September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

So sorry to hear about your furbaby MrsR :( really hope everything will be fine!

Thanks everyone. It was one of those days yesterday. My stress probably hurting the baby rather than something actually wrong. Haven't had a single day of spotting and even felt movement early. I probably am just a textbook pregnancy but just get those days where I feel everything has gone wrong. I took a hot shower and got the knots outta my shoulders. Feeling a bit better today.
I'm so sorry about your fur baby Mrs R. I know how important mine are to me. I'm a dog trainer so my dog even comes to work with me. I hope it's just a scare and turns out to be nothing. Will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Glad your feeling better today Carebear. Think most of us have had one of those days where all we do is worry. I'm like it most days lol.
So sorry to hear about your dog Mrs R! :hugs:
Hopefully his tests will come back clear and his elevated calcium levels won't mean anything bad. I imagine the stress you're in, hope it's all good and you get to find out soon so that you can relax.
As for the human baby, yay for your anatomy scan coming up! :thumbup:

AFM: I'm off to my acupuncturist today. We'll see what he says/does about the baby's position. He's not allowed to say anything medical over email for legal reasons, so I suspect this is the reason he's asked me to go in, partly to calm me down (he always does). If he says anything noteworthy about the baby's position and/or amniotic sheets, I'll let you guys know.
Mrs.R, sorry to hear about your furbaby hopefully everything will turn out just fine. :hugs:


Keep us posted and good luck :thumbup:'s a boy! I posted in the fb group already just because it's easier to add pictures, but wanted to say it here too :)
We do have to return on the 6th- because of how he was laying (head down, facing my back) she was unable to visualize the nasal bone and the cardiac outflow tracts that go into/ out of the heart. So, we'll get to see him again which makes me happy!

Let's see if I can add multiple pictures at once, I think I've had problems with that here in the past but I don't want to get all spammy with 6 posts of just pictures, lol


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So I couldn't add more pictures but I had to share this one too because my bigger boy was so excited and just too cute <3


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Congrats again!!! Your DS really is so cute!! Bet he's so excited!

Good luck christi, hope it goes well!
congrats MrsGH!!! :)

the boys are catching up!!! :)

I find out a week from today! Any guesses?
Nervous for my anatomy scan on Monday but excited to see my little man again!! :happydance:
Congrats Mrs. G and welcome to team blue!! :happydance:
Hope you're happy with the gender - I know you kept saying girl, but not sure if that was just your gut feeling or what you were hoping for! In any event, a healthy little boy sounds perfect to me and perfect company for your son :hugs:

Bug - good luck at your scan next week! I'm going to say girl for you.

AFM: Acupuncturist did a mild treatment to help move the baby, though he did say it's just wait and see, really. He said he hasn't had a patient with an amniotic sheet, but he had to study 2 cases while at school, both seemingly worse than me, and both ended up with healthy babies. He has treated patients with other problems though, including slow growing uteruses leaving the baby out of space etc. (which is somewhat similar to my thing) for which he said there are treatments he can do to help. So we'll see how things are on Monday and in subsequent scans and take it from there. His recommendation was to do light swimming or walking in water (I'll have to see how to do that - I guess I need to find a local swimming pool) to help shift gravity and he put me back on an herbal formula that supports blood flow and healthy tissue formation in pregnancy (I'd been put out of that formula while trying to fix my yeast infection and then my spotting incident, as I can't be taking a ton of herbs all at once when pregnant). Other than that, baby has been active, so I'm not too worried, and I've spoken with some friends who said all of them had little problems picked up at their anatomy scans, all of which fixed themselves as their pregnancy progressed. Including a low lying placenta for one of them, which doctors made a big deal out of, but which ended up correcting itself as the uterus grew further. They did remind me that doctors tend to over-diagnose, and they're right. So I've decided I'm not going to worry too much unless I'm given a serious reason to, and I feel that the whole fuss about moving the baby was for the doc to be able to see the baby's face next time rather than anything else. So we'll see what happens on Monday.
Well Christi....I can't lie. I truly felt like it was a girl, and we all (my husband, my son, myself) wanted a girl. I had my moment of shock, cried a little....and felt like an ungrateful douchebag. I'm over it. I love this sweet little boy no less than I loved him when I was SURE he was a she, and have already started shopping for tiny adorable little man clothing ;)
Bug - I'm gonna say boy for u :)

Christi - so glad your mind is at ease and the acupuncturist did what he could.

Tooth fairy - good luck with your scan!! I'm sure everything will be great!!

MrsGH - not ungrateful at all! So glad you are happy with the gender. Gotta say I might feel a little the same since we're all convinced in my family that I'm having a boy. Will be a total shock if it's a girl!!
You shouldn't feel bad or guilty at all MrsG.
I didn't have a gender preference myself, however I was convinced I was carrying a girl (and had convinced my husband too, even though he'd said he wanted a son). My first gender prediction came at 12 weeks when my acupuncturist felt my pulse (some method traditional doctors used to do before scans were invented) and determined I was having a boy with an 80% certainty. Shortly after that, he left the room to let me rest with the acupuncture needles all over my body :haha: Well, I was in shock, even though, as I said, I had no preference as such. I remember lying there thinking 'a boy?', 'really?', 'how will I ever raise a boy?' and ridiculous stuff like that :haha:. I know he'd only given me an 80% accuracy rate, but for some reason I didn't doubt him (and he was right, as the scan at 13 weeks showed). My shock lasted for maybe a day or so, and then I was over the moon. My husband was shocked as well in the beginning, but then he got super happy as well. When they told us 'boy' at the NT scan, we both reacted very normally, kinda like 'yeah, we knew that'. Funny thing is, I had a secret fear going in for my anatomy scan that they were going to say 'oops, never mind we told you boy, you're having a girl' and I would hate that, because I'd been thinking and calling him 'he' ever since that NT scan 7 weeks ago. So I was kinda scared and felt great relief when the tech confirmed that it was absolutely a boy, pointed at the penis again on the screen etc. :haha:
But no, don't feel ungrateful at all! Glad you're doing shopping already :flower:
Hey ladies, just been catching up on everyone's news over the week.

Mrs GH congrats on your little boy.

Mrs R sorry to hear about your dog. With 4 of my own and 3 old one's I know how you feel.

Tooth fairy good luck for your anatomy scan on Monday!

We had a fab mini break this week, perfect weather so my daughter got to spend loads of time on the beach.
My tummy seems to have expanded over the last couple of days too!
I still get days with lots of movement and then days like today I wish he/she would get a wiggle on lol!

Just found out my OH won't be able to come to the anatomy scan next week, he's working away. He's also gutted because I think he thought he could persuade me on the day to find out the sex...I'm still adamently team yellow!
Hello ladies,

Thank you for all your kind messages about my fur baby Butch. He's feeling and acting like his silly self again after his tooth removal. So I'm trying to just not think about taking him in for the 2nd blood test on the 2nd. I'm so praying it's not cancer or something. :cry:

Bug, how exciting your anatomy scan is almost here!!! I'm guessing girl for you.

carebear, I'm probably a textbook pregnancy too, but I definently have days I feel like it's all going to hell.

Christi, I'm sure your baby will be just fine. Hang in there.

toothfairy, I'm sure your anatomy scan will be perfect!!

Mrsgoodhart, congrats on team blue even though you weren't expecting it!! Don't feel bad for being bummed out for a minute. Everyone thinks I'm having a boy and I even feel more that way now, so if it is a girl, it will be a completely shock!! Love your son's picture...he's a doll.

yazzy, I'm so sorry your husband can't make it to the scan. I'm sure he's just as upset at you are.
I have actually already had the scan- back on the 10th- but since the tech can't tell you and you have to be over 20 weeks to find out I had to wait until my next Drs appointment which will be next week.
Glad your fur baby is feeling better MrsR!

Good luck for your scan Monday tooth!

Bug I bet you can't wait to find out! That would kill me having to wait. Do you have any guesses on what your having?

Glad you had a good break yazzy! Sorry to hear your dh can't make the scan. Staying team yellow must be so exciting. If we are blessed with another we will stay team yellow.

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