i love the ring stardust
"friend" told me that "for christs sake sam your pregnant not ill"
gah yeah friend! who wants me walking past the street where most of the rapes that occur in our town, happen.
and what i meant by especially pregnant, is that i'd be risking two lives by doing so, not just one x
Also have you decided when your going to start mat leave? I've been thinking about mine.
erm firegal you around hun? finally got round to looking at your pics and *wolf whistles* at those pole pics! how the fook do you get yourself in those postions without falling down?! i didnt know you taught it either! we have a pole dancing place here that teaches just for fun me thinks might give it a go after bubs is born and try and tone my flabby saggy stomach up pmsl.
I know isnt she amazing! I havent been doin it long, but damn I wana be as good as her!!!