Doing ok here but in kind of a bad mood because of a non-pregnancy related issue. We've been having home plumbing problems (main sewer line clogged, so now we only have one semi-functioning toilet (house has 2 bathrooms) that we've been told we can only use for #1 until everything gets fixed

DH works, so luckily he can use his work bathrooms for #2, while I will have to drive to our local mall if I need to

(luckily haven't needed a #2 yet today, and hopefully won't need one until things are fixed, which the plumber swears up and down it will be today

) Sorry for TMI

For now, I'm stuck at home waiting for plumber to come back. He came bright and early in the morning, identified the issue, told us he needs to do more complicated work (i.e. digging and installing a new pipe in the front yard and we'll have to take it from there depending on what he finds when he inserts the camera). But now this other guy who was supposed to help him has been called to another emergency job, so we're stuck waiting for him to finish and join our plumber to come and tackle our thing. Supposedly they'll be here in the next hour and plumber swears up and down it will be fixed today no matter what it is. Adding insult to injury, our cr***y home warranty company doesn't cover most of it, so as of now we expect to pay $1,400 out of pocket

Then depending on what the actual issue is, if it can be cleaned through regular means, the home warranty SHOULD cover it, but if it's something more complicated like tree roots that will require partial pipe replacement, we might be looking at several thousand $$$ out of pocket

(something similar happened to my SIL last year with tree roots and they had to cough up $6K

). We only bought the house this past February and moved in in April, so I'm really disappointed with all the issues we've already had. I guess it's to be expected with older homes, but I do feel the previous owner (an old lady living on her own) hadn't taken any care of anything for years. Anyway, rant over and fingers crossed it will be fixed today!
Pregnancy-wise, not much that's newsy here. I don't have another OB appointment for another week, and I look forward to being seen weekly thereafter

My Braxton Hicks have definitely picked up in the past week or so, making me really uncomfortable at times. For a few minutes the other day I thought the little one might have descended lower due to pressure I felt in the area, but a little while later it had gone away, so I'm afraid nothing much has happened. Guess I'll find out next week. I'm started to get antsy for him to move into position.
Two things I am really excited about though: 1) I've made it to week 34

Just 3 more weeks to full term!

2) We finished all the baby shopping over the weekend, so that's a big relief. I still need to buy a couple things for myself (I need probably 2 nursing bras, lanoline cream for sore nipples just in case, and maxi pads for the fist few days postpartum after hospital discharge), but these should be a quick shopping run. I guess I will have to get fitted for the nursing bras though, and I've kept postponing that.
What are you ladies doing about postpartum sanitary pads? I know the hospital provides them while you're there (my hospital has those disposable underwear with pads attached, should be very handy), but I'm still undecided about what to buy for home to use in the first few days after I'm discharged. I've heard some ladies swear by Depends, especially for the night, but it feels a bit much, so I wonder if I should just buy maxi pads and wear them double if needed in the beginning. It's hard to decide when you don't know how much bleeding to expect especially in that first week, and I know it varies among different people. Any insights, especially from second time moms-to-be are more than welcome!