September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

Hi ladies,
Had my anatomy scan today. Good news first:
1) I'm 20 weeks, half way there!! :happydance:
2) 100% confirmed that we're definitely having a boy :thumbup:
3) Got my screening results back in writing and everything looks perfect! Basically less than 1 in 100,000 risk for Down syndrome and Trisomy-18, less than 1 in 10,000 risk for SCD, and less than the cutoff point of 2.5 for open neural tube defect (though they didn't give an exact number for that). So low risk all around :happydance:
4) Everything looked great in the anatomy scan, except for one thing (the not so good, read below).

The not so good: at first the tech couldn't get a good look at the baby's face, though she took all other measurements she needed. So she called in the doctor and the doctor continued the scan to try and get a look at the face. He then determined that the reason they couldn't get a good look was either a small septum in the uterus or what he called an 'amniotic sheet' (which I'd never heard until today) and the baby had kinda stuck his head in there at the moment. No way to tell if it was just a coincidence, or if the baby is kinda head-stuck in there (though not as much as not to be able to turn his head, as he changed from facing down at first to facing up later and was very active as well, much of which I could feel). I told the doc I'd had a hysteroscopy before and I was never told about a septum, so he said then it's definitely an amniotic sheet. He said these are rarely harmful for babies (phew!), but based on their thickness and if the baby remains 'stuck' in them (which, from some googling around, is fairly rare), it could affect the way I deliver. That I didn't like, especially since a C-section in such cases also tends to mean an early C-section. For now he asked me to do the 'cat stretch' exercise 3 times a day for 20 minutes at a time, and I have to go back Monday to see a)if that helped and if it encouraged the little one to get his head out of there, and b) for the doc to try and get some shots of the face, which they weren't able to do today.
Doctor also said half jokingly that right now the sheet seems to be the perfect shape and size for his head, lol! And that, once they get out of the sheet (if they do), they rarely go back head-in, as their head then gets too big to fit. Now I also googled about it and found that amniotic sheets tend to collapse towards the uterine wall as the baby grows bigger, and usually don't cause further problems. Not sure if it was discussed so much because the baby's head was in there at my anatomy scan, but based on what I'm reading, it's not such a big cause for concern (as opposed to amniotic bands, which can cause problems, but that's not what I was told I have). So not too sure why the doctor kinda made a big deal about it (other than the fact that he couldn't get his face shots and he wants me to go back on Monday to complete the scan).
If anyone has any experience with such situations, please chime in. I'd never heard of an amniotic sheet before today and it definitely wasn't there or wasn't visible at my NT scan, so I'm slightly confused and somewhat concerned.

In other news, I'm now 5 lbs. up from the beginning of the pregnancy (and a whole 2+ lbs. up from last time I was weighed at my OB's office two weeks ago), so my weight gain seems to be normal at the moment :thumbup:
I've never heard of that but I'm glad you found some research to comfort you that it's probably not a big deal. And yay for everything else coming back great! Now get to stretching!
:flower: sorry you have to worry. I've never heard it before either. Like cutie said, get to stretching!!
Waiting for updates Mrs G and Confuzion!

Christi, I've never heard of amniotic sheets but from your research it seems that things will be fine. I know you'll worry until the next scan. Get to stretching :)
Very cute idea Mrs g! Can't wait to hear your news!

Yey for movement chrissi!

Good luck with your scan confuzion! Sure all is fine, hope it goes well for you!

Scan went great today. Separation is healing nicely, another week of bed rest and another scan next week and if it's healed enough then no more bed rest!!!! Yey! I really really don't like it.

Yay for a great scan! I can't wait to hear that you no longer need bedrest next week.
Hi ladies,

Will try to catch up soon, have had a cold for the past few days. Good luck to everyone who has scans this week:hugs:
Thanks ladies :)

Christi ive never heard of it either, but at least the doctors have picked up on it and it sounds like it hopefully won't cause you any problems. I agree with the others, get stretching! Lol

Sorry you aren't feeling well tooth-fairy. Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Ladies

Sorry been absent for a few weeks. I had abit of a scare and had some spotting, it stopped after a few days but went in and had a scan. Luckily everything seemed to be ok and it looks like we are having another little boy.

Still a little on edge now, but trying to relax. We also found out I have an anterior placenta, which I was really upset about as I was desperately waiting to feel those kicks. I thought I had already felt the little flutters around 15 weeks, but then all seemed to go a little quiet. Although last night I am sure I felt a tiny kick and think I could even feel a little nudge from the outside, so hopefully this is the start of feeling my little bean wriggling around.

3 weeks now until my anatomy scan!!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Congrats on another little boy lol sorry u had a scare. Rest up and hope things turn around!

1 more week till my appointment... I've only waited 8 weeks for it. At least from that I'll set up my anatomy ultrasound and then be turned over to an OB... Can't wait! I hope she's good. It's sorta unbelievable the way my GP has been treating me. I went off this weekend to a friend who was just shocked! She hasn't done any checks (except bloodwork). Hasn't touched my belly or done a pelvic exam or anything!! I'd be surprised if they had a fetal heart monitor in that office and anyone can buy em!! Why the hell don't they have one??? That's what we get for free healthcare...
End rant...
Sorry to hear about your appointment Carebear. I know in the UK it's very similar. I'm lucky to be seen by a midwife every two weeks due to past problems but otherwise I wouldn't see a midwife between week 16 and 28. And they only check urine at the appointments up to 26 weeks, don't mesure your bump, or anything. My midwife won't even listen in with a doppler till then so that's a long time with barely any checks. I bet you can't wait for your appointment and scan now!
Hi Ladies

Sorry been absent for a few weeks. I had abit of a scare and had some spotting, it stopped after a few days but went in and had a scan. Luckily everything seemed to be ok and it looks like we are having another little boy.

Still a little on edge now, but trying to relax. We also found out I have an anterior placenta, which I was really upset about as I was desperately waiting to feel those kicks. I thought I had already felt the little flutters around 15 weeks, but then all seemed to go a little quiet. Although last night I am sure I felt a tiny kick and think I could even feel a little nudge from the outside, so hopefully this is the start of feeling my little bean wriggling around.

3 weeks now until my anatomy scan!!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Sorry about the scare, hope you are doing well. Congrats on team blue :D
Sorry to hear about your appointment Carebear. I know in the UK it's very similar. I'm lucky to be seen by a midwife every two weeks due to past problems but otherwise I wouldn't see a midwife between week 16 and 28. And they only check urine at the appointments up to 26 weeks, don't mesure your bump, or anything. My midwife won't even listen in with a doppler till then so that's a long time with barely any checks. I bet you can't wait for your appointment and scan now!

Oh that actually makes me feel a bit better. I'm mostly just anxious to make sure things are ok. I'm so addicted to BnB I see all the scary stories all over and it makes me worry more. Hard to stay positive. I should ban myself for a few days :dohh:
I'd be the exact same if I was having to wait between appointments more than two weeks. It's hard not to worry when you don't know what's going on in there. Least your wait is almost over now. Not too much longer left. Hopefully you will start getting some proper care then :)
Thank you ladies! Not surprised none of you had heard of the amniotic sheet, as it seems to happen only in 1 in 200 pregnancies or so. So quite uncommon, though not super rare. We hadn't heard of it either. There isn't much info out there and what's there seems to range from 'an insignificant find' to 'it could cause problems later'. Apparently there are many cases in which the baby basically squashed it as it grew and it collapsed on the uterine wall, at which point it's not even an issue anymore, while in other cases where it persisted it may have contributed to problems with premature labor, c-section due to affecting the baby's position etc. Very serious complications are considered very rare, but they have happened before according to what I found.

What confused both my husband and I was whether they wanted the baby out of that position to be able to see his face next time (important to conclude the scan, but not what matters most as far as we're concerned) or because him remaining 'stuck' in that position could pose risks in the future. Leaning towards the first, as both the doctor and the tech kept talking about how they'd be able to see the face, so if it's just that, I'm slightly annoyed at the big deal they made out of it. In any event, I should know more on Monday. I also talked to my acupuncturist and he's having me go in for a session tomorrow (not originally scheduled) to try and help things. Worried but hoping for the best and hoping it's just a bump in the road and nothing more!

Lol - sorry to hear about your scare, but glad it's all gone now. Congrats on a baby boy! Welcome to team blue! :happydance:

Carebear - good luck at your appointment next week!! I know you've waited so long and it sucks!! Best of luck to you!! :flower: And try not to get too upset reading other people's stories. We're all unique with unique pregnancies and even on BnB where you hear a lot more bad stories than normal, most of them do end up with healthy babies!
Hello ladies!

Haven't been on since last Friday. Have had a cruddy week so far. Woke up Monday morning and my Boxer dogs face was all swollen on the left side. This happened to him back in August on the opposite side of his face and he had an absessed tooth that needed removed. He's 9. So took him to the vet and it was another tooth, just on the opposite side. Well long story short we also found out he has a heart murmer and his blood calcium levels were elevated which could indicate he has a tumor somewhere. I cried multiple times on Monday and yesterday. He's my baby and I've had him since he was 8 weeks old...and he just turned 9 April 11th. Him and my German Shepherd have been my babies. He gets his blood calcium levels rechecked on the 2nd and if they're still elevated they'll need to search for a tumor. He doesn't have any lumps or bumps that we can feel and he got a chest xray which had his upper intestines in the picture and they didn't see anything. So if he does have one it's either in his lower belly or brain. :cry: There's no other place it could be? So instead of worrying about my human baby, I'm worrying about my fur baby.

yazzy, your anatomy scan is coming up!!!! So exciting!!!!

toothfairy, I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

Christi, I have active and quiet days with my baby as well. Congrats on 20 weeks and for sure having a boy!!! So glad your screening results were perfect and I'm sure the amniotic sheet won't be a problem. I haven't heard of it either, but sounds like no big deal.

lol, I'm so sorry you had a scare, but glad all is looking well with your baby boy!!! Only 3 more weeks!!

carebear, 1 more week!!! I hope it flies by for you. I couldn't imagine waiting that long. Hang in there!!!

AFM: Feeling baby daily, some days are quieter then others, but still feel it. I have felt it a couple times from the outside like a quick flick which is exciting!! I haven't been sleeping great. Waking up to pee a lot and my hips bug me if I lay on one side too long while sleeping. I have a pillow between my knees too. Oh the joys of pregnancy. LOL!! :dohh: Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. 11 days until my anatomy/gender scan!!! HURRY UP ALREADY!!!!!
lol- congrats on team blue!!!

Christi- hopefully the sheet will dissolve into the uterine wall asap- sounds like the majority of them resolve themselves so hopefully your will too- sorry it is one more thing to worry about.

carebear- good luck with your appt! wow 8 weeks is a really long time to go between appointments! hopefully you get along well with the OB you are referred to!

Mrs R- sorry to hear about your fur baby- I hope the levels next week come back ok. xxx
Mrs R, sorry to hear about your fur baby. Hope all ends up well.

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