September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

I hope this week passes quickly for you Maryanne!

wantabby- she must be having a growth spurt!! so exciting you can feel so much movement!

yazzy- glad your appt went well!

carebear- I tried the same thing with my diclectin this week.. not ready yet either :(

My anatomy scan is friday!! Im a mixture of excited and nervous. Work is getting increasingly difficult- I have a congential partial fusion of my lower spine- but just on one side. As baby grows my pelvis basically twists and causes a lot of pain. I made it to 25 weeks working last time so that was my goal again, but after today and barely being able to walk at the end of the 12 hours im not so sure I will make it that far :( my dr was ready to sign me off work at my last appt but I was stubborn and said no, now im regretting it.
Thank you everyone :)

Maryanne I hope this week passes uneventfully for you so you are soon in to week 19. It won't stop your worry but we are all thinking of you.

Sorry to hear some of you are still getting sickness, that's got to be tough and I hope it disappears as soon as possible.

I'm sorry if I have missed anything. Yesterday I had to take my cat to the vets, he's 12 1/2 years old and suddenly got poorly this week, unfortunately he had a huge tumour in his tummy and there was nothing they could do :( so I had to say goodbye to him. Didn't expect that yesterday.

On a positive note baby has been a real wriggler and I've even felt him/her from the outside when I've been laying in bed stretched out! Amazing! I was 19 weeks when I felt my daughter move from the outside.

Good luck bug for your anatomy scan this week, can't wait to hear all about it :)
Oh Carebear I forgot to say I felt a few flutters here and there around 15 weeks but then nothing for days. Mine have started properly from say 16+3 but remember it is more common to feel them closer to 20 weeks. Just depends where baby is positioned and where your placenta is.
Thanks everyone.

Yazzy I'm sorry to hear about your cat. We had to let ours who was 8 go up to heaven two weeks ago after he had an accident. It's so horrible. Thinking of you.

Good luck for your scan bug! Hope you feel better soon!

Yey for movement wantabby! I swear it must be a girl thing as my little princess is really active too. Never felt my son this early. At 18 weeks it was just tiny flutters where as this little girl feels like Shes practicing karate in there at times. Maybe my son was just lazy! Lol
I'm so sorry about your cat yazzy. I have 2 kitties that I love, can't imagine having to say goodbye unexpectedly.

Sorry about your back too bug! That sounds painful!

Thanks for the reassurance everyone. I expected it was a bit early but was so excited to feel baby move that once :)
Thank you everyone :)

Carebear just wait, I bet it won't be long until you're feeling more movement, especially if you had a couple flutters already :)
Hello ladies,

Bug, I'm really excited to hear about your anatomy scan tomorrow!! I'm so sorry you're in so much pain.

yazzy, I'm so sorry you had to put your kitty down. I have 2 dogs that are my babies and I am dreading the day when it gets to that point. My Boxer will be 9 on Saturday, he's still doing great, but you can tell he's getting older and it makes me really sad. On the happier note, that is so exciting you can feel the baby move from the outside!! I want to try laying on my back for a few minutes to see if I can feel mine. I can feel it quite a bit throughout the day, so maybe I'll be able to feel it barely from the outside.

maryanne, I'm so sorry you had to put your kitty down a couple weeks ago too. It's horrible.
Thanks Mrs R, I have 4 dogs as well, 3 are quite old and I have an awful feeling I may lose 1 in the next year but she is 12 and has had a good life!
Well after all the wiggles I got yesterday baby must have moved because I didn't feel anything much for the rest of the day lol! Can feel a little bit now but in a slightly different place, it's like a ninja baby!!

Bug good luck for your scan today, please update us. Are you finding out the gender?

Does anyone else have scans soon?
They will make note of the gender but since I'm not 20 weeks yet I can't find out yet- stupid rules here! So I will find out at my next maternity clinic appt on the 30th
Bug - sorry to hear about your health problems. If it gets that bad, definitely have your doctor sign you off work, even if it's earlier than the 25 week goal. Your health and your baby's health should be the top priority!
Excited to hear about your anatomy scan, but it sucks you have to wait longer to find out the gender! :wacko:

yazzy- very sorry to hear about your cat.

AFM - just random news. Tomorrow is our moving date and my husband has been super busy doing the vast majority of the packing himself, as I've been avoiding to overwork myself. At least the spotting seems to be gone, though I still have some discharge, mostly dark yellow (sorry for TMI), so I'm still going to take it easy for a few days.
Other than that, I got a jury duty summons in the mail the other day for May, but since we're changing address, I logged into their online system and requested a transfer to a closer location (there's a 20-mile rule in California where they try to assign you within 20 miles of home, and the new address would be 30 miles away from the court house assigned). Yesterday I found out my transfer request was approved, but they also changed my service dates to mid October :wacko: By which time I should be a full time, breastfeeding mom, and Los Angeles County allows breastfeeding moms to get postponement of their service for something like a year. So I don't think I'll be doing jury duty anytime in the near future :thumbup:
Other than that, I'll be calling my OB's office today to follow up on my final integrated screening results. Nobody has called me yet, which I take as good news (I imagine they'd want to let you know of any high risk results asap). On Monday when I was at my OB's office, they called to get them for me, but they weren't ready yet. But they should be ready by now, I would think. Or maybe not?
Good morning ladies,

yazzy, Wednesday I felt the most movement I've felt so far, but yesturday it wasn't too much. So I'm thinking my baby is a ninja too. LOL!! My next appointment is on Thursday next week. It's just a check up, but I get to set up to have my gender/anatomy scan!!

Bug, that's silly they'll write down the gender, but won't tell you until your doctor's appointment on the 30th.

Christi, I'm glad your spotting seems to have gone away. I definently think it's a great sign they haven't contacted you regarding the final screening results. Let us know what you hear!!
Ok, so I called my OB's office and spoke to one of his nurses. She checked for me and nope, no results yet :wacko: She said they only had the first ones, which I already knew about. She said that they get the results via mail :wacko: which probably explains why it's taking longer. She said they'd call me as soon as they receive them, or to call them back in a week if I haven't heard anything, and she will follow up with them at that point. It's a state screening program, so they may be taking their sweet time, though first time around they had the results in about 10 days. I'm also thinking, last week was Easter, so that might have delayed things a bit more if many state employees were on leave etc. In any event, more waiting for me :wacko:. I'll try not to think about it much. At least my first results were great, so I've heard that usually means the second results come out good too.

In other news, I just ordered a fetoscope. It was only $12 and just over $20 with shipping, so I thought I'd do it even if it ends up being a dud. No idea how well it will work or if it'll work at all, but seeing as baby has been making his presence felt in the last few days (at least at times when I'm lying down), plus the heart beat has been loud and clear lately on the doppler, I may have a good chance with the fetoscope. They say it should work from weeks 18-20, so we'll see.
So frustrating all the waiting! Hope you get the results soon and I'm sure they'll be as great as your first.
That's cool about the fetoscope! Hope you get to hear with it :)

Happy weekend ladies!! 16 weeks for me tomorrow!! I'm so happy it's the weekend. I had such a busy work week. My coworker is off for the month and I'm doing all the work! Can't wait for my whole year off and I won't even answer the phone if work calls :p :haha:
Christi I hope you get your results back soon and they are all good.

Bug that is a strange rule waiting until the 30th to find out the gender. Main thing to know though, is that baby is healthy :)

Mrs R yes we must have ninja babies! Ha ha!
Christi, I'm so sorry you have to wait longer. That's how it was for me with my quad screening results. I called a week later on a Friday afternoon hoping to hear before the weekend and they were out for the afternoon, so had to wait until the following week. It's AWFUL!! Hang in there. Where did you order your fetoscope from? I want to get one.

carebear, happy 16 weeks tomorrow!!
Yazzy- the law here is you have to be past 20 weeks and your dr has to be the one to tell you. The 30th just happens to be my next appointment.

My rainbow...


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Aww, beautiful picture Bug! :flower:
Can't wait to find out what you're having!

MrsR - I ordered it from a website called Precious Arrows. They sell midwifery supplies and such. No idea if it's good or not (there's only one review on the website and it's good), but it was very affordable, so I thought I'd go for it anyway. Some of the more expensive ones had mixed online reviews, so I thought why risk with something more expensive. Even if it doesn't work, I can always continue with the doppler :winkwink:
This is the one I ordered, they have a few other models on the website:
Bug so sorry about your back pain. Beautiful scan of your baby. Can't wait to find out what baby is on the 30th.

Yazzy and Maryanne so sorry about your cats.

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