Back from my OB appointment.
The good news: no amniotic fluid leakage

He did a scan too to check the levels and they were really good, so that's great
The bad news: I have a combination of yeast and bacterial vaginosis infections. Doc looked at my swab under the miscroscope and even though he said the infections don't look very bad, he said I have them both and he said the sample turned quite green for BV

So I have to go on antibiotics for a week for BV (which I'll take because I don't want to take any risks), and he also prescribed that one-time pill, Diflucan, for the yeast, that you only take once but it's supposed to stay in your body and keep working for several days. While the antibiotics are safe for pregnancy (class B), the other one is class C, so I'm still not convinced I should risk taking it (even though the precautions are mainly for the 1st trimester). I think I'll try over the counter suppositories instead for the yeast (doc's alternative recommendation - he just prefers the pill because it's more systematic) and keep the Diflucan as a second option if things don't clear up. Now I'll have to find a good probiotics brand to take together with the antibiotics to help replenish my good bacteria. I want to have that in hand before I start taking the antibiotics, so I'll try to get it today or tomorrow. Any suggestions welcome.
In other news, Mrs R - I am up 8.3lbs since the beginning of pregnancy, according to today's weighing. Up 2+lbs since they last weighed me on 5/5.
Congrats wantabby for passing your glucose test