Aww Becs, you make me chuckle with grounghog day! I know it must be awful for you, i am in a reverse situation, you can borrow my lazy lump if you like lol xx
Asher, I know what you mean about the cow having a girl, BUT there are many things to say! Boys are scrummy for 1, 2 i never knew i wanted a girl til i knew i was having one! 3, you still may yet have a 4th, (you can go for a 5 a side team like me!) and you had a grand child first so there!
My parentswere really negative when i had the boys, they wanted grandaughters only, it really pissed me off and i still don't forgive them for it, i see ever baby as such a blessing, regardless of sex, remember count yor blessings!

Louise, poor boys, just wanted to cry, no child should feel scared, did you record the conversation? that would have sealed her fate, there is no child deserves her! I was furious with Ben's old school for leaving marks on his arm from 'restraining' him, i said to the headteacher i have never needed to lay a finger on him for his or anyone elses safety(the excuse they used)so nor should they. they were typically backing up each others story as they do, if he had gone into school with marks that would be another story, a fact i did tell the head amongst other stuff! lol good luck

Hope the morning sickness has eased xxxx
ladyk, i must admit we have quite a few hand me downs in shoes from a friend, even so rosie chooses welly boots!
Hello everyone else, waves jelly, boony, ym, sarah, emzy, fb, genies and everyone i have not mentioned!

Had a lovely weekend, and got 4 out of 5 in college, school and pre school this morning! just number 5 cuddled up to me!

Ben announced he needed his homework done this morning and had cooking at 10.40 and needed the ingredients, cheeky git! So i had to take him to school, them Em to her school, then back for Sophie and I took the car for her, then went to tesco to get leeks and potato for Ben's soup! Collect Sophie in an hour!
Right nothing more exiting for me today, just the usual piles of housework to be half done, half neglected, I am a selective housewife, just do the bits that i really can't leave! I select my ironing as essential before i iron it! lol xxx