September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

Oh Christi, I'm sorry you're having a rough day. I have my days too. Little meltdowns here and there. Worry that something will go wrong, even in the second tri when the chances are so slim. Especially hearing scary stories from ladies on BnB. It's hard not to worry. :hugs:
I agree with everyone, don't listen to his measurement. He saw everything looked fine and has probably seen hundreds of babies. Your OB would have known if something is wrong.
Christi, I'm so sotry for the scare and stress you're going through. I really do hope that your mind is put to ease in 2 weeks when they tell you baby is perfect. I know you're going to continue worrying but try and stay as optimistic as you possibly can.
Christi I'm so sorry your feeling like this, think we all know what it's like. I have days where I am so afraid something is going wrong. I do agree with the others not to pay too much attention to measurements. They really aren't reliable in the second tri. I would say if your genuinely concerned though always get a second opinion. Even if it's just for your own reassurance. I'm sure your little one is just fine though, just try and rest up and then hopefully you will feel much better.
Christi- I too am a worrier and a 'what-if'er....and something of a pregnancy bleeding expert unfortunately. I do agree it's a good idea to stay off your feet a while as much as possible this week, keep very well hydrated, and (this will probably be the hardest part) try not to worry. The blood was dark, has stopped, and was not associated with any pain, right? All good things. Perhaps you had an angry little vessel in your cervix that got irritated or something. Have you been having good poops lately? I read somewhere that hard stool in the colon can irritate the cervix even if you're not straining a lot to get it out- but again, I can relate with the sheer terror of having a bloody pregnant vagina- this is supposed to be a blissfully blood free time.
As for the measurement, I would try to pretend you don't even know. Like you said, CRL measurement is way less accurate the further along we are and can be influenced by many things like angle and even how the probe is held. I'd say if your doctor thought things looked good enough that he didn't even want to measure at first, it should be okay.

So on another note, and speaking of poop......with the assumption that there's no longer such thing as TMI on a board like this.....anyone else constipated??? I've had the worst time pooping for almost two weeks now. It's hard and comes out in little chunks every couple days- and I used to be a daily pooper. I texted my husband just now (I'm at work) after I had been sitting on the toilet for ten minutes sweating, was freaking stuck! Like I couldn't even go back about my business and try again later. The worst feeling ever. When I finally did get it out it was bloody, hard as a rock and really pale. I am, of course, worrying about my liver now. lol.

I'm thinking a colace or some metamucil every day might not be a bad plan. I need to go through the paperwork my OB gave me and see what they recommend.
Happy 18 weeks to all the ladies hitting this point!

Christi so sorry to hear you've had things to worry about. Not sure if it will help but 2 people I know had bleeds. 1 after her 12 week scan and the other at about 22 weeks, bright red blood...both friends went on to have healthy baby boys :)
In regards to the measurements, I think the OB would say if he though anything was amiss, I think everything will be just fine at your anatomy scan.

Mrs GH my toilet issues were worse in first tri but can still be annoying from time to time now! It was the same with my daughter and so painful at times. I used lactulose when I was pregnant with my daughter.

Sorry I know I've missed things, was awake for a while last night and am so tired this morning!

I have my midwife appointment today, hoping she finds the baby's heartbeat easily and tells me not to worry about my daughters chicken pox!
Ladies, thank you all so so much for your support :hugs:
I think my biggest challenge in this pregnancy is to stay optimistic (I've had several moments/days of pure happiness, but I think I've worried for many more), but I'm going to make a conscious effort towards that direction! If anything, for my own sanity.

I think I'll just wait for my anatomy scan at this point, which is 2 weeks away anyway, so close enough. And I'll try not to think about that CRL measurement as much as I can. It's very possible it doesn't mean all that much at this stage of the pregnancy anyway. There must be a reason why it's not used after week 13 and is replaced by other measurements, I just wish my doctor had explained that. All he did was take the crown-to-rump length at my husband's request to measure the baby and told us the approximate number, and didn't even say whether that was remotely normal for the baby's age or that it's not an accurate marker at this stage or something. He acted as if everything was normal and wasn't concerned at any point though. Oh well, I'm clinging on to our perfect 13 week NT scan and hoping things still look great on week 20's anatomy scan. On a more optimistic note, I think I've been feeling the baby kick in the last few days. It's only a couple times a day at this point and I still have to be lying down, but I can feel little muscle spasms in parts of my lower tummy, especially on the right. I can even feel the little move when I place my fingers on the spot :kiss: I was expecting flutters which I never got, I did get something like tiny bubbles at some point, but that went away for a few days, and then the tiny muscle spasms started. I'll keep an eye on it, but the more it happens, the more I'm convinced it's the baby.

MrsG - I've been moderately constipated on and off in recent weeks, but nothing too bad. The most I've gone without a BM is around 48 hours. My normal had always been once a day and most days I'm still able to have a BM. I don't remember ever straining too much, but you are right, I have felt my bowels obstructing my uterus at times when I was constipated. Maybe my recent bleed was somewhat related to that, at least partially.

Happy 18 weeks everyone hitting that point! Almost 1/2 way through now!! :thumbup:
Mrs.GH, I have been having issues as well.. ughh! I have increased my water intake and I eat the Activia Greek (for about a week) and it has really helped.. it is funny because I was going days with nothing but pebbles, but yesterday I couldn't stop!! I guess it got un-jammed..Bahaha!! But I am having a little blood so I will mention it to the doc. I'm guessing it's lovely busted vessels.. I am getting increasing spider veins on my legs so I kind of expected it..
I had my midwife appointment this afternoon and she found baby's heartbeat pretty easily :) so in love with that sound! Blood pressure still low but she said that's better than it being high.

She didn't do anything to reassure me about my daughters chicken pox, because I've had it I should be immune so won't offer me a blood test to check. She just said if I get symptoms to phone labour&delivery for advice. Let's hope it doesn't come to that!
Great news yazzy! :thumbup:

Wantabby - sorry to hear about your blood. Hope it resolves soon. Do mention it to your doctor, yes, though it's probably nothing to worry about - either a burst vessel or too much straining from BMs from what you're describing. I've been having a lot of bleeding all around (almost daily nose bleeds when I blow my nose, gum bleeds when I floss/brush a couple times a week, and last week I accidentally scratched a mole on my back and it bled a little as well - so I'm going to a dermatologist to have it checked next week, though I'm not really concerned). And then Sunday night I had the vaginal bleed, which I'm still having as brown spotting. Ugh! :wacko: Off to my acupuncturist soon. Hope he works his magic with the spotting, although my spotting this morning was a little more mucus-y than runny. It very much resembled the discharge I'd been having this whole time, only with old blood in it instead of the usual off white color. So I'm starting to wonder if my yeast infection had not completely cleared (I'd been having less symptoms recently though, thanks to some herbs I'd been taking and some diet changes) and it's what caused the spotting and irritated my cervix. Or at least contributed to it. If only my doc had given me a reason for the spotting - it would have been so much easier to know what to treat, if treatable!! :wacko:
Not too long for my anatomy scan at least. And I know these doctors leave no stone unturned, unlike my regular doctor who is a bit too laid back for my liking sometimes...
How is everyone doing/feeling?

I have a question: does anyone else feel their tummy become very tight? I've been having that for a few days now. No pain or contraction felt with it, but it can stay like that for even an hour on end. I've Googled around and it doesn't seem to be a reason for concern in most cases. Some people say that's the Braxton Hicks contractions, except I don't feel any contraction and with Braxton Hicks the muscles are supposed to relax within a few seconds to a few minutes, whereas mine can stay like that for longer periods of time. Other people said it's just the uterus expanding/ligaments stretching, or even starting to feel the weight of the baby as it grows bigger, and that seems like more of a logical explanation to me. My acupunturist felt my tummy yesterday and confirmed the muscles felt very tight (he said it's the abdominal muscles, not the uterus though). I noticed it tends to happen more if I stay in the same position for a long period of time. So yesterday when I got to his clinic after about an hour's drive, my tummy was very very tight because I had hardly moved while driving.

In other news, I'm still having discharge :wacko: At least it's not red blood anymore, but it looks more like a light brown-very dark yellow discharge. I've been put on some herbs to help and had a special treatment, but it doesn't seem to have stopped yet. I may have to repeat the treatment 2-3 times before it stops, according to my acupuncturist. It has gotten much lighter in color though, closer to my normal discharge. So hopefully that's a good sign. I'm continuing to take it as easy as possible until it (hopefully) returns to normal.
Glad your feeling a little better Christi. Hope everything goes back to normal for you soon. And glad to hear you are resting! I get the tightening tummy feeling all the time. Not as strong as BH but still uncomfortable. I think it's just part of tummy growing as I've had it in previous pregnancies.

Im in the dreaded week 18 :( cue chronic toilet paper checking and panicking over every little twinge. Cannot wait for this week to be over. I was nervous before our gender scan but since finding out we are expecting a girl and our last daughter sadly passed at 18 weeks im now a nervous mess. I want this week to be over so badly.
Hope you get back to normal soon Christi :flower: I don't feel any tightening but I'm not as far along.

:hugs: maryanne. This week will be over soon. Stay positive!

Afm... tried to come off my diclectin again... threw up. Back on it I go. Not much else here. Haven't felt many flutters since that one day. Makes me sad :(
Thank you ladies! I'm feeling much better (emotionally too) now, and much calmer :flower: Even though I still have the discharge which isn't fun, I tell myself it's probably nothing to worry about, since both the OB and my acupuncturist told me so. I'm just taking it very easy and hoping it will go back to normal soon. I've also stopped worrying about the baby's measurement. My symptoms (especially all the muscle stretching etc.) seem to go along with what should be happening at my pregnancy weeks, plus I do think my uterus is going higher, which is also something that should be happening around now. So if all this is happening, how can the baby not be growing? :thumbup: I'm also getting more and more convinced that I can feel him at times and he's got to be big enough for me to feel him :winkwink: So just waiting for my anatomy scan on the 21st.

Maryanne - big hugs :hugs: Remember that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, I truly think this is your rainbow baby! Week 18 sucks for you, but at least in 5 days you'll be on week 19 already. Keep thinking it's just 5 days and stay as calm as you can.
Glad to hear you are also experiencing the tightening and that it's a normal pregnancy thing :flower:

Carebear- so sorry to hear you are still suffering from nausea. I really hope it gets better for you soon and that you can go off your medication! Don't worry about not feeling the fluttering for a few days. I first thought I felt some tiny bubbles for a day or two on week 16 and got excited, but then it went away for a good week or so. So I convinced myself it was just gas and was a little disappointed. But then ever since this past weekend, I think the baby is making his presence known more. I've felt muscle spasms several times (apparently it can be felt like that) and even what I think is real movement once or twice. Once or twice yesterday I even thought I felt parts of his body rubbing against my uterine wall. Maybe I'm imagining it, but I think the more I feel those things, the more convinced I become this is it. They're not consistent though, so not feeling anything for a few days at this early stage shouldn't worry you. Many first time moms don't even feel anything until week 20 or 22.
Thanks ladies. I really appreciate the support and reassurance.

Carebear don't let it get to you. I hadn't even felt my son move by 15 weeks. I was around 18 weeks begore I even felt flutters. I did feel this baby super early but her movements were really sporadic to start with. Would go days without feeling her. even now somedays she may only move once or twice. Your little one just had lots of room in there at the mo and is probably just hanging out in a spot where you can't feel he/she kicking. As for anti nausea meds im still on mine, I have tried coming off them but I must need a little longer as I was really really sick over the weekend when I tried going without them. I've heard HG usually starts passing around 20 weeks though so hopefully can come off them soon.

Ooooh Yey for movement Christi!!
Hello ladies,

cutie, my appetite has increased since I hit the 2nd trimester!! LOL!!

Christi, happy 18 weeks!! If your docor was adamant that he wasn't concerned, then don't worry about it. I totally know that's easier said then done though. I definently worry more than I'm happy I think. It's sad really. That's so exciting you are feeling baby!!

babyfeva, 19 weeks tomorrow!!

maryanne, happy 18 weeks!! This time will be different. Hoping you get to 19 weeks really quickly to ease your mind. If you don't mind me asking, because for the life of me I can't remember. What was the cause for losing your baby at 18 weeks?

Mrsgoodhart, luckily I haven't had too many issues with being constipated. I drink a lot of water though, which I know helps a lot. I normally go every morning. But there's been a few times I've gone a day without going. It's not fun. Hoping you find something that will help keep things moving.

yazzy, I'm so excited they found the hb for you at your appointment!! It's an amazing sound isn't it!! If your doctor said to not worry about the chicken pox because you had them when you were little, I'm sure you're fine. You'd think you would have had them by now if you were going to get them anyways.

carebear, that's so exciting you have felt flutters!! Mine started where I thought I felt it once and then like a week or so pasted before I felt it again. It got more and more consistent as I went. But took a bit.
Hello ladies,

cutie, my appetite has increased since I hit the 2nd trimester!! LOL!!

Christi, happy 18 weeks!! If your docor was adamant that he wasn't concerned, then don't worry about it. I totally know that's easier said then done though. I definently worry more than I'm happy I think. It's sad really. That's so exciting you are feeling baby!!

babyfeva, 19 weeks tomorrow!!

maryanne, happy 18 weeks!! This time will be different. Hoping you get to 19 weeks really quickly to ease your mind. If you don't mind me asking, because for the life of me I can't remember. What was the cause for losing your baby at 18 weeks?

Mrsgoodhart, luckily I haven't had too many issues with being constipated. I drink a lot of water though, which I know helps a lot. I normally go every morning. But there's been a few times I've gone a day without going. It's not fun. Hoping you find something that will help keep things moving.

yazzy, I'm so excited they found the hb for you at your appointment!! It's an amazing sound isn't it!! If your doctor said to not worry about the chicken pox because you had them when you were little, I'm sure you're fine. You'd think you would have had them by now if you were going to get them anyways.

carebear, that's so exciting you have felt flutters!! Mine started where I thought I felt it once and then like a week or so pasted before I felt it again. It got more and more consistent as I went. But took a bit.

Course I don't mind you asking, most likely me contracting rubella caused me to go into preterm labour and there was nothing they could do. Although she always measured slightly behind and had issues with her heartbeat. There was never an proper explanation for the loss given, in the letter to my consultant the hospital said it was a combination of a few different factors that lead to the loss.

Sorry I missed your update yazzy, glad your appointment went well.
maryanne, ok I remember now. Thank you for refreshing my memory. Pregnancy brain!! I couldn't even imagine losing a baby at this point considering I'm 18 weeks and 2 days. That had to be very hard. I think this time is different for you as it sounds like it was probably you getting rubella last time was the issue. I know they check for immunity to that when you get pregnant here. At least they did with me. So I'm guessing it's something that can definently affect a baby. Again, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. :hugs:
Hopefully this week will fly by Maryanne!! Keep positive!

We are almost halfway done ladies, I am amazed it has gone by so quickly! I have really increased apatite this week.. I feel like I can eat everything, and she has really started moving more. I feel her a few times per day, it is mostly when I'm sitting in a chair/driving. . I love it!

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