September testers - 15 bfp!

I get my progesterone level drawn tomorrow to see how well I ovulated. I'm so nervous because last month I only had one egg at about 17mm and my progesterone level drawn 7 dpo was only 11. The Dr said that meant I didn't ovulate well. I had two good sized eggs that should have been about 21mm at ovulation this month so I'm praying my progesterone is good. DH and I BD CD8, 10, 13(trigger shot am) , 14 (o day), and 15. Here's to hoping for good new tomorrow. Trying not to get my hopes up until I get my level back.
Oilymama get some BD in before he goes! You're still in with a chance! :)

Bfitz fingers crossed you get good results back! :hugs:

For me AF is due tomorrow, I'm 99.99% sure it's coming, I feel crampy and AF-y :(

Like most of you know I ttc july and got bfp august 5th but had mc at august 15th.
So I bought some opks to see this cycle if I ovulate or not.
So they came friday and I couls not not test so I did.. and again saturday both timea I got vvf lines, tad better on saturd. I usualy have long cycle (33-35) and had read about 6 weeks after mc was common. So I didnt think I would have a line today and rhought I was day early.. thought ovulation woulf be betweet cd 18 and 22.. im now on cd 17.
So I look at it after the 5 min and what a surprise! Two good lines! Almost as darl as the other maby just alike. I waited 5 min more and it is as dark.. but I second guess my self so.. here are some pic.. on on my phone so just links:[user]=145486950&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=2[user]=145486950&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=1[user]=145486950&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0

So first is 10 min after testing nest us of that and the ones from fri and sat and last is 30 min after testing.

So whar do you think? I ovulating? Can I have this nice line and no egg?
Looks like a positive to me, BD today and tomorrow! Lots of baby dust to you!
Looks like a positive to me, BD today and tomorrow! Lots of baby dust to you!

I agree. It looks positive!

I went downstairs to show my DH and he was like "we dtd yesterday, so should we not do it now and hope for a girl?!" hahaha :)
Not sure what we do. It is bit tempting to try it, it is a good chance with bd yesterday. But not sure if I can haha. We will see.. I wont be going to bed for about 3-4 hours :) haha
Congrats MAC
BlueMoonBubba The CM and the streaks really sounds like a good sign to be honest...
Catalyst I would defo bed tonight anyways :p

7dpo here, have some pressure in my belly, kind of annoying because it makes me think i have an infection or something. Really sore
Jan: I'm 7dpo too and am feeling that pressure in my belly and lower back, it started yesterday. I hope this is a good sign for us!!! 😊
Oh good luck catalyst!!!

AFM I've decided I'm gonna try wait till sat/sun to test, cos I won't get the spare tests from my friend till next week, so my one cheapie is all I have till then, and I'd reeeeeallly hate to waste it on an early bfn!! It's Father's Day here on Sunday so it'd be a cute way to tell DH if it was BFP then, but if I test a bfn on Friday, I'll never know if it might have been a BFP on sun!!! Ill be away for the weekend so I won't be able to update you till Sunday night.
Hey ladies!

Good luck to all for this month, hoping you all get that BFP with super sticky beans. Tomorrow is D-day for me (app says to test today but I just can't bring myself to do it. I know if I get a BFN I'll cry so I'll wait till tomorrow when DF is home), I had a plethora of symptoms and then they all just vanished! I'm insanely hungry, my cervix is high, and I'm getting the typical twinges I've been getting since our MC and that's it's. So we're most probably out but where there's no AF, there could be BFPs! Can't wait to see how we all get on
I'm 6dpo and am also having pressure and cramping but I have this every time I trigger and I just took my second trigger as a booster yesterday morning. Time will tell.
Oh good luck catalyst!!!

AFM I've decided I'm gonna try wait till sat/sun to test, cos I won't get the spare tests from my friend till next week, so my one cheapie is all I have till then, and I'd reeeeeallly hate to waste it on an early bfn!! It's Father's Day here on Sunday so it'd be a cute way to tell DH if it was BFP then, but if I test a bfn on Friday, I'll never know if it might have been a BFP on sun!!! Ill be away for the weekend so I won't be able to update you till Sunday night.

Thank you, Dh is torn like me. We dtd yesterday so in theary we should catch the egg, but you always want to make sure. He realy wants a girl, I knew he wanted but I can realy realy tell now. He asked me just few minuites ago if I wanted him to f... me.. romantic haha. Then he was like "but we want a girl, maby I should take a hot bath (suposed toslow the sperm so the girly one have chance) before we do it" haha

Oh my you are so near to testing!!! :D I will be on here refreshing on sunday!! :D Good luck!!
Nearly September, ladies! I am sending you all my best vibes. I am 7 dpo today and earlier when I wiped there was a small dot of blood. I did a manual check of my cervix and there was no more blood (tmi sorry). I am not sure what that could mean but it has never happened to me before. Earlier today I noticed some slight pains/cramps around where my uterus is.. it's hard not to make a mountain of a mole hill!
Hi ladies - just checking in. Just coming off AF. Not temping this month but will use OPKs. Can't believe this is already our 6th month TTC. I have an ultrasound next Tuesday to check uterus and ovaries.

Good luck to those testing soon!
Good luck to you too Ask4joy
With my older I fell pg in 5th cycle so your time might be now :D
Lulu oooooo yey not just me <3 Hoping for us!

Bfitz Here's hoping for you too!

Clara that actually sounds promising to be honest.. I was hoping for some yellow gooey cm or some with blood :'(
Hi Ladies

I normally only read so it's my first time posting!! I need some sisterly love!!!!!!! No one except me and my hubby know we are TTC. It's 6 months now. And it's so hard keeping it to ourselves. I just don't want any pressure or people always looking and wondering if I'm preggo.
In in the TWW too. Hoping to test on 7th as we head on holidays on the 8th. And I don't want AF to show her face while on holiday :cry:
Every month I see good signs/symptoms but it's my mind playing tricks I think!!! I was on BC for soooo long, I forgot about all the PMS symptoms.
I'm trying all the tricks, EPO, pineapple, grapefruit juice, whole full fat milk, expensive OPKs. Every month I get that smiley face I want and BD (until hubby is exhausted! I never thought I'd see the day that he says no to fun-times LOL. :nope:
At the moment, my CM has almost disappeared. But it still feels wet down there. For those who like to over share (!!!), how is your CM?
45 min left in August :)

Been having some promising CM, but cervix is still way too firm & closed to get me truly excited. Good luck everyone!

Trying4babyMc - welcome! I hear you, we were the same when trying for number one. It's like everyone is staring at you and your every move. Drove me nuts. I'm sorry it has been a few months for you already. Maybe I can give you some hope. I was on birth control for 17 years. It took me about 9 months to conceive, although it was only 6 cycles as they were (are) 5-7weeks long. My cm was not very plenty full. The cycle I conceived I started taking vitex and noticed a change almost immediately. So if you haven't tried that maybe it's worth giving it a shot. I also think that my ovulation got stronger with time. So I hope you won't have to wait much longer!! Good luck :)
Thank you so much Mom15. You have really made my day. Why have I waited this long to post :dohh:

You story gives me lots of hope and positivity for the months ahead. Next cycle I'll start Vitex (I've already googled it and my pharmacy stock it!!). I have had irregular cycles over last 6 months, 24-27 days. The good side is that my O day comes around quickly LOL
6 more days until test day. Although, who am I kidding, I'll prob start on Saturday HAHA (7-8 DPO).
Hello, can I join with You? :) My mother tongue is not English, so please apology for my spelling mistakes.

Long story short, we are trying to have our second child. First is 3 years old boy :). From august we are ready for second one.
I am also testing in September (I think 5th or 6th - or maybe earlier :D ), my PP should start on 03.09. My cycle is 25 days long and I have had very weird cycle this month. On 10.08 were my last period, it lasted about 4 days, I´ve noticed that my OV is somewhere middle on the cycle, on the 12-13th day. This time, 3 days after my OV I was bleeding 1 day (not much 1-2 hours and next day soiled little brownish on panties). That is occurred one time earlier too, in June. Wise google says that this is normal?
I don´t know what to think, but hoping that i´m still going to have my BFP :)
good luck to everyone!!

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