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Has anyone else had their blood results back yet? I called for mine yesterday and MW was lovely and told me all was fine except for my prolactin levels? They have to book me into the Day care unit to have it investigated. I'm also rhesus negative. Anyone else here that blood type? She didnt say much about it but i've read about an injection i need? When do i need this injection? Hope you're all well :)

I'm rhesus negative as well. My doctor told me I'd have to have monthly Coombs' tests to see if I've developed antibodies against the baby's blood. Do you know what blood type the baby's father is? If he's negative too then your baby will be rhesus negative and there will be no problems.
I'm Rhesus negative, not sure what blood type my husband is, though. I know that you will have to get THREE injections starting around 28 weeks. I have heard horror stories about these shots, so I am not looking forward to them if I need them. But I know it will all be worth it in the end.
Thanks for that girls i'd say ill be getting OH tested just to see what he is. Ah not looking forward to shots haha ah well has to be done though doesn't it?
Yes, DH is DEFINITELY getting tested... I have everything crossed that he is negative too!
I'm O negative and had the Anti D shots when I was pregnant. Good job I did as my husband is positive and our son turned out to be positive too.

For me, and I realise I can only speak for myself, the injections were not a problem at all. No reaction or side effects whatsoever. So please try not to worry. I didn't even know there were horror stories about them!

And yep, they start at 28 weeks, then there is another and then one more once the baby is born IF the baby is a positive blood group.
I'm O negative as well, and when I asked my husband what he was.. his answer was "How am I supposed to know?" No help at all! So I'm sure I will end up with the shots... I've just heard that they are painful and burn.. When I tell people that I will most likely need them, they are like "Yikes! Good luck. I had them and they suck" I just want to say.. Gee Thanks now I feel SO much better!
I'm O negative as well, and when I asked my husband what he was.. his answer was "How am I supposed to know?" No help at all! So I'm sure I will end up with the shots... I've just heard that they are painful and burn.. When I tell people that I will most likely need them, they are like "Yikes! Good luck. I had them and they suck" I just want to say.. Gee Thanks now I feel SO much better!

My husband didn't have a clue as to his blood group either!

Realistically, when the fluid goes in, it does hurt a little because its quite a thick substance. But the needle prick itself is like any other injection. By the end of pregnancy you feel like a pin cushion anyway, with all the blood tests and whatnot, so it really isn't a big deal.

Your arm might be numb and heavy for a little while after but from my experience, its the same with any injection!
Thanks.. That makes me feel a lot better.. I feel like a pin cushion already and I'm only 10 weeks, so I'm sure you're right that by that time it will be just another stick.
Is anyone else getting the diabetes test done? From what i've heard it's an all-day procedure that requires fasting from 7.30pm the night before. They want me in at 7.30am to have it done. Has anybody else had this experience? Sorry for all the random questions today ! LOL!
well i thought my nausea was weaning off, but BAM :sick:threw up this morning all over my driveway, only just managed to open the car door. :nope: not happy also having some intense headaches, and insomnia

I'm having intense headaches daily, not sure whether I should concern my midwife with them or not?!

well I am due to see my midwife on 24th march for the 16 week appointment, and was going to tell her then. my concern is that I suffered from pre-eclampsia at the end of my last pregnancy and I am wondering if the headaches have anything to do with blood pressure. but if you are concerned and are not due to see your midwife soon theres no har in giving her a ring or calling in

I have my 16 week appointment on 24th March too :happydance:. I rang my midwife yesterday to ask about the headaches. She said it is very normal at the stage of the pregnancy. Something to do with your blood pressure is probably lower as the baby taking your oxygen supply or something like that. Also if you're still struggling to eat or drink coz of ms then this can bring on headaches.

I can't wait until I get the pregnancy glow everybody talks about. Right now I feel I can't show my face to the world, I feel fat, my skin and hair is in really bad condition and I'm just not motivated to do a thing. I hope I get my glow in time for my wedding in 8 weeks else I'll refuse to the leave the house!
Ooh good question pisces! I have to have that this time as my Dad is now diabetic, so she wants to do it as a caution! I know its around 28 weeks, but no idea what it entails apart from sitting in the clinic for 2 hours or something and having a certain "drink!"
I'm getting mine on 22nd of this month. Ours sounds more complicated apparently it starts off very early in the morning with a blood test then you need to drink a load of lucozade then more bloods every hour after that and MW said i could be there until 2pm :( My father and grandmother had it so that's why mine's being done. Will i need to repeat it at 28 wks?
Pisces - my mom had gestational diabetes with my little brother, so they did my GD test a few weeks ago (norm is 23 weeks). I had to drink a special drink within 5mins and have blood drawn exactly 1hr after. I could eat normally beforehand but nothing not even water during the wait time. Results in and all is fine. They will redo it probably at the 23 week or thereabouts. If that were to have an issue then they do a 3hr test. If all is fine then all good!
Hi ladies can I join you, I'm Toni this is my 5th pregnancy and only 1 living little girl who is 3 in july, I had a stillbirth at 24 weeks in feb 2010 and 2 miscarriages so have been so nervous to even post thinking it would jinx it.
Been having weekly scans and after a shakey start we are fine and bean is ok.

Morning/ night sickness is fading which is worrying me as not 12 weeks yet and it's been fading for a week, been using my Doppler and baby is still there x

How are you all doing? X
Congrats Toni! Hope you have a HH9M! When are you due? I haven't had much m/s... This last week "afternoon" sickness settled in for a few days, but nothing major. Other than that, lots of CM, headaches, always thirsty, and tons of heartburn/burping. Where did you get your doppler? I am thinking of getting one.
Hi ladies! Can I join in on the fun? My name is Trista and I am 13 weeks exactly with baby #2. This is my fourth pregnancy though, I have had two miscarriages.

How is everyone feeling?
pisces. i was told totally diferent to you, you cant eat from midnight the night before, then arrive at 9am or whatever time. have a blood test, then drink a sugary drink, wait 2 hours for your body to process the glucose and have another blood test, then u go home, so you should be there a max of 3 hours. it sounds complicated but its not its just a really basic way of testing. you would think there would be a better way! if your bmi is over 35 or u have a family history of diabetes you have to have one early and then one at 28 weeks. if not then just one at 28 weeks. i was booked in for mine but have been so sick that i havent gone because if you cant keep the sugary drink down the whole test is void and you hve to come back again so ive been waiting until the morning sickness dies down a bit to rebook! I'm 13 weeks today woooo!!!
I'm 13 weeks today!! :happydance: Feels like I've known for about 6 months though!! x
Kld, thanks im due 19th September but because of my stillbirth I would be induced early, I brought my Doppler off eBay a pocket fetal Doppler with LCD was £45.00 it's good found heartbeat at 8 weeks.

Glad I had it as last 2 days I've had terrible backache so have been worried and sickness has just stopped, but this morning omg my belly has popped out I actually look pregnant rather then look like I've eaten too many donuts lol

Hope everyone else is doing ok? X

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