is more affectionate than me but I always feel it has to lead somewhere, think that's half the problem like you said, no kissing or anything all day then they expect you to believe the snuggle kisses in bed are just that and not going somewhere!
Hope you got your night out, teeny. How's the weekend been louise? Did you go shopping? X
Yes I went shopping with the girls, had a long talk yesterday afternoon about our 'issues', going to try to sort things out. Didn't help that he had decided to quit smoking Friday night and his last fag was about 4pm so he was already grumpy from that, he had been and bought more before I went shopping about 10am! All ok now though :)

Yes Tina excited to hear about your romantic meal?

How was your weekend Asher? Olly still being a good boy?
Glad you had a chat Louise. Maybe things will improve and you'll feel better.

My DH is on the lookout yet again. There are hints being dropped like bombs in this house! Argh.

We went into Manchester City centre last night to see our lovely friends who have just moved into a fancy 5th floor apartment for six months whilst they find a permanent home. They were in a 5 bed detached, which sold unexpectedly, and they had nowhere to go, so they decided to do something really different while they house hunt. It was fab! We didn't leave til almost 11 last night.

Olly is a month old today! It's gone quick but it feels like he's been here forever. He's so lovely. Much more awake and unsettled this week, lots of growth spurt feeding days, but I can forgive him for it cos he's cute. :)

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