September testers - 15 bfp!

So happy Weebles that it's all clear his side! That's a relief!

FF finally gave me cross hairs but I disagree with it,same as last month. I know I O'd Friday evening/Saturday. I'm sticking to my dpo count
Cat I like your thinking!

Weebles how fantastic! I know exactly how you feel about not wanting to make the call to hear the news ... No news is good news and all that, but luckily this news was excellent news!

Sorry Bfitz. At least she didn't keep you waiting till the day she was due and relived you of some of the tww stress

Baseball I have found ever since ttc my body reacts completely differently and more "potently". I never got sore boobs when not ttc but for the 6 cycles of ttc they were always sore making me think I was pregnant. I think it's all the sperm in our systems that produces some kind of "wake up" reaction in our bodies which is why we get much stronger symptoms while ttc. That's my theory ha ha!

Chocolate and Bluemoon your symptoms this whole time have sounded so good! Am expecting 2 BFPs soon!

Mamaplus2 and Belle good luck and fx for you both!!
Here's is a pic.. Any one else see something?
I'm gonna be the sour grape here and say that those new curved FRER are causing troubles allllllver the show cos they're almost TOO sensitive, and will pickup a faaaaiint line from normal non-pregnant levels of hormones.... So unless it's blazing obvious from them, I'd never trust a VF line on those. The older style straighter handle ones are fine.
I just checked my cervical position and its higher to where i cannot feel it much which is very different from earlier, so looks like i may be fertile now, or in my fertile window? anyways update later in my TWW
Flying that doesn't bother me at all honestly... I appreciate that. I just want out of limbo... I'm six days late for my AF which is really annoying.
So took the test this morning with fmu at 8dpo. Bfn ☺ In not sad about it cause it is still early. So plan is to test on sunday at 10dpo. Also I dont feel pg at all so.. but aint out till the which showes so I will test.
Baseball, I had ovulation spotting in the month right before I started TTC and it worried me at first. But all my research seemed to suggest it was normal and, actually, a good sign of fertility. So I don' think there's a reason to worry, though I bet you could talk to your doctor for peace of mind.

Catalyst - I'm sorry you didn't get your BFP yet, but 8 DPO is so, so early! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

As for me ... those stabbing pains between my hipbones that I felt yesterday came back with a vengeance last night. The first time, it was just a couple of strong twinges. Last night, on the couch, it happened repeatedly, several minutes apart or more. Just a fleeting but strong "pinch" or "jab." My husband even noticed that I was in discomfort.

If I get a BFN, I guess I'll have an extra mystery to solve: what could this be? I admit I'm REALLY getting my hopes up, especially with no AF cramps, which is crazy for me. But I'm aware that it could mean absolutely nothing.
Baseball, I had ovulation spotting in the month right before I started TTC and it worried me at first. But all my research seemed to suggest it was normal and, actually, a good sign of fertility. So I don' think there's a reason to worry, though I bet you could talk to your doctor for peace of mind.

Catalyst - I'm sorry you didn't get your BFP yet, but 8 DPO is so, so early! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

As for me ... those stabbing pains between my hipbones that I felt yesterday came back with a vengeance last night. The first time, it was just a couple of strong twinges. Last night, on the couch, it happened repeatedly, several minutes apart or more. Just a fleeting but strong "pinch" or "jab." My husband even noticed that I was in discomfort.

If I get a BFN, I guess I'll have an extra mystery to solve: what could this be? I admit I'm REALLY getting my hopes up, especially with no AF cramps, which is crazy for me. But I'm aware that it could mean absolutely nothing.

Haha I know. Thats why I wasnt the slightest surprised or sad.
I'm sorry chocolate :( I started spotting this morning. It was light, but it was there. Fully prepared for AF to arrive on Monday, but that doesn't make it any less devastating. Going to start cycle 13 off right, will be seeing an acupuncturist who specializes in infertility.
Good morning ladies!

Sorry to everyone the witch has gotten :-(

Bfn this am at 12dpo. Thinking this is not our month. CP has been getting higher this past week. It's my grand mothers birthday on Sunday (may she RIP) and I don't think anything would make me happier than getting such great news and feel like she's with us for it. Here's hoping for another test if she hasn't got me by then.

And if she does it just means I can kick back for a few beverages on my birthday this Wednesday :)

Here's hoping for all of you lovely ladies! I think we're a little overdue for a few BFP's!
Sorry if this posts twice- my phone is being really weird! Anyway, 10 dpo today and a BFN. Boo! Not feeling too pregnant, but I had kind of stopped feeling pregnant around this time the last time I actually did end up with a BFP which I didn't even get until a couple days after AF was supposed to arrive. I did have another temp drop today though. Ugh- trying not to lose all hope yet!!
Sorry for all who the witch caught this month :(

Woke up this morning (9dpo) and my bb's barely hurt at all... thinking i'm out this month already. It's so hard to not get disappointed when you've invested so much into one cycle.
Sorry you feel that way, but some dotn get any symptoms that early, and that is a symptom in it self. So... I tested today at 8dpo (think I got excited by all the early bfp in the group! :) ) and I feel like you, that I am out. But still I am going to hope that I am wrong cause AF hasnt shown herself, and untill she does we aint out!! :D

So keep hoping, I know it can be hard at times. Fx that you are one of them that get no symptoms :D
I hope you don't mind me joining in. I will catch up after this posts.

So I'm currently 4 DPO. DH and dtd Saturday and I had a positive OPK on Monday. Unfortunately we didn't end up dtd because he had digestive issues 🙄. This is our first month trying and I hope we caught the egg. If not at least I know I am Oing because I didn't think I was since I still nurse my son a ton.

Fx to you all and I'm sorry for anyone the witch has caught.
Sorry the witch got you chocolatechip. :(

I've still got my fingers crossed for you belle. Spotting doesn't soften the blow of AF at all but I hope you're still in.

Dannypop, that makes so much sense, about how it could be seman causing all the strong symptoms during the tww! I just read an article on the effects of seman.. How it can cause spontaneous ovulation in some species and how it effects even the uterine lining, and also how scientists have reason to believe it causes changes in people as well. Makes total sense and makes me feel a little less crazy too.
So nauseated today, and feeling like I have started af or peed myself. Lol loads od cm creamy and white, tmi. Every other symptoms s still around too. But, today real nauseated. If my light spotting last weekend was just a weird light, almost non existent af, then I should not have this c, and feeling like this. Confused to say the least
Thank you Weebles, Dannypop and Second.time for replying back! It is so hard to understand what your body is doing but I do agree that when you are TTC you notice every little thing and you wonder/worry if it's a good sign or not. I did read also that ovulation spotting can be a sign of fertility so I'm hoping for a BFP this cycle. We didn't get to BD last night because we lost power right at bedtime and my son was upset by it and not having his night light/fan that I laid down with him and fell asleep! I did notice this morning that I have the armpit/side boob pain and today when I wiped it was more CM that was more brownish/yellowish. We will BD tonight and every other day for a while and hopefully we caught the egg. Baby Dust to all!
I hope something is going on.. Because I literally am so annoyed with everything and everyone today..
Sorry the witch got you chocolatechip. :(

I've still got my fingers crossed for you belle. Spotting doesn't soften the blow of AF at all but I hope you're still in.

Dannypop, that makes so much sense, about how it could be seman causing all the strong symptoms during the tww! I just read an article on the effects of seman.. How it can cause spontaneous ovulation in some species and how it effects even the uterine lining, and also how scientists have reason to believe it causes changes in people as well. Makes total sense and makes me feel a little less crazy too.

Tee Hee and that was just my little theory plucked from my short experience of this ttc lark! Maybe I should consider retraining as a medic :haha:

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