Hi all, hope everyone is doing well. 26 weeks today and in double digits now
Cutie - I'm very sorry to hear about your GD test. Hope you pass the 3 hour one!
babyfeva - good luck with yours!
Maryanne - so glad to hear everything is healing up and your little one is growing normally again! What a relief that must be!
wantabby - I had bad heartburn last week as well. It seems to have eased up now though.
Bug - did you hear back about your 3 hour GD test results?
AFM - Had my 1-hour GD test this morning. The drink was cold and fruit punch flavored, so not that nasty, though I did have a sudden reaction about 40 minutes after drinking it with palpitations, dizziness and bad nausea, but luckily I managed to keep it down and felt better after about 5 minutes and after rinsing my face with a lot of water in the bathroom. Nurse said it was normal and it happens a lot, and that it can happen anytime from immediately after consumption up to about 3 hours in. They took my blood exactly an hour after I finished the drink (I had to drink it all in 5 minutes), and now I'm really hoping my results come back normal, don't know if I'd be able to stomach the 3-hour test with fasting knowing the reaction I had today. We will know in 1-2 days.
Baby was doing well at today's appointment, nothing much to report

He's still in breech position, though the doctor said it's nothing to worry about yet, still early for him to flip at 26 weeks. Does anyone know when they are supposed to flip and at which point it starts being a 'concern' (as in, doctors suggesting C-section) if they haven't?
Other than that, I had a small amount of brown spotting yesterday, but it seems to have subsided. I mentioned it to my OB today and he said it's normal and not to worry. He checked my amniotic fluid again on scan today and all was good. I'm seeing my acupuncturist tomorrow anyway, so if he needs to change my herbs he can always do that.
I was very disappointed about something though: I found out today that my OB doesn't see 'low risk' patients more often in all of the third trimester, only in the last month starting at 35 weeks. So even though I'm 26 weeks today and I was expecting to be seen again in two weeks' time, he still told me to go back in 4 weeks. Very gutted

Not only that, but he's going to be on vacation that whole week, so I'm actually seeing him again in 5 weeks, not 'till July 7

So he's not seeing me again now until I'm 31 weeks along. Then he'll see me again in another 4 weeks from that time, at 35 weeks, and thereafter I'll be going in weekly like everybody else. But I was sooo much looking forward to the more frequent visits from now on, so I was very disappointed to hear he doesn't do that with everyone. At least I'm happy about 2 things: 1) that I'm considered low risk, 2) that I'm having another 'anatomy scan' at 32 weeks at the specialist clinic where I had my NT scan and my 20-week anatomy scan. So between the visit with my OB at 31 weeks and my third trimester anatomy scan at 32 weeks, I'll be seeing my little one twice in one week, and then 3 short weeks after that, I'll be seeing him weekly until he's here for real

At least I can now feel him, which eases the worry most of the time.