September Stars

is anyone on the mini pill, ? just got given it today... any side effects at all?

anyone on the mini pill which you have a 12 hour window rather than 2-3 hour?

Usher i see your on the mini pill, can i ask which one?
ladyk - is it weird shooting pain, especially in your nipples? And do you notice if your nipples are blanching at all? They go completely white and the colour doesn't come back for awhile. If so, yu may have the Raynaud's condition that I have. It's basically bad circulation to the extremities. If your baby was really chomping on you for awhile, that can damage blood vessels and cause the same thing.
Other suggestions from my BF clinic for me:
Vit B6 and lecithin supplements. Those often help with unexplained breast pain.

F&C - meant to say - cute avatar!
Well hellloooooo :flower: Wow, check this place out, you've decorated & everything lol.
Firstly my apologies for not coming on before now (and not keeping front page updated eeek)- I still haven't figured out being a Mummy & being Angie at the same time :-S
secondly I'll apologise now for not even trying to catch up - have I missed anything major (apart from the secret Santa boohoo)
I hope to get on a little more via the iPod, especially during bfing.
For now I'm back off to sleep, hope everyone is well & enjoying motherhood
love & hugs :hugs:
Angie xxx
Ooh Kara, we are here again with our similarities lol. I've been on the 12hr mini pill (cerazette) since 3weeks post Amelia with no problems other than I've forgot to take it twice eeek! I have an appt in January to have the implant put in as that'll buy me the 3yr gap I'd like before trying for no 2 xxx
Hi Angie!! Yeah, there's a fine line in our house between "mummy" and "Claire"... actually, I think it only exists in a one hour window every day, between 9 and 10pm at night!!

Kara, I'm on Noriday, which is a 3 hour window mini pill. I've been on in 2 months now and have been fine on it. Low dose hormones don't really seem to agree with me as a rule, the injection and mirena coil didn't agree, but this seems okay. I set an alarm on my mobile for 8.30 every morning so I remember to take it. I would definitely forget otherwise!!!
I think this weather is getting to me, I totally flipped at Ian earlier, I said I felt isolated and I was so sick of not having friends that come round to visit. As mush as I love Hope I just don't that men get how hard it is. You never switch off, its ok for them they go out the door to work and they switch off, they don't have to think about feeding and fitting in eating, housework etc!! Hes is brilliant with Hope but when he comes thro the door everything is done, he doesnt have to think about things. I appreciate evrything he does and I really have no reason to moan but I guess as a M um I feel more responsible for Hope than he does, if that makes sense?!!!

Totally understandable, :hug:I have been going stir crazy for 2 years and not realising it! xx

Went for coffee with a friend yesterday it made me think...
I had my dd 2 years and 10 months ago, 4 months later dh hurt his back and has not been able to work since, and has had periods he needs care, and he sometimes falls over too, bit weird but one of those things!
Anyway since then i have been stuck indoors with him and the baby and now with Rosie, who is my little light, without her i don't know where i would be!
I went out yesterday with Rosie to meet a friend and as i drove i realised i had not been out on my own for the last 2 and a half years, i have missed out on friends and been really isolated.
I know i feel i have missed out on loads of social stuff, when i hear someone doing this or that with their baby and i can't do anything without dragging dh along!
I decided yesterday to do more stuff on my own, well me and Rosie, tbh my toddler is Daddy's girl so much, if i wanted to take her swimming or something she would not want to go unless he was going!
I met my friend, she had her first baby when i had my toddler, and is now expecting her 2nd, we were chatting and she feels just the same, she said how everything from the outside looked good, but from the inside it was just shit!
Mainly down to the dh's but we had a great day slagging off our husbands and getting their failings off our chests, and it felt great not only to tell someone what he has been doing, but to get a perspective on it, and realise all men are the bloody same!!:haha:

Well hellloooooo :flower: Wow, check this place out, you've decorated & everything lol.
Firstly my apologies for not coming on before now (and not keeping front page updated eeek)- I still haven't figured out being a Mummy & being Angie at the same time :-S
secondly I'll apologise now for not even trying to catch up - have I missed anything major (apart from the secret Santa boohoo)
I hope to get on a little more via the iPod, especially during bfing.
For now I'm back off to sleep, hope everyone is well & enjoying motherhood
love & hugs :hugs:
Angie xxx

Hi, nice to see you!:wave:

I don't think you are ever really 'you' again, I have been 'Mummy' Mum' or someones Mum for the last 16 years!
When my eldest was young i used to take him swimming, one of the life guards (rather dishy!) said to my son, 'what is your Mummies name?' to which my son turned round and said in a rather obvious tone 'Mummy' :rofl:

I am supposed to be having a mirena coil fitted on the 15th, i am hoping with the snow appointments will be canceled and i can get it done b4 then:shrug:
I am also hoping the dr can't do it and i get another one because she did my 6 week check and is rubbish, i don't want her to hurry a coil fitting, cock it up and i end up with an infection or bloody something over Christmas.
I mean you have to trust someone with this sort of thing!
So i am hoping for a change in appt and dr!! I am going to phone today because my swabs should be back, and request if anyone cancels i can replace them, i have already asked but if i nag i may get in!:haha:

We have had snow at last:cold::yipee: my stepson is stranded with us atm, we will see later if we can get him back, but i hope not!
The children are in school as it was not much this morning but is still snowing now.

Back later, :hugs: BTP xxx
Morning girls

I don't do well on hormonal contraception full stop! I've been on every different type of combined pill, a couple of mini pills and the injection since I was 16 trying to find one that suits me and I couldn't so I've given up!! I found the mini pill was ok for me up to a point, but then sent me psycho like the rest of them lol I do remember my hair falling out on the injection and the mini pill too. For now, we're sticking to the dreaded condoms although I'm considering a copper coil. They wouldn't give me one before as I hadn't had a baby.

Had another good night here, 11 til 9.15. I woke up at 9.15 and she was just in her cot, looking around! She's stopped crying for her morning feed, must know it's coming lol

Question for you bottle feeding ladies. Holly has Dr Brown's bottles and recently noticed she was turning her head and sort of chewing the teat. It was a real chore to get a bottle down her and it was taking about 45 minutes, so I went up to size 2 teats. They drowned her for the first couple of times and ended up all down her front, but she seemed to get the hang of it and has been fine since. Until today, she's started turning her head side to side again. It's almost as if they are too fast for her, but then the level 1 is clearly too slow... what do I do?! Persevere with the level 2? It's bloody hard work feeding her when she's like that!

Right, better get sorted. Going to attempt taking the pram out in the snow today, had enough of being indoors. I'll do my best bambi impression on the way to the bus stop! My Dad made me laugh, he bought my pram and nearly had a heart attack when he paid for it (£450) and said yesterday he'd expect it to have a snow plow attachment for that price! lol

Becs and Emzy, I totally agree. I never am able to switch off from my role as Mum. I think our lives have completely changed whereas the men's lives haven't changed quite as dramatically.

Re contraception, I considered the implant but then saw that it was the size of a hair grip and I hate the idea of something that size just sitting under my skin. So at the moment I'm on the pill that you can take with BF, can't remember what it's called. It's a tad scary though as it doesn't stop you ovulating so isn't that reliable. Still, as I'm BF, hopefully that will be enough. As soon as I stop BF I'm going to go back to Microgynon. x
I hate the idea of the implant too Fishy. I can't take any combined pills as my family have a clotting problem with our blood! My doctor didn't discuss contraception with us at all at my appointment, but to be honest, I don't need any until April anyway so I'm just going to let my body have a few months getting back to normal!

Emzy, I have heard that you are supposed to use the slowest teats that they are able to take? She's probably chewing it to relieve pressure on her gums, it's probably so tempting for her! I don't really know what to suggest to be honest, is the gel numbing at all? Maybe using that before feeding her? Sorry!

Well after our awful day - especially evening - bottle wise, after only taking 3 1/2 ounces last night she still slept until 9.30am so maybe the sleep was just more important to her at that point than the bottle was!

Oh and Emzy, Lilia has never cried for a morning bottle either, she lays there quite happily in her moses! I have always presumed that she realises it's the first thing I'll do! While I'm waiting for the bottle to warm though, that time in the morning is often her happiest and smiliest! It's lovely! I wish I could catch a smile on camera though, she still stops smiling the second the camera comes out!

I have really horrible dry skin on my knuckles at the moment, it's weird, I have never had dry skin before and it's literally just on my bottom and middle knuckle joints on both hands! It's so dry it's cracking and sore, and almost scaly! My mum thinks it's some kind of eczema... I looked it up on the internet last night - stupidly - and apparently it 'could' be a sign of HIV or rabies!!!!!!!! Most likely a skin complaint like eczema though!
I have had the implant in for a month now and am totally fine on it, it does mess around with you periods a little bit i had one for a week then stopped for 3 days and was back. I got it as it stays in for 3 years and then that is when I would like another baby. It didnt hurt when they put it in either.

Well Ollie slept 9 till half 7 last night and the night before so he is doing great. I have the flu toady so going to have a nice day with Ollie watching christmas films
Louise I have been getting dry skin on my knuckles too! Weird. Also Harry is best in the mornings. x
Louise that time is Holly's smiliest too I love it! When she wakes up in the morning, I look in her cot and say "good morning baby" and she gives me a big gummy grin, I love it. Then I lay her on her change mat whilst I warm her bottle and we have a little chat whilst I change her nappy lol Funny as she used to scream for her bottle the minute she opened her eyes, but she must have just got used to the routine now.

Also I have seriously dry skin on my hands. I have ichthyosis on my arms and legs, which is very dry and scaley and the skin on my face and hands is extremely dry and chapped more like eczema. The cold weather has made them extremely bad. In fact yesterday I was playing with Holly and I noticed blood on her clothes and I panicked looking everywhere for where she was bleeding, but it was from my hands where they were so chapped they had been bleeding! The best way to help is to plaster them in a thick cream, I use either E45 or plain old Nivea cream in the navy blue pot and put some cotton gloves on overnight. It's so hard to keep them moisturised though with a baby as I am constantly washing my hands, which makes them 10x worse!

How strange! Maybe the hormones are partly to blame!

Awww Emzy that sounds so sore :(
It can get really sore, but I'm used to it now really. When I was a kid it was so sore, I remember my mum plastering me with aqueous cream twice a day and it used to sting! I inherited it from my Mum and looks as though Holly may have inherited it from me as she has developed nasty eczema in places. Gutted as her Dad has lovely skin, why couldn't she have inherited that!!
I've just made an appointment at the doctors for tomorrow about it still being sore where I was stitched. I have to take Holly with me so I hope she doesn't start crying whilst I've got my legs in stirrups lol It's funny, when I was pregnant I didn't care who saw my bits and was totally fine with it, but now I have to go to the doctors I still feel a bit cringe about it! I did make it with a female doctor though so they don't have to get a receptionist to play chaperone ha ha!
I'm the same Emzy! Suddenly I've gone all modest about my bits. Do you use Oilatum on you too? I get very itchy skin (which stopped whilst I was pregnant) so am using the bath stuff for me too. I think mine is an allergy though.
I do use it but I don't find it all that good. I prefer e45 or nivea x
Lady k I have also been given the mini pill but have decided not to take it as it can't regulate your periods and as i won't be needing it for long I've decided to go without for now

Louise I also have dry bleeding knuckles and this is due to washing my hands and using washing up liquid without rubber gloves. I'm using aqueous cream every night and it has helped alot. Some knuckles are even starting to look normal now . I also used to use cotton gloves at night but with Vaseline smeared all over them used to work really well.
Louise do you think Lilia gets frustrated because she wants the milk to come out quicker? Perhaps try her with the next stage teats?!

I am really scared of the implant, so asked about the injection pill...what were your side effects on that?

My necklace has come...actually it is just a charm no chain but i was going to buy a different chain anyway! Il post some pic shortly fishy!

James is generally smiley all the time (certainly doesnt get that from df :haha:)...he loves me talking to him and goo's back at me! He is a proper tellybug to he just loves the lights and movement bless him xx
Lilia is also a telly monster! It doesn't matter what else is going on, if the TV is on you'll get nothing from her!

LBB I don't think it's that, because the first feed in the day she is taking absolutely fine, taking the whole 7 ozs. She has done it again today, her second bottle she had the first half no problems, then she was falling asleep so I sat her up to burp her, cue the crying, big burp, stopped crying, but then when I offer her the bottle again she cries more and does it everytime I offer it to her! She only took 3 1/2 ounces again this bottle. My mum thinks maybe she's just slowing down and maybe 3 1/2 is enough for her at the moment and she'll go on to 5 smaller bottles a day rather than 4 big ones, but it's just strange that she cries so much when it's offered... she doesn't even comfort suck it and she also cries when offered her dummy for a good 10 mins or so afterwards?! Maybe she's feeling under the weather... I rang the HV and waiting for a call back!

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