Hi ladies,
Had my anatomy scan today. Good news first:
1) I'm 20 weeks, half way there!!

2) 100% confirmed that we're definitely having a boy

3) Got my screening results back in writing and everything looks perfect! Basically less than 1 in 100,000 risk for Down syndrome and Trisomy-18, less than 1 in 10,000 risk for SCD, and less than the cutoff point of 2.5 for open neural tube defect (though they didn't give an exact number for that). So low risk all around

4) Everything looked great in the anatomy scan, except for one thing (the not so good, read below).
The not so good: at first the tech couldn't get a good look at the baby's face, though she took all other measurements she needed. So she called in the doctor and the doctor continued the scan to try and get a look at the face. He then determined that the reason they couldn't get a good look was either a small septum in the uterus or what he called an 'amniotic sheet' (which I'd never heard until today) and the baby had kinda stuck his head in there at the moment. No way to tell if it was just a coincidence, or if the baby is kinda head-stuck in there (though not as much as not to be able to turn his head, as he changed from facing down at first to facing up later and was very active as well, much of which I could feel). I told the doc I'd had a hysteroscopy before and I was never told about a septum, so he said then it's definitely an amniotic sheet. He said these are rarely harmful for babies (phew!), but based on their thickness and if the baby remains 'stuck' in them (which, from some googling around, is fairly rare), it could affect the way I deliver. That I didn't like, especially since a C-section in such cases also tends to mean an early C-section. For now he asked me to do the 'cat stretch' exercise 3 times a day for 20 minutes at a time, and I have to go back Monday to see a)if that helped and if it encouraged the little one to get his head out of there, and b) for the doc to try and get some shots of the face, which they weren't able to do today.
Doctor also said half jokingly that right now the sheet seems to be the perfect shape and size for his head, lol! And that, once they get out of the sheet (if they do), they rarely go back head-in, as their head then gets too big to fit. Now I also googled about it and found that amniotic sheets tend to collapse towards the uterine wall as the baby grows bigger, and usually don't cause further problems. Not sure if it was discussed so much because the baby's head was in there at my anatomy scan, but based on what I'm reading, it's not such a big cause for concern (as opposed to amniotic bands, which can cause problems, but that's not what I was told I have). So not too sure why the doctor kinda made a big deal about it (other than the fact that he couldn't get his face shots and he wants me to go back on Monday to complete the scan).
If anyone has any experience with such situations, please chime in. I'd never heard of an amniotic sheet before today and it definitely wasn't there or wasn't visible at my NT scan, so I'm slightly confused and somewhat concerned.
In other news, I'm now 5 lbs. up from the beginning of the pregnancy (and a whole 2+ lbs. up from last time I was weighed at my OB's office two weeks ago), so my weight gain seems to be normal at the moment