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Hmm... ill ring the hosp on tues, my MW is about as much use as rockin horse poo!!
sez u with ur cushion masterbatin hub?![]()
lmao has he gotten over you posting last night?
haha i cant believe u posted that
Marg_27 says:
erm, yh, well, the thing is... erm... I was jus about to take a pick when a...errm.. squirrel ran in and said 'scuse me mrs, can u help, my friend Michael jackson is gettin abducted by aliens!' So I ran outside to find the little sod was lyin, when I turned round he'd ran off WITH MY CAMERA!! So yh, thats err why I havent, erm, posted a pic yet...
i can completely see there that marg is 100%telling the truth