Ugh - haven't been getting updates for days

Glad I checked.
Babyfeva - glad your baby shower went so well!
Bug- exciting to be getting your c-section date soon! Do they have a plan for what happens if you go into labor spontaneously before the c-section date?
Wantabby - my baby's weight was estimated at 4lb 8oz at 32 weeks (though, based on conception I think he is a actually 1-2 days older, but I'm still keeping my LMP due date). I thought he was big for the dates, but they told me only by a little bit, like 58th percentile or so. I'd say though, don't get too caught up on those numbers - they're not an exact science and they can be way off, as they're only based on body measurements. I know women who were told to expect a very big baby and ended up having a small-ish baby instead, as well as women who had been told they were having a small one, only to end up with a 9lb baby

So I've been taking these estimates with a grain of salt.
Carebear - hope the iron supplements make you feel better
I'm generally ok. I have days when I feel great and days when I'm really uncomfortable. Baby is all over the place, it feels like. Sometimes I feel him REALLY low down, other times I feel him at rib level. I'm fairly sure he hasn't turned yet, though the scan doctor told me his head was down (lower than the rest of his body), but not yet in position. My next OB appointment isn't for another 2 weeks.
Interesting you ladies mentioned the birth ball - I briefly talked to my OB about labor at my last appointment and he told me half-jokingly not to bring a birth ball, because every patient of his who brings the birth ball ends up with a cesarean for some odd reason, lol

I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't been doing anything whatsoever to prepare for labor yet and my work outs consist of a leisurely walk a few times a week, but usually quite short
In other news, hubby and I went to see a pediatrician last Friday. She was great and we loved the practice, but it turns out, they don't take our insurance

. So we're at the point where we are crunching numbers to see if it's worth getting the baby a different insurance so that we can go to that practice, or just plain forget it and find another ped who will take our insurance (the ped recommended by my OB does, but I hate that he doesn't do meet-and-greets, so I'd be meeting him at the hospital for the first time if we went with him
