September Stars

Fishy that photo is so cute :)

They arent meant to have bottles and dummies as its bad for babies teeth, its all about how much juice etc is on their teeth. You just need to use spouted cups, but really as soon as you start weaning you'll prob start with juice in a beaker and normal milk in a bottle?

With Tabs she was getting rice at 3 and a bit months so was feeding every 30mins or so and was HUGE the HV told me to start. I think you just know when they are ready, they look at your plate and have hand eye co ordination to try and get the food... Tabs had fad hand eye and was feeding herself at 4 months and ate the same as us :wacko: Rosalie is smaller and i think she'll last lots longer and i'm going to try and keep her until she wants to pick up and i can do baby led weaning with her.
Also i gave Tabs cows milk at 6 months as i was feeding her also, its not bad for them its just not meant to replace formula or BF.
As a first time mum i tried to follow the advice religously but it doesnt always work that way. You have to go with your instincts and what is best for baby.

Jayden had a bottle at night time until he was 18 months and his teeth are fine he wasnt ready for a cup before then. As i said in a previous thread he was weaned alot earlier than the reccomended 4 months he was 8 weeks when he started on rice and rusks and he has no problems digesting food and his stomach is fine.

Health visitors are rubbish they have guidelines they have to follow and they wont deter from them. Every child is different and they all need different things at different times. Fortunately i have a lovely HV, she is older probably in her 50's and she agrees with what i'm doing regarding weaning because when she had her kids she did the same and they are fine too.

You are all good mummies so trust your instincts and dont worry about what your HV will say if they are that bad just dont tell them anything lol.

When i was weaning Jayden i used to let him lead i would give him as much food as he wanted and then as much milk as he wanted they are naturally going to want less milk if they are eating more food though but dont worry they can get milk in food aswell especially when you start because you mix the milk in with rice and rusks then as they start eating more they get milk in yoghurts etc.
Fishy could you email me that stuff too please? [email protected]

Boony good advice, I suppose you just have to go with your gut instinct but everyone around you says different things! I have a mate accross the road who says that 3/4 months is time to start weaning, some people say 6 months, some people say never give them rusks because of the sugar, some say it's the best way to start, argh!!
My HV is equally crap!!! I have been trying to get hold of her all week as I am still waiting for an app for Hopes jabs and the surgery told me that she is the one that can chase it up, its bloody crap!!!

With regards to weening I think your baby will give you the cue as to when to start, all babies are different and I think you will know when its time. I cant wait to start doing her little meals, I dont want to use jars plus they work out so much more expensive and at least I will know what goes in it!!
Yea i agree i knew Tabs needed more and she obviously needed it i knew from 8 weeks same as Boony. With Rosalie i know she doesnt want or need anything extra yet you just know yourself what is best for your baby :thumbup:

My HV is shit too she has only come out once since she was born and she wasnt even looked at :dohh: i've seen her once to get her weighed and once for her jags...
On the weaning topic I started to give Lily a little bit of baby rice at 15 weeks as she was starting to wake up in the night which she hadn't done before. The HV advised to try and give baby rice at lunch time to see if this worked and it did. I was a little nervous with the first baby as the books said 6 months but I definitely think to go with your instincts is the best way and baby will tell you when they're ready. Hope this helps. :flower:
Weaning, just go with the flow, some are ready earlier than others, if baby is hungry and fist chewing at 4 months i see nothing wrong with introducing more solid foods.
My hv basically said wait til 6 months then skip the puree stage and go with solids and introduce a wide variety to reduce the risk of intollorances.
I started with baby yogs, i found they liked the flavour and texture but it was still a new food, i think Sophie was between 5-6 months, but by then she was on cows milk because she had a breast milk intollorance, she wouldn't take formula, so the only thing was cows milk, i just never told the hv!
Just go with your baby, Sophie wouldn't take anything but now she is the most fussy toddler to feed!
I think if you start fairly early it gets them used to the idea that there is more than milk, Sophie seriously gagged on anything other than milk for a while and i am sure it was because i left it so late, my first the rules were from 3 months and he started on baby rice and weaned over 3 months and was a brilliant little eater!

Fishy that pic is soooooooooooo cute, little cutie xxxx

Got to go, Rosie squeaking, which means she really wants me! :hugs:
The international guidelines (WHO) still say to BF or FF exclusively until 6 months, then to start with rice cereal as it's supposed to be the least allergenic. This was supposed to be the best routine to prevent food allergies in the developing digestive and immune systems.
However, one of our mums in the Canadian thread is a pediatric geneticist and she just heard from her colleague who is an allergy specialist that they are revising these guidelines back to introducing foods at 4 months because there has actually been an increase in food allergies since the new guidelines were introduced. :dohh:
You can't win for losing with this stuff, eh?
I think introducing one thing at a time and building up the menu slowly is good, but as for when to start, it sounds like they are now saying four months again.

Okay, I am really having one of those days with my kids. It's either one screaming/whining/fussing or the other, and if I get really lucky they both do it at once. It's only 11:00 am and I have had it. I want to punt them both out the door and go back to bed.
Then they do something incredibly sweet and I feel very guilty for being so out of patience.
It's going to be a long day.
I've been having a little nosey around online this evening regarding weaning. It would seem, as Sarah says, that they are looking at us starting tastes and building them up until 6 months. The NHS is saying that the earliest little ones should start is around 17 weeks, or at the end of their 4th month. I think I am going to stick with what I was going to do. I will try him with a little baby rice or baby porridge mixed with breastmilk, then move on to pureed fruit and veggies, apple and pear, and carrot, parsnip, sweet potato. Then gradually move on to more complicated stuff. Jack used to LOVE potato, spinach and cheese! Very bizarre but he loved it!! Also, Annabel Karmel has some fab recipes for when you start to introduce meat/fish and lumps.

Interestingly, one of the indicators I saw for food readiness was the baby doubling their birth weight! We've already done that with my little chubby lad!!

Talking of the chubby one, Sammy was in bed at 8.05pm tonight, his earliest bedtime yet. I am anticipating a troublesome night's sleep!! Usually his longest period of sleep is 5 hours at most from the time he's in bed. So if he goes to bed at 9 I get to sleep until just before 2 usually. Hmmmmm, we'll see how he does! Hope you're all well tonight ladies. xx
Hi Claire!! Hope little Sam sleeps well!! Oneday I will read that he has slept thro the night!!! Bet you can't wait!!! I can't wait to start cooking for Hope, I used to cook for my nephew when we all lived at my parents, was so nice, he used to love fish, potatoe and cheese all wizzed up!!

Seems os weird that we are talking about weening, only seems 5 minutes ago we were all going to give birth!! Where has this year gone???

I think this weather is getting to me, I totally flipped at Ian earlier, I said I felt isolated and I was so sick of not having friends that come round to visit. As mush as I love Hope I just don't that men get how hard it is. You never switch off, its ok for them they go out the door to work and they switch off, they don't have to think about feeding and fitting in eating, housework etc!! Hes is brilliant with Hope but when he comes thro the door everything is done, he doesnt have to think about things. I appreciate evrything he does and I really have no reason to moan but I guess as a M um I feel more responsible for Hope than he does, if that makes sense?!!!
Totally know what you mean becs, I feel as hollys mum I am more responsible for her. Matt is pretty good, but sometimes its like he's babysitting her for me, if that makes sense? Strangely though I don't like it when I'm not in control of things either lol they can't win can they?! Know what you mean I feel isolated too.everyone I know is at work and I've been stuck in the house feeling frustrated. I don't drive so will have to try and take the pram out in the snow tomorrow as I can't keep staying in. I think holly senses I'm frustrated and gets really unsettled. When Im happy she's happy! X
Thats so how I feel Emma, I always say to Ian 'is it ok for me to have a shower??' I dont know why I ask lol!! Then I say, 'I'll be quick!!' I know it sounds daft!!!
I've been having a little nosey around online this evening regarding weaning. It would seem, as Sarah says, that they are looking at us starting tastes and building them up until 6 months. The NHS is saying that the earliest little ones should start is around 17 weeks, or at the end of their 4th month. I think I am going to stick with what I was going to do. I will try him with a little baby rice or baby porridge mixed with breastmilk, then move on to pureed fruit and veggies, apple and pear, and carrot, parsnip, sweet potato. Then gradually move on to more complicated stuff. Jack used to LOVE potato, spinach and cheese! Very bizarre but he loved it!! Also, Annabel Karmel has some fab recipes for when you start to introduce meat/fish and lumps.

Ive just been looking at the AK website aswell. there are some fab recipes on there ! I think I am the same as you Claire in what my plans are. I find the whole thing really daunting as Olivia is my 1st and I am so worried that I'll miss the signs that I need to start weaning. Luckily I spend nearly every day with my sister and I know that shes clued up on this so I think she'll soon let me know !!

On a side note I am so excited as my sister lost her plug today and has been having twinges all day today so I am on standby in case she goes into labour tonight. Im so gutted as I saw both her other two daughters being born and she was with me for Olivia (even though it ended in a csesc) and I wont get to be there for this one :nope: I still havent managed to succesfully express so will be looking after the other 2 girls.

Have a good night everyone. Olivia is asleep so i'm off to shower and then bed. xx
How exciting Laura! Fingers crossed something happens tonight! It's lovely that you're so close to your sister!

Becs - I know exactly how you feel! I can't fault Wayne, he was just fantastic with Lilia, but i used to do the same...'do you mind if I get in the bath?' Then I would nearly always say something like 'she'll be ready for her bottle soon' or 'she's tired'... sure he's more than capable of knowing it all but do feel like he might not realise the same as I do!

Claire, fingers crossed it's a good night for you!!

Well, Lilia has been a bit funny today. The last 3 bottles she has had, after she burps once she screams and refuses to take any more of the bottle. I don't know if it's trapped wind, indigestion or what but it's been really difficult to manage to be honest! I wish Wayne were here so i could just hand her to him for 5 minutes and for him to have a go! She did manage to take the rest of the first 2 bottles eventually after about half an hour, but the last bottle today she only had 3 1/2 ounces and point blank refused any more, even screamed when I put her dummy in! I did wonder if it was something to do with teething pain but she's fine the rest of the day, it's only feeding time! If she's like it again tomorrow I'll take her to the doctors I think. After a few minutes of screaming she calms right down and lets me sit and rock her, but when I try again with the bottle the screaming starts again. Any ideas? I wonder if she is getting my mums cold? After about 20 mins screaming tonight she suddenly fell asleep and didn't even stir when I put her to bed! The last couple of nights she has been quite sick when I put her to bed... wonder if it's related?! Sorry for long moan, it's just so unlike her she's always been such a good feeder, downing her bottles in 10 mins or so!

And becs, regarding the isolated thing, I'm the same at the moment, feeling a bit lost! Maybe we should actually organise a meet up?
Omg I'm just watching natalie cassidy becoming mum and I want another baby NOW!!! I think there's something wrong with me lol x
Paige had her injections and doc gave me and hubby tetanus and hep B because of our jobs....i cant believe they charge you for it when you need it for work... grant will have to pay but i get it for free due to free NHS at the mo... so it was family injection day. Paige was very brave, grant tried to restrain the doctor when he had his as he got scared when he got the second one.. and im not even joking, i was cracking up... to be fair my arm is killing me now.

Paige hasnt got thrush, so cant explain the sudden dribbling and eating of her hands, also the pain in my boobs and nipples.Paige has spent all day crying.... grants on nights, lucky for us we haven't had much snow...hoping now i have gaviscon she will feel better.

Weaning OMG... i still haven't got over the birth and i have to think about weaning....i was going to buy those babyfood jars to start with because they look fun... lol Jake used to have baby rice, then i started to mix tinned veg in with it. Why is it taboo to mention in on the forum?

Oh... did anyone see ugly betty tonight? i thought it was a new season, but i have seen tonight's episode before, a while ago.......

emzy – i asked my MW about visits after you mentioned before, she said they are only suppose to do 2 or 3 visits as standard.. one is a depression check... they will only do more visits if they feel the mother needs it, i have a extra visit due to her reflux but otherwise i would have only had 2 visits... I want another baby too..i record the middnight showing of that programme.x

F&C= he is adorable..... love the outfit.x

Laura- good luck to your sister honey x

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