September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

My shower is Aug 23. I'll be 36 weeks. Really hope it's not cutting it too close. A friend of mine did the same and went into labour the next day! It really was the only good weekend, we get so busy in summer.

Good luck with your appointment maryanne!!
Good luck for Friday Maryanne! Sounds like you're in good hands :flower:

No baby shower here - sad to say, I wouldn't have many people to invite. The only people who live relatively close to us who could come would be my mother in law and my sister in law and her husband. We do have some extended family within 1-2 hours' drive, but I doubt they'd be able to come, plus they're all middle aged and above :winkwink: ALL our friends live in other cities/states for work or studies, so nobody on that front either. And of course my own family they're all in my home country, though my Mom is coming to help me with the baby in less than 5 weeks' time and will be staying with us for more than 2 months. So yeah, no point in having a baby shower I thought. My MIL gave us a VERY generous check that pretty much covered all the big purchases (bless her!), then my sister-in-law and her husband also sent us a check to cover half the amount of the travel system we got, and my father in law (remarried and living 3 hours away) sent us some books and baby clothes. We also got a play mat as a gift from DH's grandparents and I know we'll be getting a few more presents from relatives and friends, plus some promised money from my parents and relatives in the home country. But for an actual shower, there would have been no point with most everyone living so far away :shrug:
Our first shower is tomorrow, with mostly family and a few friends invited. Unfortunately, MIL was kinda fixated on a certain venue and the only date left didn't work out for a lot of my friends, or even me to be honest. So my girls from work are giving me another in two weeks here at my house- I feel so lucky! Really looking forward to both showers.

Plus, it gave me the motivation I needed to finish the baby's room so I'll have some sort of organization to put things away in.
Our first shower is tomorrow, with mostly family and a few friends invited. Unfortunately, MIL was kinda fixated on a certain venue and the only date left didn't work out for a lot of my friends, or even me to be honest. So my girls from work are giving me another in two weeks here at my house- I feel so lucky! Really looking forward to both showers.

Plus, it gave me the motivation I needed to finish the baby's room so I'll have some sort of organization to put things away in.

Enjoy your shower. I had mine today. Tons of fun but this mama is exhausted!
Enjoy Mrs G! :thumbup:

Glad your shower went great cutie! :thumbup:

Maryanne - any news from your Friday appointment? Did you find out how you will be delivering?
Thanks ladies! We had a great time- my husband was forced by MIL to come and he even seemed to enjoy himself! he held my niece's 4 month old daughter for a while which of course was both adorable and amusing being that it's only maybe the 3rd baby I've seen him interact fatherhood will be interesting.
Also- OMG carebear! I just noticed your ticker baby is on the second to last square! holy crap!
Eeeek! I know! Sooooo close to the end!!
Glad ur shower went well! My DH has never held a baby before. At first it was because he was never really around babies but as he got older he decided he was going to wait to hold his own baby first so he avoids holding anyone's. I can't wait to see him hold ours!
Hope all you ladies enjoy your showers. We decided not to have one this time as our DD will be 1 in August and with her everything we received/purchased was neutral, therefore no need to buy anything besides bibs and clothes. Plus did not want to burden people. Can't believe our little peanuts will be here soon. Hope everyone is doing well :hugs:
Doing ok here but in kind of a bad mood because of a non-pregnancy related issue. We've been having home plumbing problems (main sewer line clogged, so now we only have one semi-functioning toilet (house has 2 bathrooms) that we've been told we can only use for #1 until everything gets fixed :wacko: DH works, so luckily he can use his work bathrooms for #2, while I will have to drive to our local mall if I need to :wacko: (luckily haven't needed a #2 yet today, and hopefully won't need one until things are fixed, which the plumber swears up and down it will be today :wacko:) Sorry for TMI :blush:
For now, I'm stuck at home waiting for plumber to come back. He came bright and early in the morning, identified the issue, told us he needs to do more complicated work (i.e. digging and installing a new pipe in the front yard and we'll have to take it from there depending on what he finds when he inserts the camera). But now this other guy who was supposed to help him has been called to another emergency job, so we're stuck waiting for him to finish and join our plumber to come and tackle our thing. Supposedly they'll be here in the next hour and plumber swears up and down it will be fixed today no matter what it is. Adding insult to injury, our cr***y home warranty company doesn't cover most of it, so as of now we expect to pay $1,400 out of pocket :growlmad: Then depending on what the actual issue is, if it can be cleaned through regular means, the home warranty SHOULD cover it, but if it's something more complicated like tree roots that will require partial pipe replacement, we might be looking at several thousand $$$ out of pocket :nope: (something similar happened to my SIL last year with tree roots and they had to cough up $6K :nope:). We only bought the house this past February and moved in in April, so I'm really disappointed with all the issues we've already had. I guess it's to be expected with older homes, but I do feel the previous owner (an old lady living on her own) hadn't taken any care of anything for years. Anyway, rant over and fingers crossed it will be fixed today!

Pregnancy-wise, not much that's newsy here. I don't have another OB appointment for another week, and I look forward to being seen weekly thereafter :flower: My Braxton Hicks have definitely picked up in the past week or so, making me really uncomfortable at times. For a few minutes the other day I thought the little one might have descended lower due to pressure I felt in the area, but a little while later it had gone away, so I'm afraid nothing much has happened. Guess I'll find out next week. I'm started to get antsy for him to move into position.
Two things I am really excited about though: 1) I've made it to week 34 :happydance: Just 3 more weeks to full term! :happydance:
2) We finished all the baby shopping over the weekend, so that's a big relief. I still need to buy a couple things for myself (I need probably 2 nursing bras, lanoline cream for sore nipples just in case, and maxi pads for the fist few days postpartum after hospital discharge), but these should be a quick shopping run. I guess I will have to get fitted for the nursing bras though, and I've kept postponing that.

What are you ladies doing about postpartum sanitary pads? I know the hospital provides them while you're there (my hospital has those disposable underwear with pads attached, should be very handy), but I'm still undecided about what to buy for home to use in the first few days after I'm discharged. I've heard some ladies swear by Depends, especially for the night, but it feels a bit much, so I wonder if I should just buy maxi pads and wear them double if needed in the beginning. It's hard to decide when you don't know how much bleeding to expect especially in that first week, and I know it varies among different people. Any insights, especially from second time moms-to-be are more than welcome! :flower:
The first couple of days are the worst- but the hospital maternity pads were enough. You will tend to get to know your bodies pattern- a lot of women get big gushes when they breastfeed for the first few days due to the stimulation causing your uterus to contract then it eases off for a bit. I used just overnight maxis for a few days once home then just stepped it down to regular maxis. I do suggest getting some cheap big comfy panties that you dont mind tossing after just in case.
Good question Christi (sorry for your plumbing troubles)!! And thanks bug!

I'm having a really crappy day, so I won't start cuz I'll be typing a novel. It's mostly cuz I didn't get enough sleep last night so everything is pissing me off or making me cry. Hubby and work mostly. Hubby for no reason since it wasn't his fault the temperature was set too high in our house which is why I couldn't sleep. I was so angry with him cuz it somehow got set to 26 degrees celsius so I was sweating my butt off. Apparently the old person who owned the house had it programmed so it changed by itself. Didn't stop me from taking it out on DH.
And I'm soooo mad at work. I'm so bored!! My manager seemed to take it as a surprise that I wasn't going to be doing anymore fieldwork when I've been saying for months I'm done at th end of July. It too much for a pregnant woman to be on her feet all day, carrying equipment around in this heat. So he kind of meanly told me he has nothing for me to do and I've been at my desk all day. He just doesn't get it, it seems. At least there's some women in my office who definitely understand. It doesn't help that I absolutely hate this company I work for too but it's really not the time for me to find another job... just 4 more weeks and 3 days till mat leave...

And there's my story... Woops! Guess it wasn't too long ;)
Hey ladies!! I'm glad you had good showers Bug && Mrs.G!!

I had one surprise shower, it was nice. My mother put it on a few weeks ago when I traveled to see her. (About 7 hours away) I need to get motivated with her room, we have everything we need as far as furniture (finished up this weekend). We just need to empty her room/hubby's office & weight room, paint and set up. I am afraid if we wait too long I won't be much help. I had to go to L&D last night due to continual contractions and increasing back pain. I had toughed them out for about 24 hours, but when they became 10 mins apart with back pain it worried me. The nurse said they were reactive contractions and they needed to be stopped. No dilation occurred though ( thank goodness! ) They put me on a drip, that didn't do it, then gave me potassium, that didn't do it,3-4 hours later they gave me a shot of meds and they stopped immediately. They aren't sure what caused it, the only thing they found was low sodium, albumin, and potassium in my blood. They told me to start drinking powerade I generally only drink water. So I am just trying to take it easy now. Only a few more weeks and we will all have our LOs!!

Sorry for the long post! lol!
Sorry about your work situation carebear :hugs:
I hate it when managers show such luck of understanding and compassion and are such jerks! Luckily 4 more weeks and you'll be done with them for quite a while. And when your life with the new baby has settled some, you may decide you want to look for another job.

I will be starting my 'maternity leave' (from myself since I'm self employed :haha:) in about 2 weeks' time, on week 36. I figure this will be a good time to put my feet up for a while until the craziness our little bundle of joy will bring. Though I've reduced my work hours and workload ever since my June hospitalization, when I was told to take it easy to not 'irritate' my irritable uterus (that could cause preterm labor in a worst case scenario).

Sorry about your adventure wantabby! Glad your contractions didn't cause any cervical changes though, but I know how scary it can be (I had something similar to that when I was admitted back in June, except for the back pain, that's when they told me I had an 'irritable uterus'). 3 more weeks and you'll be considered full term though, so not too long to go at all :flower: Same for all of us!

AFM - our plumbing issues weren't fully resolved yesterday and we're looking at a total of about $3-3.5K out of pocket :wacko: (we already paid $1,400 of it yesterday), so we've moved to my MIL's until we can have fully operating drains - supposedly by the end of the day today or tomorrow at the latest. We're playing phone tag with the home warranty company, but doubt they'll cover any of that, or if they do, it will be a very small portion :growlmad:. Since there were roots involved in the main line clog, they have an easy back out excuse :growlmad:
My MIL may help us cover part of the amount and she's already paid for all of baby's big purchases (crib, bassinet, stroller and car seat), so I couldn't be more grateful. The drain problem was the last thing I needed when heavily pregnant and with so many other expenses ahead :wacko: I was in tears last night but I've been able to keep my calm today. We'll see what happens.
Oh Christi what a nightmare dealing with all that right now. I hope it's sorted asap and you can get back to normal.

Wantabby good to hear the contractions were stopped, definitely rest up.

Hope everyone had or has good babyshowers.

Afm all ok here, very painful pelvis/back at times but I have a support belt from physio to wear which helps.
I've finally bought most of the things for my daughters room sso hoping the oh starts painting this weekend and she can be in it soon! I can then get all the baby things out of the loft and feel more organised. I'm starting to get a few bits for my hospital bag now.
Wow I've missed so much! Sorry ladies, been shockingly lazy checking for updates. Hope you are all well and everyone's showers went well?

No news with how our not so little lady is arriving yet. She's rather large, so they want to do one more growth scan on Tuesday before deciding. The wait is killing me :( can't believe she's big now after so many weeks being so tiny!

Cannot believe we are all so close now. Yet still cannot imagine bringing our baby home. Is that weird?
Thanks ladies! We're still at MIL's but expecting to go home tonight. Quite upset about the sudden big expense and our stupid home warranty company :wacko: Basically we're still playing phone tag with them and expect them to cover nothing - if they do, it will be a pleasant surprise.

Maryanne - wow, can't believe that your little one has grown so much after being so small for weeks! That's great news though and you should rejoice! :flower:
Not too long now until you find out about the delivery details!

Also, absolutely not weird not being able to imagine bringing your baby home. You've been through so much for years and it's understandable you're having a hard time imagining a different outcome. But your baby (and everyone's) will be here very soon! It actually only recently dawned on me that it's going to be VERY soon, and I've been slightly scared ever since. I've wanted a baby so much for years and now that we're so close to it becoming a reality, it just doesn't feel real and I'm so scared about all the changes it's going to bring in our life...
Oh I am rejoicing! She's now about 6lbs :/ im guessing the gd has played a big part in her weight.

Currently packing my hospital bag, it seems like we need to take such a lot. Or maybe I've over packed :/ anyone else seem to be taking a lot?

Newest pic of my chubby cheeked little princess :)

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