Hello ladies,
Christi, my doctor does the appointments like that. I think that's pretty standard unless you're having issues. My fetoscope came today. I got the same one as you. I haven't tried it yet. I'll mess around with it when I get off. Stupid it's not what we were thinking. LOL!!
babyfeva, happy 20 weeks tomorrow!!! Halfway there!!
carebear, I'm sorry you're hating your doctor. I'm glad you get to see your OB next month though. Love that you're calling your baby leech. LOL!!
maryanne, I'm so sorry you had this scare!! It looks like all is going to be just fine though. Just rest and keep your feet up. Happy 19 weeks!!
wantabby, I'm glad she didn't grow an unexpected penis. LOL!! I love your scary face pic. She's going to look much prettier. LOL!!
AFM: I felt the biggest movement I've felt so far yesturday. I was standing up too and I stopped what I was doing it shocked me so much!! LOL!! My check up is tomorrow morning. I just want to get my anatomy/gender scan set up ALREADY!!! I'm trying so hard to be patient, but like I said, my doctor normally likes to do them at 22 weeks. I'm going to see if we can do it at like 21. LOL!! Fingers crossed!!