I'm so tired after so little sleep and getting up early. I've been doing chores non stop since 8am and the place still looks like a tip

DH is being his usual self and sitting on the sofa watching tv/napping whilst I do it all
Argh! Men!!
I've actually been very productive today. We arrived home from our week away at 11.30 yesterday morning, and I did 8 loads of washing, got it all dry (thank you weather!) and ironed and put away by 11 this morning. Walked the dogs and tidied around, then headed upstairs to sort out old baby stuff to do my list of what's needed now. I managed to sort loads out! So I now have a definitive list of things to buy, and there are only a couple of big-ish things on there, it's mostly bits and bobs. Went for big swim this afternoon and kicked off too hard and have pulled my hip, but it will be okay. And now we are cooking a huge roast chicken dinner! Yum!
Down side is that I'm back at work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to being back after a week off.....