Hi girls!
Holy moly, Emzy! Does that wee Evie EVER look like her big sister! That is pretty spectacular that you can see that right in the womb! Another little curly girlie I bet!
I think Tobe would like us to convert his crib to the toddler bed mode, but if he is anything like his older brother (and oh he is!), I will want to keep him in his bed/prison for as long as possible. He has the same talent for destructive mischief and life-threatening trouble as Simon. He needs to be confined!!!! For his safety and my sanity!
I'm drinking wine and making a gourmet toad-in-the-hole and I have no intention of exercising tonight. I am going to relax with a book or a mindless computer game and chill out.
Worked an Elephant Bathtime program at the Zoo today, then we went to look at an old (well, old for Calgary, so about 100 years) house for sale this afternoon. Looks like a tear-down, I'm sad to say. So many lovely details in woodwork and stained glass but the owner has let it deteriorate to a shocking state. Shame on her. I hate seeing lovely old places so neglected. Pretty sure it's past repair.
It's so hard not to fall for the charming details and want to rescue it and make it into a gorgeous place again, but the problems we were seeing are easily in the $200k range. Don't have that kind of money to sink into it.

But we're going to casually keep looking. We can stay where we are with our super cheap rent as long as we need to. It's a good position to be in - no pressure to buy.
Back at the Zoo for me tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and huge "feel better"s to all the sickly preggos and babies and Star mamas!