September testers - 15 bfp!

Good luck weebles! Congrats ppl with bfps :). xxx
Yesterday was bittersweet for me as I got a bfp and then started bleeding at the same time! now testing negative and onto cycle 15.. I'm having the HSG done on my predicted ovulation day so don't hold too much hope for next cycle either ha! 2 chemicals in a row. 10 day luteal and sloping temps after initial spike I think is causing problems. Good luck ladies, will be following u on ur journeys xxxxx
So confused now, I was having loads of cm, loads. Now mostly dried up, white and stickier. Slight cramping like I have been having, nausea is ba k and headache. I am u sure what to think now!! Af coming next week or does this happen in early pregnancy? I tried to look it up, but I do t follow most women's cm cycle. Min is difgerent. Internet says that some wo en do dry up around implantation, but to go from hours ago wet and lots to drier is weird. Opinions? I am now lost
So confused now, I was having loads of cm, loads. Now mostly dried up, white and stickier. Slight cramping like I have been having, nausea is ba k and headache. I am u sure what to think now!! Af coming next week or does this happen in early pregnancy? I tried to look it up, but I do t follow most women's cm cycle. Min is difgerent. Internet says that some wo en do dry up around implantation, but to go from hours ago wet and lots to drier is weird. Opinions? I am now lost
Hi Peanutmomma,

I had no CM when I was preg with my dd, nothing, not a drop! My sister said "prepare yourself for lots of cm" and it never happened. I think every woman is different. I also did not bleed a single day from the day my dd was born until the time that I stopped breast feeding, at 9 months.
Good luck weebles! Congrats ppl with bfps :). xxx
Yesterday was bittersweet for me as I got a bfp and then started bleeding at the same time! now testing negative and onto cycle 15.. I'm having the HSG done on my predicted ovulation day so don't hold too much hope for next cycle either ha! 2 chemicals in a row. 10 day luteal and sloping temps after initial spike I think is causing problems. Good luck ladies, will be following u on ur journeys xxxxx

Oh bollocks. :( What a horrible thing to happen. :(
Hello all. I havent been here much the past days. Took a trip and then back and also just been busy.
Im on cd 6 now so It moves fast. Just about 10 days till I start doing OPK, maby 9 days. Hope this cycle will be similar to last as it was 31 days, had been 35 the few past months before ttc.
Hows everyone doing today?
Jelkybaby, I'm sorry that happened, how awful. I'm wondering why you are having an HSG though, since you are able to conceive it doesn't seem like blocked tubes an issue.

Hope you had fun catalyst!

Peanut, I was several weeks along before I noticed anything different with my cm when I was pregnant with my son. I think it's too early to mean anything either way.

BFN this morning but holy temp spike! Even though I haven't been diligent about it this month it's pretty obvious what day I ovulated and if it stays this high it'd be triphastic.
Hi ladies, I have a, possibly strange, question.... if you feel your uterus internally, what should it feel like at 4weeks? Hard or soft?
Do you mean your cervix? Supposedly it should be soft and high, though there's some variation among women as to when in pregnancy this actually occurs.
I can feel my uterus internally past my cervix (at least I think that's what I feel) I gets hard and quite tender when AF is there. Not sure what it felt like when I got my bfp.
Jelly, I'm so sorry about your chemical. Bittersweet indeed. Hope this next cycle is the sticky one.

Peanut, I'm 5 weeks 4 days pregnant today, and ever since BFP at 8DPO I haven't had any CM. I've been waiting for the loads of it everyone says they get, but nope, nada. Normally I would have sticky, springy, slightly stretchy CM in the TWW, but pregnancy dried it up.

Weebles, whoa that's a beautiful spike! I hope this is it for you girly. If you had implantation yesterday leading to the spike today, perhaps in a couple of days you'll have your BFP. Fingers crossed.

Angelique, my cervix never does what everyone says it's supposed to do. I'm pregnant and it is not soft and high... it is still fairly low and medium to firm. Not going to poke around to feel if it's closed or open because I'm paranoid to mess with anything too much.

Catalyst, I hope this cycle zooms by quickly for you and you're bd'ing before you know it!
Peanut - I just remembered sth. I have read when you are pregnant you can feel a pulse when touching your cervix as blood flow is increases. I could when I was pregnant. Not to get everyone's hopes up it might not be a sure sign, but maybe a fun experiment. Hope you get clarity soon!
Do you mean your cervix? Supposedly it should be soft and high, though there's some variation among women as to when in pregnancy this actually occurs.
LOL, yes, thank you... I do mean cervix. My AF is still a no-show and I felt for my cervix, I could just reach it and it feels firm. I could not feel the opening. I am driving myself completely nuts as HPT's have been negative up until 13dpo. I have not tested again.
Hehe, no problemo. How many days late are you, and what dpo are you now? Take another test, go on! It's not uncommon for people to get a negative result until the day they miss AF and beyond!
Thanks ladies. I just can't remember what it was like prior to bfp with dd. And, I usually get the thicker white sticky cm a day or 2 prior to af. This morning, it has increased, still thick but more of it.
I also didn't really bleed post dd in 2013, I started to 2 months after. But I had a cesarean and they were nice enough whilst I was knocked out to vacuum me out. So, the next day I didn't even bleed.
Bbs still sore, but not as bad today, cervix high, closed, seems not as soft. Hips hurt some, BB pain a lot more in arm pirs today.
Peanut - I just remembered sth. I have read when you are pregnant you can feel a pulse when touching your cervix as blood flow is increases. I could when I was pregnant. Not to get everyone's hopes up it might not be a sure sign, but maybe a fun experiment. Hope you get clarity soon!

Ooh, interesting info! Weirdly DISGUSTING though ... I think if I were experiencing morning nausea, feeling my cervix throbbing would be enough to tip me into full blown vomiting lol. I'm so going to try it though, if I am pregnant ... morbid curiosity always gets me.
You. Can also feel your heartbeat at tip of cervix when aroused
Hehe, no problemo. How many days late are you, and what dpo are you now? Take another test, go on! It's not uncommon for people to get a negative result until the day they miss AF and beyond!
Thank you Meep, I am only a day late now. LOL. I will test in another day or two. bb remain sore but not getting worse.

Maybe another test in the a.m. :)

It's so nice to have support :)
Tell me who is more excited and hoping for a bfp soon, dh or me? Lol Dh decided if he starts to kiss my lower belly and talk to it saying, "listen, this is daddy, you need to stick in there, stick and embed real well. Also, baby, you have to show you are there. Secrete the hormone so mommy and I know you're in there. You are our baby so you will be stubborn but, you must prove you are their" he woke me up like that this morning. He works overnights, so he wakes me when he gets home. I asked what he was doing. He said, maybe if he talks to my belly it will ,isten. He is so overly convinced that I am pregnant. Lots of symptoms, but bfn tests. So, yeah poas maybe friday, most likely Saturday then I'll be 6 days before af
Angelique - good luck! Definitely do that test! :D

peanut - LOL, I wish my OH was so eager!!

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