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September testers - 15 bfp!

Miss Doc - it's like you sensed I need your encouragement to go buy a test!
Congrats to all the BFPs so far!
Sorry for those who are out!

I think I am O'ing today or tomorrow and I have more ewcm than I have ever had. So today is CD 22 and that would be very early for me, a new record in fact. Now that being said I'm already out. We decided to skip this cycle as we are going to Germany at the end of the month and it just seems easier knowing I am not pregnant. Sorry for being boring, but it'll still be a suspense as I am hoping for a longer LP. Last was 8 days. Still nursing, which is why. So more than 8 days will be my personal bfp.
Eeeeeeekkk Congrats to the ladies with BFPs!!!! I can hardly keep up at the moment! Lol

Those wanting to test early I would say do it but you have to be prepared for it to be a BFN and not be discouraged!

I seem to be a bit more relaxed this month than I was last month which is better as just getting through each day was a struggle! Only 2 days to go before O so getting excited.
Mom15- your not being boring!! We are here to support no matter where you are in your journey! Fingers crossed you get your longer lp this month.
Congratulations for all you ladies with BFPS this month
Still keeping my fingers crossed for those still waiting.
tobemum - thank you for your kind words!! Good luck, your tww is so close :)
Flying - so exciting you were right! I remember how thrilled I was to get my first pp Af. That excitement wore off after a day and it turned into "I forgot how much I don't like having my period" :)
Oh well ladies, I'm unfortunately out AF reared her ugly head today right on time.

Congrats to all you ladies though getting BFPs!!! And extra :dust: to everyone still in the TWW. Looking forward to trying again in a week or so!
Hoping my slight spotting was ib, really want to test and having a hard time waiting a couple more days and seeing bfn! I feel it was rare to even have had my dd and wondering if I am lucky and blessed enough to be pregnant again. Fx for everyone. I literally want to cry bc if it is bfn I am so lost with all these symptoms
Wow thank you so much everyone for the well wishes! :hugs:
Currently I feel like I've done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson!! :wacko:
I'll keep popping by this thread as I hope each one of you get your bfps. Afm I should hopefully be back on the ttc train for October though :) xxx
Mom15 it doesn't matter what part of the ttc journey you are on -whether you are desperate for your AF like flying because you just want to know that you can O ... Or a planned holiday and not wanting to get a BFP before you get back ... each little bit counts and so stay with us while you journey even if you are on a bit of a pause.

Peanut our bodies are so confusing and don't do the same things every month so hang in there -it's horrid when we get mixed signals with symptoms. It is normal to feel like it was rare to get pregnant and you don't trust it can happen again but you can and will!

Doublelines sorry about your AF. Hugs to everyone who had the awful witch arrive.

Want to reply to everyone individually but I can't go back a page to check all the comments so consider yourself hugged/high-fived/fingers crossed/encouraged etc xxx

AFM Grrrrrr I didn't want to buy a test yesterday afternoon in case AF still did a last-minute show last night so now I am officially 1 day late and I want to test with FMU so I will buy a test today and only test tomorrow!! The suspense! But I truly am never late so I am hopeful! I did have a 5 week cycle directly after my MC 2 cycles ago but my doc said that I ovulated on day 14 of my cycle this time and that was 16 days ago. Eeeeeek!
Mom15 it doesn't matter what part of the ttc journey you are on -whether you are desperate for your AF like flying because you just want to know that you can O ... Or a planned holiday and not wanting to get a BFP before you get back ... each little bit counts and so stay with us while you journey even if you are on a bit of a pause.

Peanut our bodies are so confusing and don't do the same things every month so hang in there -it's horrid when we get mixed signals with symptoms. It is normal to feel like it was rare to get pregnant and you don't trust it can happen again but you can and will!

Doublelines sorry about your AF. Hugs to everyone who had the awful witch arrive.

Want to reply to everyone individually but I can't go back a page to check all the comments so consider yourself hugged/high-fived/fingers crossed/encouraged etc xxx

AFM Grrrrrr I didn't want to buy a test yesterday afternoon in case AF still did a last-minute show last night so now I am officially 1 day late and I want to test with FMU so I will buy a test today and only test tomorrow!! The suspense! But I truly am never late so I am hopeful! I did have a 5 week cycle directly after my MC 2 cycles ago but my doc said that I ovulated on day 14 of my cycle this time and that was 16 days ago. Eeeeeek!
Thank you, yes weird indeed. I need to know sooner than later bc I am a double organ transplant recipient and I will have to be switched over on one of my anti rejection meds due to fetal and maternal death in first trimester associated with the drug. And husband was actually excited of the posibility. :wacko: hope so
Can I get some advice please ladies??!! O day should be in 2 days time but I just did this opk and going by how dark the test line is, do you think I might O tomorrow??


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Hello all :) I'm testing on September 28th already getting EW CM a couple days before my fertile window if i'm going by the ovulation calculator/calendar.
Can I get some advice please ladies??!! O day should be in 2 days time but I just did this opk and going by how dark the test line is, do you think I might O tomorrow??
Oh yeah! Awesome line!
I always O a day after I get a positive and my line is never as strong as yours is. Get busy and good luck!
Jeepers peanut that sounds like you've been through so much wow. What a strong woman you are. Sending all the baby dust possible your way.

Tobemum sorry I don't use OPKs so I am clueless.

Ladeda how exciting. I got watery cm on CD9 and thought I would O early as it dried up 2 days later but then a few days after that it came back on CD12 and blood tests confirmed I O'd on CD14 so we just BD'd every other day from CD8-14. So go go go for it!!
Dannypop - what a thriller! Hope you get your bfp tomorrow!! And thank you for saying that every journey counts.

My temp went back up a bit this morning. Had only two hours of uninterrupted sleep, so time will tell if I have o'ed or not.
AF due 9/12. Please add me!

Currently 9dpo with sharp cramping this morning (implantation, I hope). GL ladies! :thumbup:
Hi everyone! I'm 6 DPO today and hoping to hold off from testing until the day my AF is due (September 14th). I always give in and test early and go through a whole roller coaster of emotions. This time, I'd love to just go ahead and wait for 14 DPO to test. Fingers crossed I can keep my resolve.

This my second cycle for a second baby. The first cycle, we were trying really impulsively, and I knew that various factors were working against me, so it wasn't a huge shock when I saw a BFN. This time, I'm really letting myself hope that a BFP is likely. But I'm trying to be realistic and not get my hopes up TOO high.

Congratulations to those of you who already have your BFPs, and tons of good luck to those of you who are still waiting!
OK so Im not sure who else to turn to. I woke up this morning feeling down like this isn't my month, got to work and cried because I was down and my work load which normally doesn't phase me. I feel like I've been more clingy to DH the past couple days and my boobs and nipples in particular are so sore it hurts to walk. Do you think this due to the imminent arrival of AF and the decrease in progesterone from my 33 five days ago to AF ranges or could I seriously be having pregnancy symptoms. I just can't shake this feeling that I'm out this month. Please give me some advice.

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